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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    Fi Products on sale

  2. Shogen

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Whaaaaaaaaa ........
  3. Shogen

    2007 Civic, P99RS, Seas, JL Audio and DSS

    Awesome finish on the box. Looks amazing Eric
  4. Amazing batteries fists off, bit yes they'll need to be charged well so they can support the system. What I'd any aftermarket alt do you have in your car?
  5. Shogen

    reconing SSA Icon from a 12 to a 18

    Huge upgrade in cone area. Should come out sounding great
  6. Shogen

    ORDER 1174

    Sundown subs usually are hot ticket items maybe the backorder went a bit further than stated? Not sure why they didn't advise you about it though. Someone who handles there orders should come in during normal east coast business hours
  7. Sound like a nice setup... How many batteries are you going to run?
  8. Shogen

    ORDER 1174

    Sorry to great man, what subs did you order?
  9. Shogen

    Bassink's 2014 Fusion

    Very legit install rique!!! Box work is amazing and trunk looks so clean.. Hook a brother up with a 15 when you sell. Lol
  10. Why did you need two 2500s? How ware you installing that team fi sub?
  11. If your amp is overheating it would shut off. Cheap amp or not they react the sans way to bad power. Check voltage at amp first before putting a new one in and damaging it
  12. Shogen

    Fat burning, protein, carbs, and pre-workout.

    More hiit style workouts...would help (full body)
  13. Shogen

    Buick Century - active 3way + sub w/ nexus 7

    Ahhh, didn't know he was carrying that now No need for CCF on the roof, Thinsulate is pretty much the only thing you can use that actually absorbs sound for a car installation. Foam would have to be much thicker. http://www.sounddeadenershowdown.com/how-to/roof
  14. Shogen

    Happy Birthday Alton!

    Happy birfday good sir!! Love your community involvement
  15. Shogen

    2007 Civic, P99RS, Seas, JL Audio and DSS

    You're moving too slow! Lol
  16. Shogen

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    oh LORD!!! get it Sen!!!
  17. Shogen

    2007 Civic, P99RS, Seas, JL Audio and DSS

    Looking extremely good
  18. Shogen

    ported sub-floor

    Waiting to see more
  19. Shogen

    18 inch DSS Ethos

    Gonna be around 4-4.5 feet. I still have to extrapolate parameters. Why is it that your subs are on the very small side as far as enclosure recommendations? almost half what most companies recommend for similar woofers. Just curiosity. Great research and ingenuity
  20. Shogen

    15' mayhems surface and volumes

    Ooooooo I missed that in the title. My bad. Alton is your man, hopefully he sees this
  21. Shogen

    15' mayhems surface and volumes

    First.. What size mayhem, how much space do you have??
  22. Shogen

    15' mayhems surface and volumes

  23. Shogen

    OMG What you got back there? :)
