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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    Flexin out the Q

    Different goals ... And not ALL Stetsom amplifiers do not have a SSF setting on them... You can def do sealed using their amplifiers and require no SSF.... And honestly you shouldn't worry about that since YOUR setup will require it... Turn the SSF dial to about 30hz... I don't know your range on that AQ but if it is 10-50hz then I'd go just past middle @ 1-2 o'clock (I'm guessing here. don't have any experience with that amplifier)
  2. Shogen

    Flexin out the Q

    What is your enclosure tuned to? I'd recommend no lower than 3hz below tuning on the SSF to be safe... Some people maybe say 4-5hz but hey, DO YOU WANT TO CHANCE IT???
  3. Shogen

    Flexin out the Q

    I'd be careful about that.. Not sure where you heard that information but if this was true then None of these Fi or SSA or AA or SD or IA subwoofers would ever get damaged then... All companies have "high excursion" subwoofers and NONE would recommend porting without the use of a proper SSF setting... Ask around man... I am scared for your subwoofer....
  4. Shogen

    Flexin out the Q

    nice one man!!!
  5. Shogen

    Commercial Cable in Car Audio?

    I'm not interested in buying this DLO it was just something to look at... lol I'm always gonna go with weldingsupply.com ... No sense in going anywhere else unless they jack their shyt up ..
  6. Adrian, I would like to order 2 - 8" flange ports primered as well please.... Let me know bro .... Thanks!!! - Danny Inside primed, outside primed? or both? OOOOOPS! Just the insides.... Thanks Stef .. I missed that..
  7. Adrian, I would like to order 2 - 8" flange ports primered as well please.... Let me know bro .... Thanks!!! - Danny
  8. Shogen

    Commercial Cable in Car Audio?

    That DLO wire looks nice but not much less than welding supply.com wire.... But possibly more durable jacket from the photos I see... Anyway, they most I think I'll need it 2/0 wire for my application sooo ... no worries.
  9. Shogen

    Batt is dead I think!

    I went with a group 65, will probably get a group 34 under the hood at some point... Just not fancying the look of my Kinetik battery anymore and whatever... lol
  10. Looking for experience with C&D brand batteries. Specs look better than kinetic and on par or better than XS for the price. $350 for 135ah and advertised floating voltage of 13v plus. Or $245 for 100ah. Not sure what shipping costs are yet as I'm still mobile. I will be having my Mechman alternator shipped back to them for some diode adjustments to bring turn on rpm down to about 550 engine rpms. I believe I'll be rock solid with one group 31 or larger battery plus the kinetic hc1800 under the hood. I'm almost tempted to do 2 of the 100ah batteries and run some 2/0 wire straight from alternator to rear. Thoughts???
  11. Shogen

    Batt is dead I think!

    Yes, $200 is not badd for a 4yr warranty ... also they have a group 31 for $380 with a 3yr warranty..
  12. Shogen

    PorkChop representing Team SSA proudly!

    insane!!! looks great!
  13. Shogen

    Batt is dead I think!

    you go with the Platinum ?? I have a P-2 in the trunk right now... It is nice to have a 4yr warranty on it...
  14. They quoted me $150 to ship a group 31 and I believe it was $180 for the 4-d.... FAIL! :-(
  15. Shogen

    Battery Ratings and Info

    Apparently cca and ah are related somewhat. So higher cca should be more of the goal. At least I was told this in my battery thread. Look in the automotive section. Mobile right now sry
  16. Shogen

    2- IB315 in the trunk

    Ahhh... I see...
  17. Shogen

    2- IB315 in the trunk

    nice stuff edub... what's the crossovers look like on them amps?
  18. Shogen

    FrostedFlakeJake's Picture a Day

    great shots flake... I don't know why but I don't get along with sepia photos... lol
  19. Shogen

    Small Xcon build

    toilet bowl???
  20. Shogen

    is this site legit

    sundown has free shipping on SSA as well... I'm almost positive
  21. Shogen

    ZCON 15 enclosure build log

    Nice edub!!! Want to see this new box.. Thinking of doing 8" aero for my Xcon.... Gonna be buying a hole pro probably... Hope 8" aero isn't too much for my 15" Xcon on 2k...
  22. Shogen

    2 18" ZCON's on a Digital Designs M4a!!!

  23. Shogen

    Nikon D800 :)

    When I can fill up the whole 64GB or 32GB memory card without a "sensor warning", then I'll looking into doing MORE video... It is great for short clips though, but depending on the camera can be cumbersome. .. All I'm saying...