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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    Real estate agents or savvy people... HELP!

    Hmmm. Well a current job offer is likely in Pennsylvania but Philly. Is it far from your area? 3.5-4 hours depending on where in Philly. poop....lol.. Will be discussing pay with this company on Tuesday.... If it pays well, I maybe me a PA resident.... lol ... So long Jersey ladies and hello PA booty.
  2. Shogen

    DIY MP3 Radio

    I hope these sound good.. They look pretty amazing...
  3. I get what you guys are saying... Same reasons why people still stick to the idea of using a separate amplifier for stereo equipment and an A/V receiver for home theater application... So what is the crowd favorite for EQs? MS8?
  4. Shogen

    6 15" Obsidian's and 10k......the rebuild!

    looks scary!!!
  5. Possible typo? Would be normal to see about 85-87% efficiency on class A/B amplifiers... But if it is 55% then... brakes!!
  6. Shogen

    FrostedFlakeJake's Picture a Day

    I like this more......
  7. Shogen

    FrostedFlakeJake's Picture a Day

    THANKS!!! lol
  8. Shogen

    FrostedFlakeJake's Picture a Day

    Shyt that last bike and sunset are insanity!!!!!
  9. Shogen

    Real estate agents or savvy people... HELP!

    Hmmm. Well a current job offer is likely in Pennsylvania but Philly. Is it far from your area?
  10. Shogen

    Help us welcome SPL-Labs to the forum

  11. Shogen

    Real estate agents or savvy people... HELP!

    Both to be honest, but the latter being most important... I have some monies saved up and some possibly coming to me and I cannot stay at home anymore... Plus getting kinda serious with the lady so might have a +1 ... lol
  12. Shogen

    Real estate agents or savvy people... HELP!

    Oh, didn't think of that... I was searching online thinking it'd be the best place to get it... So, if I want information on different counties for example.. I'd have to visit their municipal building for records??? Thanks TIre...
  13. Shogen

    Subsonic Titanic

    nice... lol.. just in time for the re-release of the movie
  14. Shogen

    BTL15 First (Re)Build Log

    very good work.!!! more info on the "splatter paint" ... PLEASE
  15. Shogen

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

  16. So I went on a well deserved vacation to Myrtle Beach with my lady and we visited her grandparents there. Here are some photos of the things we did... :
  17. Is Alfa part of Fiat? believe so sir
  18. Shogen

    Myrtle Beach 2012 - Photo fun

    trip was mainly to visit the lady's grandparents and also get away from normal life...
  19. Shogen

    Myrtle Beach 2012 - Photo fun

    SHYT!! I don't plan shyt out properly... I forgot/didn't realize you were that close to me... I don't know if I can make the trip again soon...
  20. Shogen

    Santa Fe Rebuild. Lots of new toys.

  21. Shogen

    2- IB315 in the trunk

    I do not have a set date. It is going to take a lot of work. One of the hold ups was getting a DSP. I was looking at the 3sixty.3 or ARC MS8 which have not been released yet. I am seriously thinking about buying a Pioneer DEX-P99RS. I think I will love that unit. I would like to have the sub playing within a month and the front stage done by a month after that. So hopefully May-June it will be done. Good stuff! Honestly if you need a helping hand let me know. I'll work for pizza. I'm laid off so I have nothing to do and I'm dying here.