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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Reminds me of my 89 944 Turbo
  2. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wheels are WAY too big otherwise even though it's a GM I think it's hot.
  3. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ha, come to Boston. ROFL
  4. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If there was a word stronger than loath, despise, or hate it would come close to how I feel about pedal bikers on the roads here in MN.Most inconsiderate, do what they want, over protected group of shit fuck ass tards out there. I'm sure you don't break the laws and endanger yourself like they do, but here their protection from doing wrong is so far out there.I'm mad just thinking about them.:-D I am not one of those although I bike. That being said I've been hit by a car twice. Riding 4 side by side is gay, inefficient and ruins the sport. Tuck in a line and stay in the bike lane or REALLY far over. What is 4 side by side? If there is a lane and they are not in it, it makes me upset. If there is no lane, and they want to keep up with the flow and can, fine, I can try to tolerate them then too.... But the ones who pass all the cars between car lanes at a stop..... Or blow red lights/stop signs..... I know how much it sucks to slow down only to speed back up. It is hard. And yes thank you for saving the environment blah blah blah. When that driver smashes you because you went straight in the right turn lane to get around someone or blew a red light its not just over for you. That driver will have to live knowing what happened. Makes me mad. Lol I get pissed about weird things. I ride by the lake. There is a HUGE lane there. Fuckers instead ride 4 up taking ove rthe whole road. I have NO TOLERANCE for htat.
  5. ///M5

    10" GCON versus 10" Fi Q

    If you get "more" but can't use it, is it worth the extra money? ie, if the results are the same for less how do you rationalize spending more?
  6. Shouldn't be a problem, but there also isn't really an audible difference between those so the smaller ought to be effective enough.
  7. ///M5

    Wiring Super Tweeters

    Interesting comment considering you run a pair and had a lot to offer. Everyone always laughs at the guy with 64 Dayton Neo tweets on his dash, but balance wise a pair of those is similar in output. The Dayton's will sound better thugh.
  8. ///M5

    4th order help

    You are reading posts from a bunch of confused people. It is absolutely not a good design for most of those installs. In that application as the compromise is ridiculous. Those boxes have their places and in your particular application CAN be a good idea but the box design and implementation must be done correctly. Direct firing into cabin from trunk is reason I'd support to run that alignment, but for "moving air" and playing loud and low there are other more logical ways to reach those goals.
  9. ///M5

    10" GCON versus 10" Fi Q

    Haven't compared the 10's, but if it were 15's I'd buy the Gcon based on the performance/$ ratio
  10. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If there was a word stronger than loath, despise, or hate it would come close to how I feel about pedal bikers on the roads here in MN.Most inconsiderate, do what they want, over protected group of shit fuck ass tards out there. I'm sure you don't break the laws and endanger yourself like they do, but here their protection from doing wrong is so far out there.I'm mad just thinking about them.:-D I am not one of those although I bike. That being said I've been hit by a car twice. Riding 4 side by side is gay, inefficient and ruins the sport. Tuck in a line and stay in the bike lane or REALLY far over.
  11. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If I had some I wouldn't share
  12. Are you lucky and the processing done on the amps in that car? If so there are plenty of ways to solve concerns without. I can't say I am the biggest fan of it, but if you have to undo the done then perhaps it has a fit.
  13. ///M5

    Bc 3500

    Huh? Are you seriously arguing this? I = V/R Now I changes so where do you set the V? Really fucking simple the ONLY way to do it is dynamically but there is no such thing so you can't. Add to that it is a horribly stupid idea anyways. If all music was recorded with the same dynamics and peak then fine (although that would be REALLY boring). Since it isn't, then how do you pick your source level? Citing that JL offers this is absurd as well. I can 100% guarantee that NONE of their engineers would use that method and YES I've worked with them. Completely asinine to think differently. Not sure what is worse here. The complete lack of understanding or the role that the non-understanding person actually has in life. 95Honda's argumentation was rather easy to follow and super far from saying the same thing I can't begin how to comprehend that was even felt. And to the OP. Seriously that method is absolutely terrible. As for gain setting that all comes down to your goals. If those aren't defined the method can't be, but the one prescribed to you by Audibel will just get you in trouble if you think you are "safe" using it. Absolutely nonsense.
  14. ///M5

    Death Penalty 18s

    That is your first mistake right there. The second you can determine once you peak at the drivers.
  15. Ah, the units you are choosing between are quite a downgrade...but if you listen to cd's not having eject is sort of a deal breaker and I can't say I was ever enamored with the glide touch. In that price range a used Pio 880 would be the closest replacement without getting older.
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    7 hours to Europe would have been hell
  17. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Picked the flights based on their nap time. FAIL. Tanner just got fussy and stayed awake until the tires hit hte tarmac. WTF!
  18. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh?? What sent you out there? I'm in Germany next week and didn't want two away from the fam. Being we are having meetings in downtown and it's a walking city it seemed fitting. 7 hours is too long for a 14mo old on the plane...
  19. ///M5

    Wiring Super Tweeters

    You need a crossover that matches the impedance of whatever final load you have. I don't mean whatever final load you theoretically have but what you actually have. And using 4 super tweeters is asinine. I suppose you'll tell us you have 32 mids to blend with them too. They aren't called super since the sound super btw.
  20. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bumblefuck getting the family to Boston, but we're here.
  21. ///M5

    Subwoofer Enclosure Material

    Not for strength if you are putting it on mdf
  22. Pretty much can't use an 8 for sub bass IB.
  23. ///M5

    new subs?

    Depends on your definition of loud. I'm sure you'd love the Xcon though.
  24. Huh? You have an Icon & an RD and have a box but aren't using it? What's the question?
  25. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Read the ingredients and make your own