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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    dd-1 or scope???

    This is the most helpful post ive read on the DD-1, I was dumb and blew the money on one. Its got some uses but not many because music also has more distortion than a sine wave. I can set my gains with the DD1 on sine waves but as soon as I put on music to check it, its showing distortion. Only really thing ive liked it for is for testing songs to see which have a lot of inaudible distortion. Also makes you look more professional when you pull out it to tune someone's system. Although I just tune it by ear any ways. Actually doesn't work for that either. The algorithm shows any non-excitation frequency as distortion since it isn't truly even measuring THD. As for the other uses you think it has, I am interested but I doubt you'll like my retort. OK I understand, Least it looks good in my toolbox, and no M5 I respect your knowledge and have learned a great deal from reading your posts. Would love some of your knowledge on front stages for my build. Glad I can help the learning. As for the front stage, just make a thread As for the looks good in your toolbox, well it'd look better if you sold it and had some cash. I'm sure some SMD boneriffic follower will gladly buy it from you. I am still interested in what other things you've been encouraged to use it for as good uses. Since this thread will be helpful to others confused by the misconceptions laid out on SMD I'd gladly diffuse those uses. At the same time, if you had a valid one I'd also embrace it. Surely keep them in the third person as my goal is not at all to call you out, but only to help others perceive the real reality in how they would waste their money if they bought it.
  2. You never use it for the wrong reasons. I'll tell you something I've never used. I've never used speaker wire as big as 12ga. WAY ridiculous.
  3. ///M5

    ssa gcons

    Of course, which is why it is a terrible descriptor to be used in a thread. If your deaf, what I like and you won't be the same. Case in point: No you haven't. Not when it was truly outputting 5,000w+ watts. That will NEVER sound good. Loud, sure. Clear, perhaps. Good, not possible. I should repost as well as clarify. There are more than one type of bandpass, I am assuming you mean 4th order. If so, that isn't the goal of the enclosure. Very simply they are designed to provide a mechanical (instead of electrical) pass band that only allows certain frequencies to pass. The convenient and inconvenient part is that all the sound comes out the port. The reason this is convenient is that you can fire something from say a trunk into a car with no losses. The inconvenient reasons I don't need to post. As for sounding good, no matter what the pass band on a 4thBP will be narrower than a standard ported alignment and unless you make it really narrow you gain no output. You can't have both. Pick output or a wider band. This makes them very difficult to "sound good" when the good encompasses blending with a front stage. If it's a one note wonder you are looking for it can be done. As for building one into a wall it's absolutely stupid.
  4. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

  5. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And yes, the ultra high pressure were for large diesels not consumer vehicles
  6. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've done some work on pindles on injectors that work at 30,000psi. Also thought the rest of the Germans went direct as well, surprised they aren't on your list. Of course it could be the upcoming model releases as well as I mix engineering news with reality periodically.
  7. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    F. Hills? What position?
  8. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    im amazed by this. not that i would complain but what's the reasoning behind higher speed limits? Better question is what is the reason behind the slower speed limits elsewhere. And yes, there is one logical answer and that is road conditions. Outside of that it's bullshit. Of course I somewhat ignore what is posted anyways.
  9. ///M5

    ssa gcons

    4th order bandpasses rarely make sense ever and for your application not at all. If that was the case, you seriously had a crap box for the Fi Q, sacrificed a ton of FR, or have a strange definition of "low end"
  10. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I know a few people who can't/shouldn't. Pretty much have a rule not to ride with them.
  11. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ha, 11? I bought mine in 1991 IIRC.
  12. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    First gens' with the folded surround? Basically a pro audio driver so shoehorning into a Z3 really isn't going to happen. Yeah, 1500gti. As far as I could tell and simulate, I can fit a 5 cube sealed box, which should yield a qtc of 0.65 with 2 1500 gti's It's a Z3 coupe They really like ported. And don't expect a fat bottom end, but output you will have. Almost ran mine in the boat...but just couldn't kill it that way.
  13. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Might have to remind me before I go although this isn't something I'd forget. Funny since I had first heard about it only a month ago. Have you ever actually been to Japan? Only once this year Your away from home the majority of the year, correct? I wouldn't mind seeing different parts of the world, but too long away from home would be hard I imagine. It wasn't getting old until I reproduced.
  14. ///M5

    dd-1 or scope???

    This is the most helpful post ive read on the DD-1, I was dumb and blew the money on one. Its got some uses but not many because music also has more distortion than a sine wave. I can set my gains with the DD1 on sine waves but as soon as I put on music to check it, its showing distortion. Only really thing ive liked it for is for testing songs to see which have a lot of inaudible distortion. Also makes you look more professional when you pull out it to tune someone's system. Although I just tune it by ear any ways. Actually doesn't work for that either. The algorithm shows any non-excitation frequency as distortion since it isn't truly even measuring THD. As for the other uses you think it has, I am interested but I doubt you'll like my retort.
  15. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Might have to remind me before I go although this isn't something I'd forget. Funny since I had first heard about it only a month ago. Have you ever actually been to Japan? Only once this year
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Make sure that you call the H Inn and tell them that you are working with XXX. Where XXX is the biggest company near that H Inn. Guarantee the corporate rate will save you $$$
  17. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Somewhat variable. I refuse to rule of thumb. That being said exceeding 30m/s isn't something I'd do Of course what you could do is give them a check box with three choices. 10m/s, 30m/s, and 50m/s Reason being if someone isn't regularly wailing on something and can deal with a little port noise/compression when they do the higher velocity might be fine. Personally my shit is never maxed so it probably wouldn't matter.
  18. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Might have to remind me before I go although this isn't something I'd forget. Funny since I had first heard about it only a month ago.
  19. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    First gens' with the folded surround? Basically a pro audio driver so shoehorning into a Z3 really isn't going to happen.
  20. ///M5

    dd-1 or scope???

    Well then the DD-1 is even more useless. Steve himself on here said that would be a poor use for it. Conveniently that matches with the fact it isn't useful for anything. An oscope won't help you win comps either btw. First and foremost you need to learn to hear/smell and know when to turn things down.
  21. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Reservations required more than a month ahead of time.
  22. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's why it sounded familiar. A sushi chef here in town recommended it as well. No menu, you get what he serves and that's it. 3 Michelin stars and probably $300+ to eat there. Next time I am in Japan I am going.
  23. ///M5

    RF Pro Audio Mids

    Technical? Are you kidding? I only asked you for the parameters of the install. You can't shop for subs without a box, this is exactly the same. The only thing that is making this difficult is an OP that is too stubborn to actually post helpful information so that we can point you in the right direction. From your goals earlier a pair of 6.5's and some tweets won't fill them, not even close. If you are too lazy to spend some time helping us help you there isn't much we can do.
  24. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No, where are they?
  25. ///M5

    Test results 600 Watt subs

    Ahh, shucks. Start simple. How do you figure out the length of something with a measuring tape?