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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And clear gas too!
  2. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bummer is I actually prefer the white hood. Oh, well, once I polish up the tunnel, change the springs to white, yank the stickers, and get rid of the red hyfax it'll look a lot better.
  3. ///M5

    will my amp be underpowered?

    You have an alternator right? Amps run on 12v or alt power which is above 14v
  4. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I need a tail light, any ideas? Thought since you guys like pics I'd just post the thread I am about to post on the IQR Forum *********************************************************************************************************************************** New owner of an 07 IQR. Looking for idea’s on a couple things. The sled is trail converted and will be ridden 95% of the time in the MN/WI flatlands. (details on the sled in the next post) First thing I need is a tail light. The stock one is hidden by the Mountain Addiction gas can rack. Long term I’d like to install a larger hidden cooler in the tunnel and move the rack forward, but that is a next summer project. I’ve searched for threads on custom bumpers with LED’s or other similar configurations and haven’t come up with any good ideas. You guys have any? *Gas rack is mounted to an aluminum plate bolted to the tunnel* I also need some plastic to make a vent. One of my vents is missing. Any ideas on what sort of thin black plastic I could use? The Coolant Y coming off the motor was plugged, but leaks a bit onto the block. What is the best way to block off this second coolant path? Details on the sled: Drivetrain: Carl’s 660HO: Original owner bought the sled new in 2007 along with a 600HO. 600HO was sent to Carl’s before installation. The cylinders and case's are fully ported and the sled runs on 87 octane pump gas. (440 was sold off with zero miles.) ~2500mi on 660 and chassis 40MM Carbs Oil injection Dyno Port Single Pipe/Can that is ceramic coated Perc (Reverse) Koso EGT's – set to flash at 1250 Digital Eng Temp Gauge Carb Setup for MN (1000’): Main 380, Needle #3, Pilots 50, Fuel 1 turn out from sealed Clutch setup: Maroon EPI 185/320, 10/62 EPI Belly Buster’s, Black/White Secondary 160/260, 62-42-36 Gearing: 21/41 with 74p chain Shocks are stock 2007 with stock springs Body: 11.5 Trail tank Rox Hand Guards Black C&A Razors Brad's 1.5" Shortened Spindles Studded Ripsaw 1.25” Mountain Addiction track rack (2 1.3 gal gas cans) Argyle wrap Pictures as purchased: Pre-wrap: Current Projects: Fly/Rox 5.5”-8.25” Riser (I’m 6’7” and 220lbs) – haven’t ordered cable extensions yet as the riser is in the mail Sticker removal/clean up of tunnel Storage additions: map bag, wps goggle bag, large clutch cover bag Shocks are at Deycore being revalved for the trail, switching to 130# white springs Scratchers being added GPS/Phone mount New tail light I’m very open to anything else you guys would recommend that I do including cosmetic comments
  5. Not sure where and why you've read you need a notch filter....unless of course you are looking at exotic cones with uber nasty breakup modes. If that's the case you should stop and use something else to run active first. Electronically it is rather easy IF you have a processor that allows it.
  6. Whether you pay for shipping or not, you are paying for shipping. This INCLUDES when you buy from a brick and mortar store as they also have to ship stuff. And obviously not paying for store front markup saves you a ton. If it puts things out of your budget then you should have started with a less expensive driver.
  7. Wasn't talking about the subwoofer drivers ... In any way And I'm sure you know this, but thank you for your explanation ... Helps me out a lot. Thank you Actually I wasn't sure what you were referring to. You made the statement implying that because J ran big subs in his doors that his stage was going to be pulled down and if he had less cone area that wouldn't be the case. Still curious why you thought differently.
  8. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that is the most bad ass dog leash i have ever seen and if i had a dog i would really want one! i think it would be even better if it were used as a kid lease. And now you know why I asked where to get one
  9. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Where do they sell those?
  10. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    They used to be built right on the lake Well okay, not quite right on the lake but less than a block away and the tower had great views of it. They got too big though and had to move.
  11. ///M5

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    Not really. If they were going to be from behind then you might as well just have the sub(s) play into the midbass region anyways. Go ahead and bridge the 4chn to the comps
  12. ///M5

    Cablguy184's 97 Chevy Silverado

    I used a WD disk utility that was free. Probably an easier way, but it was pretty easy.
  13. And of course frequency and Cone area has nothing to do with it, nor this thread. Would you please explain why this is the case instead of just telling me that I'm wrong ?? Thank you ... Your whole preface is confusing to me. A larger diameter cone in the same location as a smaller cone will not change the stage height at all. If there was even some semblance of logic in the statement I could tell you why it was poor logic, but I don't see any. Cone area is not deterministic of frequency a driver plays and Stefan outlined how frequency can influence height. I suppose since your subs are your largest drivers they pull your stage down too?
  14. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sure, but not on the boat. At his house. Our lake is a little bit different than most you picture. Nearly 200mi of shoreline... Which lake so I can check it out, sure sounds huge. It's only 15,000 acres. Lake Minnetonka
  15. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I read the first two posts and said fuck that. Would have probably been mean.
  17. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sure, but not on the boat. At his house. Our lake is a little bit different than most you picture. Nearly 200mi of shoreline...
  18. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I thought you were doc'in it today. I do have to go back to pick my shocks up
  19. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I ripped serious ass right before reading that Is your ass farting vegis.... probably Frito s!!!! Or you gave in a got some shrimp chips! Drove through your neck of the woods real quick today. Decided to use Deycore in Stillwater instead of the guy I don't know in Plymouth. Plus I needed to go to Bob's to pick up some snowmobile boots before they sell out of the big ones. Fuck man... I am across 36 2 blocks down from Bob's
  20. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

  21. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I ripped serious ass right before reading that Is your ass farting vegis.... probably Frito s!!!! Or you gave in a got some shrimp chips! Drove through your neck of the woods real quick today. Decided to use Deycore in Stillwater instead of the guy I don't know in Plymouth. Plus I needed to go to Bob's to pick up some snowmobile boots before they sell out of the big ones.
  22. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    SUPER WOW and AWESOME! I only see them in the islands with the rich folks. Is there a chance you will get to go for a ride? I regularly get invited, but it's hard for me to get away for a week to fly to Europe to get on his boat. He has a slightly under 50' on our lake. Sounds like a good family vacation. Um, not. No way he'd invite my family, just me. It's my Uncles best friend, not my Uncle.
  23. Cone area has nothing to do with it, nor this thread. I'd recommend downloading FuncGen on your phone and plugging it into your headunit as an aux input. Then I'd disconnect the other drivers AT the crossover. Gives you an excuse to play with the phasing between the mid/tweet as well. Depending on your phone you should be able to just max the level. I've tested 4 Droid based devices and none of them distort to a level that would be a concern. I've see a test on the Ishit phone as well and it does the same. Voltage will be lower than a normal input, but so you lose up to 6dB or so which really won't matter as the tones will be annoying enough on their own. And yes, FuncGen has a slider AND digital readout. Works way easier than my analog function generator. Probably actually going to just sell it here quick while it's still worth something.
  24. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I ripped serious ass right before reading that
  25. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    SUPER WOW and AWESOME! I only see them in the islands with the rich folks. Is there a chance you will get to go for a ride? I regularly get invited, but it's hard for me to get away for a week to fly to Europe to get on his boat. He has a slightly under 50' on our lake.