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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sorry mang.
  2. Don't buy from the Anthole. Pricks don't deserve money even if their product makes sense to buy
  3. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This from a guy who was proposing to hit women earlier...including the one you speak of. Your perception of reality is a bit odd to say the least.
  4. ///M5

    Crescendo Midrange speakers

    Marketing material isn't something I'd ever base ANY decision off of.
  5. Same owner doesn't mean the same products. At the same time, don't take my statement as respect for what Maxxsonics has done to the brands they've purchased.
  6. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'd always give everyone the opportunity to do right, in particular when the ramifications are no different to you. I'm SERIOUSLY suspect though
  7. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'd send them a note saying you will dispute it if they don't ship tomorrow or respond with a REALLY good reason why they haven't
  8. ///M5

    Crescendo Midrange speakers

    Interesting how you read only what you want to. My first reply: If you are referring to the utter shit comment later, well yes that needed to be said. Not only for the OP but others searching and finding the thread. There is so much misinformation on the web and other forums in particular that people get biased views of how things are. If all they read is "oh, that isn't so good for you try this" it doesn't talk those searching out of things. A forum is NOT only for the people posting, but to collect information that others may find by searching. When you short change that side of things the forum degrades into a shit hole. We are trying like hell to avoid following every other car audio forum in going down that path. I've spent TONS of time helping those who have thought it was a good idea to pair a couple high efficiency drivers together to fix the crap response they get out of their front stage. It's always instigated by someone searching somewhere else and getting excited about something, but at the same time being misled by the curse of all forums. The curse of "what I have is best" and "my shit sounds great although I've never compared it to anything". Car audio forums are despicable in this regard and that shit doesn't fly here. I never once said the driver was bad, but surely knocked the normal implementation. The key is in the system and failing to see that is a failure. Of course, if you thought my comments were harsh before you probably think these are even harsher if you fit into the category of those that preach the solution that they have and aren't open minded enough to really search out a good solution. And of course, I know the OP rather well. I've seen well over a 1000 of his posts. Not sure you can say the same.
  9. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What's the item and what city is the shipper in?
  10. Where do you eat out? That's the price of 2 beers and a tip, not meals.
  11. Cept the culture of CAPITALISM! I mean...we don't want to be SOCIALISTS do we? That's almost COMMUNISM! You misunderstood me completely, I am a huge capitalist. The problem isn't capitalism at all, but the fact that we are breeding an era of uneducated dipshits that have no class, no culture, no work ethic, no desire and are slugs. Somehow even with all that there is the need to have everything that other cultures have, but not to work for it. As a country the answer has been to buy cheaper. No longer do home appliances last 20+ years, but instead 5. Everything here is disposable as the desire to not wait and "save a buck" is so strong it's destroying the American dream. That and the political direction of the country due to this desire to have what you won't work for is fucking scary as well. If you can't afford it, save up, work more, do something. Not like a sub in general is expensive. Put it in perspective. I just did some landscaping and hired a guy off CL for $15/hr to be my grunt. He put in 20 hours of hauling shit. $300 buys a pretty sweet sub and was 2 days worth of work. It really isn't that hard to save up some money if you actually try. And sitting on your ass watching tv and the internet "looking" for a job is not trying.
  12. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The ones I've seen in air planes love the boost
  13. ///M5

    skar vvx8

    Wasn't really that simple. If you are asking will it take a 600w sine wave, in X box, in your car, at 60Hz, for 20 seconds, then Yes!
  14. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    On a plane en route to Newport News VA...with a brief stop in Atlanta. WTF?
  15. ///M5

    Crescendo Midrange speakers

    And then these are terrible drivers for that. Absolutely not capable of midbass. Pretty much guarantee that they've never been setup right in a car yet. I sure haven't seen it. Not even close. People trying to use these in a 2 way are laughable. I didnt ask for you to build a system for me. I just wanted to know if these are good drivers. I can make my own mistakes! Good has no meaning without application. They are good for something but from what I know of your installs and background I don't think they are good for you. As for my comments on not being used correctly, every single install thread where these have been implemented has been very poorly thought out. Usually done by those that have absolutely no idea what "good" is. The result is less than stellar. Of course, the bad part is that nearly everyone who has made that mistake doesn't know any better and accept the really crappy response.
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not how they did it. Not even close. Your subconscious brain is faster than your conscious brain and obviously you do math slowly otherwise you wouldn't have said red hammer. Time to go back to school man, you are always in a great mood huh? do you need a hug? you always sound pissed off all the time that is your perception on how u read my comments....and it is wrong
  17. Indeed, buying on price is what has seriously destroyed any culture Americans may once thought they had.
  18. ///M5

    Crescendo Midrange speakers

    Pretty much guarantee that they've never been setup right in a car yet. I sure haven't seen it. Not even close. People trying to use these in a 2 way are laughable.
  19. ///M5

    skar vv8

    No need for two of the same threads....although considering you are asking, you probably should only put 300w to it.
  20. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well the video may be fake, but water can be turned from frosty icey cold, into a solid block of ice when removed from a fridge under the correct circumstances. I have had it happen to me numerous times, especially while deployed. J Kinda had that happen to me. left a bottle in the car overnight, picked it up to take a drink and snapped the side on the bottle and it instantly turned in to an iced slush. Real common in things with additives. Remove the pressure and PV=nRT wins
  21. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not how they did it. Not even close. Your subconscious brain is faster than your conscious brain and obviously you do math slowly otherwise you wouldn't have said red hammer. Time to go back to school
  22. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ROFL, did you skip 1st grade science class? Can't believe you fell for that.
  23. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    We noticed, but normally it's shitty music
  24. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Whomever made that is a moron. How long do they really think you need to do math questions and 2% may say red hammer not the other way.
  25. ///M5

    skar vvx8

    However, since Kevin calls it under rated it may be over rated. Everything he uses in marketing is suspect IMO