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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Ditto. I need to to find where the Viking linemen buy suits. If you have their budget, it'd be easy
  2. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    We both are built for custom
  3. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    They have a non-retail store that is cheap. Nordstrom Rack. Normal store has more choices though for an initial try on.
  4. No one knows what you mean unless you describe things without terminology that you are misapplying.
  5. ///M5

    School me on box design

    While I love his exuberance and desire to make videos that regularly are helpful, don't follow it as the gospel as he makes plenty of little mistakes. I've never watched a full video of his but did part way on this and wasn't so impressed. It does give you a good idea of the steps though.
  6. What do you localize? STOP. Seriously. NEVER EVER type sound quality or SQ again.If you want the most output you can get you are trying to do the OPPOSITE of sound quality. I posted this before, please re-read the responses AND read the threads in my signature. As loud as possible will be a box designed with a large peak, a box designed for quality will be designed to have NO peak at all. Complete opposites.
  7. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You are a classic Norstrom Trim/Slim fit (can't remember which of the two terms they use). Hell if they fit me they should be close on you.
  8. You finally gave us a detail that we could respond to. As for the correct install, show us pictures of what you have and DESCRIBE what your front stage doesn't do that you'd like it to. There is no generic answer. As for your "buy 2 cheaper" subs question. It would be a huge waste of money right now. Determining your needs and goals HAS to occur before driver shopping.
  9. ///M5

    1965 Buick Wildcat

    Exactly what drove me to active in the first place. Drove old cars forever. With the constraints of a passive set it'd just be sad in such great old iron.
  10. You didn't describe anything. Again you used a term "staging" that if you understood would be fine. Instead of saying I want to improve my staging describe what that means to you. There is no generic solution, only specific ones to YOUR needs. Until we understand those, there is NO WAY to help. This is too complicated for me . I guess I'll be fine with what I have now. There IS a way to help - answer my questions - and stop thinking so deep about how its going to help me in the long run. Telling me you can't help me doesn't help me or anyone reading these threads. If You can't help me, or answer my questions, then don't reply. - simple. Perhaps an analogy is in order. Customer: "I want to buy a car, mine isn't roomy enough what should I do?" Sales person: "What do you mean by roomy? Customer: "That doesn't help me, answer my question." It is exactly the same as what you are doing. We don't understand your "roomy" or "staging" in this case. Well i said that it sounded like the sound was coming from just in front of me instead of all around me. i don't like that. Is this effect unavoidable or would time alignment help? If you think i don't understand a term- explain it so i know. When i'm helping someone learn to do something, i don't just say "you don't know how to do this" - I explain to them how to do it I did explain. If you need to be spoon fed you should just go to a shop and waste money. The answer to the only front is very simple. That is how your music is recorded. If you want to buy all new CD's and songs that are recorded in surround sound and implement it you could. However your request is strange considering everyone else that wants accurately produced music is looking for 2chn staging. All that being said a correct install will GREATLY reduce the localization which can improve the feeling you claim to not like.
  11. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Tons of other brands. You need to find what fits. I can't help there. I wear a 35w and 44L/XL chest. Normally requires tailoring though as a 2-4" drop between chest and waist is normal, not nearly 10"
  12. You didn't describe anything. Again you used a term "staging" that if you understood would be fine. Instead of saying I want to improve my staging describe what that means to you. There is no generic solution, only specific ones to YOUR needs. Until we understand those, there is NO WAY to help. This is too complicated for me . I guess I'll be fine with what I have now. There IS a way to help - answer my questions - and stop thinking so deep about how its going to help me in the long run. Telling me you can't help me doesn't help me or anyone reading these threads. If You can't help me, or answer my questions, then don't reply. - simple. Perhaps an analogy is in order. Customer: "I want to buy a car, mine isn't roomy enough what should I do?" Sales person: "What do you mean by roomy? Customer: "That doesn't help me, answer my question." It is exactly the same as what you are doing. We don't understand your "roomy" or "staging" in this case.
  13. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    When you are my size you can't shop at any of those places. I'm jelly.
  14. I think i did describe what i want to improve (the staging issue) and i would still like those questions answered. About the money - I just meant i want what all of us want- the most "bang for my buck" so to speak. You didn't describe anything. Again you used a term "staging" that if you understood would be fine. Instead of saying I want to improve my staging describe what that means to you. There is no generic solution, only specific ones to YOUR needs. Until we understand those, there is NO WAY to help.
  15. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    bet they sell more $38 ones,
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    de de de de de de
  17. Just a warning. The answer to your problem will most likely require 2 things. The first being you either pay someone or better yet spend some time on your install. And the other is you may end up selling some of your gear to buy something else. Both'll need some dollars, but in college time is cheaper than money.
  18. You need to make this more clear to us. Please never type "SQ" again. It doesn't help. Instead focus on what you have and what you would improve. Asking for us to help you improve something without knowing what it is that YOU would like to improve won't help anyone. You shouldn't care what I (or anyone else) likes, but instead focus on what you like. Until you describe what you are missing there is no way to help fix it.
  19. ///M5

    1965 Buick Wildcat

    Car begs for an active setup
  20. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Shitty as in needs irrigation. Our land is pretty good otherwise.
  21. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Hell shitty farmland 2hrs from the city goes for 8-10k/acre
  22. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Ha, lord I wish it was like that here.
  23. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If you scroll down to Lake Minnetonka you can see the junk I get to pick from. http://www.cbburnet.com/waterfront-home-tour.aspx That is the scary part about listing my house for sale.
  24. ///M5

    Cablguy184's 97 Chevy Silverado

    I have absolutely NO interest in "Sound Labs" and "listening rooms". My interest is strictly Car Audio ...I have no acess to any of these ... So I will continue to learn about car audio using what I have to work with, that being "Car Audio" ... Why is that ?? Just out of curiosity ... How else are you suppost to enjoy car audio ??I mean seriously ... What did you actually do while you were in those "sound labs" and "listening rooms" ??? Did you listen to them ????????? Then why are you wasting your time teaching people about car audio ?? If it's wrong in your eyes, I'm cool with that cause aparently NOTHING IN CAR AUDIO impresses you anyways ...YOU put Impious' name into your post, so I did not in way way quote him ... However, I think he has figured out that I would prefer to get out into the field and learn from the people that are into car audio ... Like Mark Eldrige, Steve Stern, Scott Buwalda, Todd Crowder, Robert Rayfield, Jimmy Walker, Kirk Proffit, Steve Cook, etc ... man this list goes on and on ... So Sean, Please forgive me when I would rather listen to people that gets out and enjoys the sport of car audio (like myself) rather than some one that is not impressed with car audio in any way and will not make any attempt to show up at atleast one car audio event and hang out with us, demo vehicles, or even cheer on your fellow SSA members ripping it up in SPL competition ... You should read without so much emotion. I love music. That is why I am interested in reproducing it. I'd prefer if I didn't have to do any work to make this happen, but the general public has crap for ears so the general products follow. Once you find yourself listening to music in a better environment it'll sour your feelings on cars. Doesn't mean I don't want a good sounding system in my car since I like to listen to music. As for the "just listen to it" comment you completely misinterpreted what I said. My comment wasn't don't listen but that using it as a method to convince someone of something is ridiculous. The only way to subjectively compare things is blind A/B testing. The human emotion confuses things way to easy with any predetermined knowledge.As for the events, I used to attend events. Stopped going more than 20 years ago. Just not into the dipshits that come out. Obviously no matter what the event I'd cheer on my friends. Asinine to think differently.
  25. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    3 way mirror is a must for trying on any coat.