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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    More power for mids?

    As always it helps to listen altogether and then just to ONE driver at a time. If you haven't done that for your tuning yet...you need to.
  2. ///M5

    Dracula's Droptop

    Default kernel SUCKS for car use compared to Timur's. Really should do it. SO MUCH better.
  3. ///M5

    More power for mids?

    You need to redo that test, placebo bit you in the ass. While you do that, really spend some time critically listening. At this point you have some setup woes and until those are resolved it is going to be extremely hard to recommend something that will help.
  4. ///M5

    More power for mids?

    Where do you have it set normally? What about it didn't you like? Random offerings of speakers are NOT going to help. We really need to know exactly where these go South for you and why so we can lead you in the right direction. If the 100Hz you don't like as much but gives you the output you need it'll change recommendations significantly.
  5. ///M5

    More power for mids?

    Same thing occur with the HP turned up?
  6. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Even the last 45 was exciting, just would have been more so if Howard managed to pop that out of the way.
  7. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    ^^ this We didn't play well enough and were given the Ghana game. Opposite could be said about the Portugal game. As for a trade though, I'll take it. Beating Germany to get in would be stellar although not needed.
  8. ///M5

    The time is about here!!

    The db's won't work. Any pictures of boats showing similar mounting? Engine lid ones I don't need, know exactly where they are Pics of someone elses boat with your layout is fine.
  9. ///M5

    More power for mids?

    Have you played with compensating with your sub? Including turning up your HP on the mids to see if it extends where they start falling apart? Also curious what part of the frequency range is lacking first causing you to keep indexing the volume.
  10. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That last goal really sucked btw
  11. ///M5

    More power for mids?

    Where are they output challenged?
  12. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I miss Paris. Almost booked a trip yesterday. I'll trade you.
  13. ///M5

    More power for mids?

    Can't see how the ID stuff was ever referenced as having output. Personally I don't really like the sound either, but that of course is subjective.
  14. ///M5

    The time is about here!!

    The real question is do you actually want to be happy with the output or do you keep want to bandage it as it fails. Every crossover is specifically designed for a particular tweeter. Specifications on tweeters are such that none can be swapped NICELY, ie it can "work" but all semblance of quality and balance may go right out the window. That being said, I am rather familiar with your needs and concerns. I have a Malibu 23 LSV which we tie up at the island. Exactly the reason I asked as no car tweeter is made to project and that is the difficulty. You need a long throw driver so that when you aren't in the boat you can hear it behind. Mounting locations make a HUGE difference too. This of course is where the beauty of the wakeboard tower lies, but there are ways to simulate that in boat as well. I am curious as to your current mounting locations and listening habits/compromises. ie, is out of the boat output more important than in boat quality? What works for far doesn't work for close. Could be a hybrid approach though depending on how bad you want to solve the problem.
  15. ///M5

    The time is about here!!

    Can't just change the tweeter, need complete sets. Is the loud for party cove activity or high speed tunes?
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    What flavor of shoes did you get? None yet. Those came with the truck.
  17. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Mon/Tue I'll post pics of 285's all the way around. That is what the Esky has.
  18. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Anymore than a 285 looks dumb on that truck for street use
  19. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    WTF!? Why ain't the whip dropped yet? took him longer than expected. Still needs to bleed brakes and route thebairbag ffill
  20. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I am car less ATM
  21. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Bruno Mars? Bruno is one of those rare top 40 stars who has actual, credible talent. Whether or not the music that he makes is good...well...debatable. I only remember he actually had a band. Can't tell you anything else, sure I won't care after the show either but wth the wife wants to go I recall a conversation with you about Bruno not too long ago and you had nothing good to say. I am sure the show won't change that
  22. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Last live show I went to was a few months back. Saw Miles Davis's old bass player playing with Kevin Eubanks. Awesome. This won't hold a candle within a mile of that show, but if the woman is happy I am too.
  23. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Bruno Mars? Bruno is one of those rare top 40 stars who has actual, credible talent. Whether or not the music that he makes is good...well...debatable. I only remember he actually had a band. Can't tell you anything else, sure I won't care after the show either but wth the wife wants to go
  24. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    92 IIRC was when I saw RHCP firts
  25. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I did go to the first 5 lollapalooza's...