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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. That is all in the information you are sharing with different people. Btw, saying something is "not bad" is not a glowing review. Based on the rest of your posts a 4th order BP won't do anything beneficial for you over a standard box. What we don't understand is why you think it is going to be so beneficial.
  2. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Cuz foods
  3. Not sure what you mean by nd, but I work in Acoustics & Vibration.
  4. ///M5

    4th order for 6 15's.....HELP

    Sounds like a waste of wood to me
  5. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Did ribs yesterday for dinner, and then pig butts overnight. Can't help the brother inlaw move so I made some pig butt for the people moving. Have a place not far away that smokes some killer ribs....1/2 slab plate is like $13.99 with two sides or you can get a baked potato the size of a football...But I love some homemade smoked Boston butt...A fire hall not to far away smokes 250 Boston butts every year in this big ass block fire pit like deal..Some kind of fund raiser and that is probably the best I ever had I smoked two racks for $18
  6. You are getting rounding errors in winisd. Ty entering only sd, bl, re, rms, xmax, and pe - then peak at the other parameters to make sure they were calculated ok, you'll see the rounding errors and they'll be really close if you did it right. And yes, a ported enclosure will sound better and be louder for what you described your needs. The BP won't buy you anything but a headache and probably 2-3 failed enclosures before the execution is what you want.
  7. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    This asshat claims this is a US model: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Jackson-SL2-Pro-Soloist-Quilt-Maple-Electric-Guitar-Transparent-Blk-888365285931-/361206312122? It is Indonesia or India, I'd be $$$. Says "Pro" in the title. No Pro's were built in the US. Head should also say "made in the USA".
  8. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    The egg is puffin on some ribs and my jacket smells YUMMY
  9. I wasn't offended, just trying to explain the "seriousness". Anything I am interested in I want to find out more about. If it is easy I'd like to master it. It is 7th grade Algebra that you need, nothing more. That level of math is obviously rudimentary to me, but unfairly as I am a Physicist with an Acoustics degree as well.
  10. Sure you can. It will be better than a BP in your installation as well. Rudimentary acoustics is obviously eluding you. Not how a ported box works in particular at the wavelengths in question Going to be a major fail. Don't do it. Why are you so stuck on doing something that makes no sense? Where did you collect your misinformation from?
  11. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Best sounding speaker I've ever bought too
  12. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    No crossovers or electronics involved either. Full range.
  13. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Better yet, it is a pair of 12" ers I am running full range in parallel to the amp. They aren't even the same drivers Hell their T/S are completely different.
  14. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    The last speaker I bought isn't even sealed. Halfway open back ftw.
  15. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Where is the BP short bus coming from. Seriously it seems that 90% of new forum members come here to post some dumb as shit that they confused by on another forum. Fucking stupid thing is my Bm'er was a perfect candidate for a BP and I didn't bother, but all these fools want to build one to be different. I got a different idea, why not build a fucking box that works unlike the rest of the fucking dipshits. /rant
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You fuckers. WE finally got some snow. A whopping inch or some shit. Barely covers the ground, fucking useless. WHere's my FOOT
  17. Too seriously? You are the one posting questions on a forum. Pot, kettle? As for the "math and shit" it is a very simple science. Really doesn't take much to understand it. If you like the hobby enough to come on a forum perhaps you should read up a bit.
  18. First off a standard ported box is a 4th order. Nomenclature wise you will confuse people by calling a BP a 4th order... And more importantly, you will end up with less output or a very narrow range with a 4th order BP compared to a standard ported enclosure. Whatever confused you into thinking there were benefits is a confused noob that sheep are following. Don't be a sheep. As for the Neo Pro's, sorry they are crap as midbasses. Model them IB and compare them to nearly any other sort of driver. From 40hz - 200/300Hz where midbasses play is NOT their strong suit. REALLY far from it. There are tons of better pro audio or even better subwoofer solutions to be used as midbass. On top of that, having midbasses in the rear is plain idiotic and pointless. Just have your sub cover that range instead if that is your goal....which of course again means no BP.
  19. You like the term SQ but all of you requests are focused in a completely different direction. Advertised as mid-bass and being a mid-bass are extremely different things. I see no place for them in car audio period, but even worse from a mid-bass perspective. The difficulty you have is that you've been misled a ton throughout your purchase decisions, then you pop on here asking about installing what you have only to find out what you've bought isn't geared towards your needs. Hard pill to swallow I understand, but I'm just the messenger. The only way to get the install "right" will be to sell some of it and buy something else. As for the negative aspect. Search for Bandpass enclosure advice on this board and read the threads. Gets a bit sickening to always see all of these misled people chasing something that is counter to what they should be doing. Most of the time they don't deal with the criticism as well as you have though as they get defensive and stupidly carry on doing what they had planned. Much healthier to sit back and learn by asking instead of assuming in particular when you've been misled elsewhere.
  20. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Ha http://uproxx.com/webculture/2015/02/randy-quaid-filmed-himself-fcking-his-rupert-murdoch-mask-wearing-wife/
  21. The ONLY benefit of a bandpass for your desires is that it is ported into the cabin. For everything else it will add nothing over a standard ported enclosure. In all likelihood the execution of the bandpass willactually cause it to be significantly worse. The whole ratio born BP on other sites is the biggest crock of shit in audio atm. The Neo Pro's are not midbasses, they suck at that. They'll do nothing in the rear. Adding more drivers is not a real solution. BTW, for your goals I'd recommend a different sub than the Q as well. SQ is FAR from one of your concerns.
  22. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  23. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Made I USA is on the headstock and made in Japan will be a sticker on the back. Any sl3 or sl4 is Japanese. Pro usually denotes 3rd world assembly in fender hell
  24. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Toe touchpad that works with shoes, lol
  25. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Foot pedal or some shit? Just for scrolling, fwd, back would be sweet.