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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Makes you feel better I overcooked a piece of Wagyu tonight.
  2. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Booking a cabin up North for a family vacation and why rent when I can buy and then sell when I am ready to upgrade.
  3. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Think I just conned the wife into letting me buy a fishing boat too, lol
  4. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Have at least a dozen I rotate through depending on the meal here as well.OH! Please elaborate. Curious to which flavors you have, and the mentionable uses.size is more flavor changing than flavors unless artificial like smoke. Just like choices at the table
  5. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Surprisingly no. Morels are the big one to hunt around here. Local restaurants will buy them up in a heartbeat.Hit $60/lb here last year. Of course wholesale you get about $15I've hunted them before with friends, but I've honestly never eaten them. how do you like them served?pretty much anyway. Butter cognac and thyme is classic, cream doesn't suck
  6. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Surprisingly no. Morels are the big one to hunt around here. Local restaurants will buy them up in a heartbeat. Hit $60/lb here last year. Of course wholesale you get about $15
  7. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Have at least a dozen I rotate through depending on the meal here as well.
  8. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I have never been into crab or lobster..never aquired the taste for them..overcooked they are awful
  9. ///M5

    6 sp4 18s, 6th order, lots of glass and plexi

    friend locally, stole the pic offline LOLI've been in the store where you stole the pic from lol
  10. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    And if your hot chocolate has butter as it's second ingredient that only leaves 3 more to go
  11. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Good points. J It's a hard switch and if you take ANY breaks from it hard to return to. Takes effort in the kitchen (read time) and it is amazing how addictive garbage is. 95% of the year something like McDonalds or Taco Bell makes me gag just thinking about it. The 5% is when I fuck up and eat it. For the next few days I want more and bad. I don't get it as I don't like it, but there is some sort of addictive nonsense they include in it that makes you crave it. You CAN'T lapse.
  12. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    There is a good way to heat (and clean btw) the grates of your grill more. Cover them with tinfoil while your grill is preheating. They will get hotter than they've ever gotten and clean themselves in the process
  13. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That is an issue on my Weber.JGenerally speaking Weber's are garbage. I picked mine up as my grandfather's (which is 27 years old) cooks like a champ, and has only needed its burners replaced once over its lifetime. Granted, it was only replaced when he switched from propane to natural gas J 10,000 btu burners don't get hot enough. Hell my grill has 160,000btu's and it doesn't get hot enough. The other Weber problem is they use "flavorizer" bars. Those have no mass and heat holding capability. You need a heat soak that you can super heat for it to work. Really old Webers included lava rock which would help with this, but yours doesn't have those otherwise you'd have had to buy some new ones...
  14. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If you never cook with anything that includes more than 4 ingredients from the store your health will greatly improve. Functionally speaking at our house we shop in very few aisles: veg, fruit, meat, dairy, bakery, and the baking aisle. With the advent of children we've regrettably added chips, crackers, and some processed fruit (dried or apple sauce etc). I try to keep those very limited in ingredients though so they are at least based on real nutrition.
  15. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Exactly, and those spots are mediocre to bad. A real Asian restaurant would probably open up your mind a bit.
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That is an issue on my Weber. J Generally speaking Weber's are garbage.
  17. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You can't just use a website as you have to be able to read through misinformation. Websites/apps like yelp, egullet, zagat, urbanspoon, google maps, tripadvisor, lonely planet, local eats and so on all get used by me. You need to beware the "critics" though as many are fanboys and dipshits. The menu tells me more than the responses usually. You have to start somewhere though.
  18. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Seriously? Look up "Mother Sauces" and realize that fundamentally until you master those in the kitchen you should not use any other "sauce"Looking it up, I can see why it does not ring a bell at first. I do not enjoy cream or cream-ish sauces, nor seafood (I mention that as most of the other sauces reference it).I have horrible tastes in a lot of food, but am at least moving away from shit foods.JIt is going to take more years off your life eating that way than smoking will. Seriously, stop TODAY.Already quit smoking. As for the food, what do you think I eat that is bad for me? I just have never found any seafood that was palatable to me. I have tried cod, salmon, crab, lobster, shrimp, founder, snapper, and tuna. All cooked (or done as sushi) in a variety of ways, and it all tastes like trash to me. I would rather eat well done steak and rinse it down with clamato than eat seafood.JJYou said you eat crap, not me. I've had some REALLY bad seafood in Tampa btw. Overcooked fish is perhaps even worse than overcooked beef... What I meant is that my tastes do not include cream based or textured sauces, I do not care for seafood, I do not enjoy many vegetables, I do not care for much in the way of Asian cusine. Not saying I eat shit food, but my taste in food is so simplistic and bland, that it is horrible. J You've confused your body to like crap instead of real food. The only cure is to cut out ALL of the crap for 20+ days and reset yourself. It will also be the healthiest thing you can do. I have a friend who was like you in his eating habits, but he was also extremely overweight. Two diets helped him a ton. The first was to not eat the same meal in a month. The second is to eat 12 cups of vegetables a day. He couldn't handle the second until doing the first for a couple months. Worked extremely well and opened his palette up. The Asian food is particularly bad in Florida btw. LIke inedible bad.
  19. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    One other tidbit of helpful information. The hotter your cooking heat the more that the temp will rise during the resting period. ie, if you pull two steaks off the grill at 105F and one is at 1000F and the other 300F there will be a HUGE difference in carryover cooking. Part of the reason you always finish at a lower temperature. The other of course is that if you don't you end up with a huge gray ring close to the browned outsides. The other cause of the huge gray ring is not enough heat to brown quickly enough.
  20. ///M5

    Big deal or nah?

    Well when you make two identical threads....I already knowI already knew that you knew.
  21. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Actually I only order steak rare. The Redder the flesh the tastier. Just needs to be warm and still moist (Giggitty). Most other people I know what medium or medium well.Also as for the south comment, Tampa isn't really the south. Yes, it is in the southern part of the country, but it is. Not like Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina. Honestly, it reminds me of a Sandy humid Syracuse (God it pains me to say that). No food group it does especially well (minus seafood as it is usually caught that morning, and cooked that evening), but nothing that is completely fucked up wrong per se. You do get what you pay for around here, and I have only found 2 BBQ places I thought did BBQ justice, and one is a chain.JHate to burst your bubble but Tampa is in the South when it comes to having shitty food. I've spent probably 20 days in Tampa and outside of spending over $100 on a meal haven't had a good one. I am of course excluding effortless things like raw oysters, fried oysters, cocktail shrimp and the like. That shit there is fucking awesome, but noting the location it better be. Guess what I eat when I visit the gulf? rofl. Please keep in mind when it comes to food and choices, Tampa and St Petersburg are very much alike, and very different all at once. We have some great choices, and as we attract beach goers, the mom and pop resturants are everywhere. I have only spend 100+ on a plate a few times out here, and yes each time it was worth every penny. J I'm aware. Spent a lot of time there and never once have I had to worry about the bill as it has always been on business... I am also rather good at sorting through different websites and such to find restaurants worth visiting. Something I do more than once a week.
  22. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    As much false information surrounding food as there is in car audio, lol
  23. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    /lecture Sorry
  24. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Filet well done is probably the worst mistake ever. Not saying you make that... For instance, this is already ruined and nearly inedible. And you know that Bernaise is NOT steak sauce. Steak sauce is some bullshit that morons buy labeled A1 or H57 or whatever the fuck. Used as a marinade by the lazy on something other than beef I can understand, but you know I wasn't excluding the use of mother sauces. They have their place, but that place is well defined in culinary history. I brought it up because I'm fairly certain Mike and others are not aware of some of the mother sauces and how they work. :-) I would eat that steak. I would just need piovre or bernaise for it. :-) I know, just wanted to clarify that to me that is acceptable and even desirable. The only real sauces worth buying are one ingredient ones or things you cannot make at home like Fish Sauce.
  25. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Seriously? Look up "Mother Sauces" and realize that fundamentally until you master those in the kitchen you should not use any other "sauce"Looking it up, I can see why it does not ring a bell at first. I do not enjoy cream or cream-ish sauces, nor seafood (I mention that as most of the other sauces reference it).I have horrible tastes in a lot of food, but am at least moving away from shit foods.JIt is going to take more years off your life eating that way than smoking will. Seriously, stop TODAY. Already quit smoking. As for the food, what do you think I eat that is bad for me? I just have never found any seafood that was palatable to me. I have tried cod, salmon, crab, lobster, shrimp, founder, snapper, and tuna. All cooked (or done as sushi) in a variety of ways, and it all tastes like trash to me. I would rather eat well done steak and rinse it down with clamato than eat seafood. J J You said you eat crap, not me. I've had some REALLY bad seafood in Tampa btw. Overcooked fish is perhaps even worse than overcooked beef...