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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I am doing everything I can to not email on the guitar you found J. Would make a great 2nd guitar for drop tunings lol. Currently my old Ibanez is in Eb
  2. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That actually isn't all that hard. Nailing the tone much harder than the fingering which is pretty mundane. Don't get me wrong, for me to play it I'd need the music and a few days but wouldn't be all that bad. An no, I don't know how to read tabs I meant music which I am sure doesn't exist.My thing is do I just start learning upside down again, or find a leftie? I remember the blues chords and that's about it. BIL has a USA Jackson with the non painted neck, I plan on starting with at this point. You should learn right. If you are a lefty, then play lefty. You can surely string a guitar upside down to start. Will make anything above the 12th octave a bitch, but you don't need that anyways for a while as it is just repeating what is down low. This is the beater I speak of. I need to get an amp though. I will give rightie a whirl, would be nice as I can pick up and play anywhere that way. Beater? That is a Jackson Pro. Built in Japan at the Fender plant. Strange that there are no inlays. I assume it is a bolt on neck as it has the Seymour designed but Jackson built pickups. Hell of a starter guitar though. Needs some cleaning up hardcore though as those frets look DRY.
  3. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Then I finally decided to not quit, but instead to not be a smoker. Takes that reality to stay without.
  4. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Ish. Hope it clears up fast for you! I hope brother. Is only on my hands, from over washing them. On the plus side I quit smoking cold turkey 4 days ago, and have lost 12 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Holy hell. Congrats. Sorry about the hands....but hold strong on the lung darts. Required some mad channeling of energy, BUT I was relieved of the obsession instantly. Thanks to a few of you guys for helping me get to that mindset. You wouldn't believe how. Don't know what the big deal is. Smoking isn't hard to quit. I ought to know, I've done it at least a hundred times.
  5. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Ish. Hope it clears up fast for you! I hope brother. Is only on my hands, from over washing them. On the plus side I quit smoking cold turkey 4 days ago, and have lost 12 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Holy hell. Congrats. Sorry about the hands....but hold strong on the lung darts.
  6. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    What happened? Or what was the resultant bad taste/feeling? Can probably help avoid that re-occuring. Was a few factors that contributed. First was I had the pan hotter than the noodles, second forgot to add back some of the starch water, third was I used Parm Reg as suggested. The shredder made the cheese really fine, and was like custard when mixed with the egg. Last time I used the big shaved style. So ya, mostly I fucked up the temp. I will try with just egg whites next time and stir everything together outside of the saute' pan. I prefer it shredded. Definitely like a custard when mixed in the egg...but if it cooks after its bad.
  7. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Hey J, i tried turning the key on and off without starting it and leaving the key on the third and fifth time, the dash lights did nothing like you said man...maybe theres another way? It was worth a try. Only works on OBD not OBD-II. Most manufacturers switched in 95 I believe, The rest in 96. There was all kinds of crazy ways to retrieve the code back then. Honestly your best bet is to go to an auto parts store and see if you can get one on loan, or see if they will test it for you. Once you have those codes post them on here and everybody will be able to help you from there. Oreilly and every chain owned in the conglomerate rents them for free. Have to use them in their parking lot as you leave your DL, but it is really a great service IMO They charge a refundable deposit for tool rental here. I haven't borrowed a scanner tool though, so who knows. Just a heads up so you are prepared if needed. They do the same here with ones you take home. You buy and return, but get all your $$ back. The reader they don't check out though, but let you use at the store.
  8. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    What happened? Or what was the resultant bad taste/feeling? Can probably help avoid that re-occuring.
  9. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That actually isn't all that hard. Nailing the tone much harder than the fingering which is pretty mundane. Don't get me wrong, for me to play it I'd need the music and a few days but wouldn't be all that bad. An no, I don't know how to read tabs I meant music which I am sure doesn't exist.My thing is do I just start learning upside down again, or find a leftie? I remember the blues chords and that's about it. BIL has a USA Jackson with the non painted neck, I plan on starting with at this point. You should learn right. If you are a lefty, then play lefty. You can surely string a guitar upside down to start. Will make anything above the 12th octave a bitch, but you don't need that anyways for a while as it is just repeating what is down low.
  10. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Screw the dash, AWFUL place for a mid. AWFUL.
  11. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Damn. Beautiful. Exactly what I wanted although I'd prefer the SL4 as it is a double humbucker. Should be a $500 guitar though.....and yes, I am still contemplating it. My next axe really should be another Gibson.
  12. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You said it wasn't knocking though. First thing I asked. Not that pre-detonation and knock is the same thing but they have pretty much the same effect and result. Should be audible...No pinging, knocking or chatter. Can run the timing up to 50 BTDC before hearing anything. The other direction it just dies. BIL schooled me good though, and filled in the blanks. So much easier to explain in person. Learned as much in a hour as I would of in a week of reading. My understanding is the explosion is going off waaay before TDC, and both valves are open at that time bc of the long duration. I honestly did not check TDC when timing. I did pull the distributor, but just realigned it with where it was. I most likely missed the mark, as It ran better before I fucked with it. Mechanic was so confident that's what it was, he told me don't waste my time bringing to him, just reset it myself. BIL is who gave me the car. He is the one that suggested the 650cfm holley, as he has had the same setup before. Mechanic said that size carb is fine too. Hopefully will have time soon to reset the distributor, than we will see. 50 is WAY too much, obviously it is off. Must have ZERO power.
  13. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Say NO to the 4x6. Rednecking something in the door is a WAY better option. Have a 12" RLp that will never get used. Have the prototype Mach 5 IXL as well, but that I might keep just because.
  14. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Hey J, i tried turning the key on and off without starting it and leaving the key on the third and fifth time, the dash lights did nothing like you said man...maybe theres another way? It was worth a try. Only works on OBD not OBD-II. Most manufacturers switched in 95 I believe, The rest in 96. There was all kinds of crazy ways to retrieve the code back then. Honestly your best bet is to go to an auto parts store and see if you can get one on loan, or see if they will test it for you. Once you have those codes post them on here and everybody will be able to help you from there. Oreilly and every chain owned in the conglomerate rents them for free. Have to use them in their parking lot as you leave your DL, but it is really a great service IMO
  15. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    And they taste bad. Same stupid fuckers that bred all of the flavor out of the cattle in the US. The level of hatred I have for these fucks is not measureable.The place we like to by meat from has local cows that they say are grass fed and grain finished and they are amazingly tasty. They don't have prime marbling, but I've accidentally overcooked the steak before and it was still extremely tasty. Of course, this is all compared to Walmart beef... (yes I can't stand it, and no, there's not really a better place in town. Yes, I know that is sad.) When I see the pictures of the beef you ate in Japan, it looks amazing, but it makes me wonder how healthy that animal could have been. And don't you think the healthiness is somewhat "passed on" to the consumer? Maybe not. Animals are super healthy. Have to realize they have a wicked short life when grown for meat. If cows have no marbling they taste like ass compared to ones that do. Seriously. And yes, Walmart meat is inedible. I can agree with all this. The meat at Sam's club isn't too bad, but still would prefer a real butcher. J Not to mention you get pimped on the weight per price ratio at wally world then getting it processed yourself,I do like the Kroger rib-eye steaks when they have them on sale I will not lie.. I usually get 3 nice thick ones for a fair price here Price matters, but only to a point. If the quality is superb, then I will gladly spend the cash. J Here is some grade A-5 you can buy locally. http://www.costco.com/D%E2%80%99Artagnan-Japanese-Wagyu-Boneless-Ribeye-Roast-A-5-Grade.product.100082950.html
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I think all that you see here is FF. The motorcycle shot might be from the T4i.For people I'm usually using the 6D. It's so much better for low light. SOOOOOO much better. I have some really great pics with the crop too however. I just have less room for error with light. I will see if I can find some more. I found out that durring a PC crash I lost 3-4 months of really important pictures. :-( I need to get archive grade DVDs ASAP and just get it done. I dont know if archive grade DVDs exist yet. Culling and burning 200+ gigs of data isn't exactly fun. Hate to be that guy but didn't you scoff at my redundancy? System works well IMO and is SO MUCH faster than DVD's.Yup. I will. Point out that I said redundancy is not effective as storage.Archive disks are the the only way. In my case I lost the data due to a system corruption and I think I erased the data while rebuilding my system... What I need is a redundant NAS and then to archive on a schedule. Mine is an archive, but one I update regularly.I don't think there are archive grade HDs. I honestly don't know that. I just assume anything magnetic will degrade. Sure but when redundant and constantly updated it isn't a big deal. Degradation is only a concern if it is your primary source. Having only a primary source is idiotic IMO
  17. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    This of course hit RIGHT before I landed..........in Taiwan http://edition.cnn.com/2015/04/19/asia/taiwan-earthquake/
  18. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Interesting, I only have one 10" and I'd charge more than $90 for it.
  19. ///M5

    Near field music setup ideas for 14x14 room

    That pre-amp is a serious waste of money. Start the thread with what you want to achieve. You are allocating a large budget and putting $$ in all the wrong places.
  20. ///M5

    Near field music setup ideas for 14x14 room

    You are forgetting one thing. Near field and projector? Those two things don't go together at all... Not sure what you are trying to do but it looks again like you are being confused by someone somewhere else as your shopping options and stated desires don't match.
  21. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That actually isn't all that hard. Nailing the tone much harder than the fingering which is pretty mundane. Don't get me wrong, for me to play it I'd need the music and a few days but wouldn't be all that bad. An no, I don't know how to read tabs I meant music which I am sure doesn't exist.
  22. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    No VPN? The web is ze blocked. I can get my work emails no problem, don't care about what doesn't pop to my phone.
  23. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Flash, still looks like shit IMO
  24. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Couldn't agree more. I posted it because I think carbon fiber on parts you wouldn't make from carbon fiber is gay. Obviously looking for something other than waht I have though.
  25. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    And they taste bad. Same stupid fuckers that bred all of the flavor out of the cattle in the US. The level of hatred I have for these fucks is not measureable. The place we like to by meat from has local cows that they say are grass fed and grain finished and they are amazingly tasty. They don't have prime marbling, but I've accidentally overcooked the steak before and it was still extremely tasty. Of course, this is all compared to Walmart beef... (yes I can't stand it, and no, there's not really a better place in town. Yes, I know that is sad.) When I see the pictures of the beef you ate in Japan, it looks amazing, but it makes me wonder how healthy that animal could have been. And don't you think the healthiness is somewhat "passed on" to the consumer? Maybe not. Animals are super healthy. Have to realize they have a wicked short life when grown for meat. If cows have no marbling they taste like ass compared to ones that do. Seriously. And yes, Walmart meat is inedible.