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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I will get them back up, but want to do it here in the gallery first...
  2. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

  3. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sort of the kind kids play with, non-hardening. I use it on both sides of my mdf baffles.
  4. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you building a submarine?
  5. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    As long as you use an isolating barrier between the baffle and the mount I'd like an aluminum baffle. The mdf is naturally deader and better at decoupling, but a bunch of modelling clay and that issue goes out the window.
  6. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ha, i just spelled out ftw.
  7. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    freehand circular saw cuts for the win, I just realized my fence is in storage
  8. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just bought some plywood to finish the stupid seat in my boat. Perhaps I will get her done tonight so I can post pics
  9. ///M5

    12" Icon 35-45hz

    I don't think any sub in any enclosure tuned to 45hz will sound good with rock, terrible in fact. If you do go ported please tune lower.
  10. You don't have enough space to port, not even close. The port for my single Rli8 is near 100" long with 22"sq of port area which takes up way more space than your total box. A pair of Rli8's sealed would work really well in that box though.
  11. Peak power is meaningless. Not sure on the bass controller, of course I don't really understand the need for one either. As for your question on turning it on and off, it is pretty easy to wire a single throw switch in line with your remote turn on wire.
  12. ///M5

    Ok guy I give up

    What sort of bm'er? Any reason you are limiting yourself to 2 10's or 1 12"? What sort of space are you willing to use? What does the front stage and headunit consist of? How are you fabrication skills? At what impedance does the PPI do 800w bridged?
  13. ///M5

    Lanzar Opti 1535D

    Why are you looking at the Lanzar?? *moved to subwoofer section.
  14. ///M5


    why the frown and yelling?? The sticky covers the enclosure options although there is no mention of sealed. Tons of good amp options, but you aren't giving us anything to go on to help limit your choices.
  15. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    do the big three if you haven't . But that's still pretty good voltage alright I'll have to do it this coming weekend. Thanks for responding though Adrian and brother Ramos *clears throat With your amps, you really need the 3. Really.
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It is my wifes best friends husband, too bad they live in Fargo 250mi away otherwise it would be easier for me to help.
  17. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Even with a 1" spacer a CA18rly won't fit, or barely without trimming the door skin. We shall see though
  18. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    damn, I thought I had seen some more somewhere. oh wells
  19. ///M5

    Sealed or Ported

    It really depends on what you want out of your sub AND the rest of your system.
  20. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anyone have links to any WRX installs? A buddy of mine just picked one up and I know that there is NO room for a front stage without mods. *leave out the diyma ones as I already know of those. Thanks!!
  21. ///M5

    Which is best for me sealed or ported?

    I don't even think the OP needs low tuning....
  22. ///M5

    pics from the last 2 shows

    meh, I would disagree.
  23. ///M5

    Another n00B :-)
