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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How much is a lot? Well, 1200-1500 or so. Not sure what this driver can take (you'll see it, I'll bring it down with me), but I'd like enough on tap to test its capabilities. The JL 1000/1 in the truck could be gained up a bit. In the house I have a Crown Com-Tech 800, but it only does 995w at 8ohm bridged and can't be run 4ohm bridged I don't think. Is it an SVC 4?
  2. It has been around for a really long time. Not that they don't make good stuff, but I think people are too quick to just buy Eclipse. Lots of other stuff is sweet too. *yes I know I have an Eclipse headunit and amp, and also own some JL stuff but when it falls in your lap you buy it
  3. ///M5

    Will there ever be an Fi 8" driver?

    They are small and generically fit in small sealed boxes. Other than that it is a sub and losing Sd means less output.
  4. The 8445 in my book is the bastard child of Eclipses and the one I avoid. For your needs it will be fine though. For mine it is the only old school 8 series Eclipse that doesn't include full 3 way crossovers. (considering it is limited there I am not sure of what the EQ is like either). Considering your bass desires I do like the Eclipses since they will give you a parametric eq which should give you the flexibility you need to dial in your subs.
  5. It's quite literally how the system reproduces what's happening on stage. If the singer is right in the center, close to the mic, the system should reproduce that accurately. If there's a saxophone slightly to the left of her, well, the system should do that too. This is why listening to high end stuff can be useful, it's helpful when you know for a certain recording what it's supposed to sound like. I'm starting to wish that the SQL word filter be taken off, 99.9% of the people who use it aren't using it correctly, true Loud Sound Quality has very little to do with getting the subs loud. Yes, you need to have subwoofer(s) to play reference levels accurately without distorting, but getting your front stage to play that loud without distorting, and with correct spatial placing is a lot harder. I think a lot of people think that LSQ just means you can hear the words over the bass...which isn't true at all. I say take the filter off and I know I am the cause of it, however, we need to write a sticky then that explains that no one can use the word SQL either. I effin' hate that phrase. I think your definition of hearing the words is about right. Perhaps a pre-post sticky that defines how to ask for what you are looking for could be really helpful.
  6. ///M5

    Ok guy I give up

    You aren't going to hurt my feelings, I just wanted to make sure the OP didn't take your advice as golden considering it wasn't.
  7. ///M5

    mad props to mike from sound splinter

    Word. The purchase of my old Rl-p 12 was a very good experience. I'd love to try out a Rl-s 15 IB, would be a low end monster. Bastard, stop giving me ideas.
  8. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Fiero owners are obviously dumb.
  9. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How much is a lot?
  10. ///M5

    mad props to mike from sound splinter

    Same positive response from me. Buy his stuff and he will take very good care of you.
  11. Here is why we have an issue. A parametric eq will not control what frequencies go to which amp channel. They will only boost (please don't) or cut (yes) frequencies to clean up the response in vehicle. You need a crossover. Of course, personally I prefer crossovers that are built into headunits. In your case, I would either get a new headunit or take the advice in this thread on how to set the crossover on your amplifiers by ear.
  12. The Rockford has no place on that list. The Maw is unfairly placed there as well too. Hard to compete with drivers costing 3-4x as much. If you want to save money go for it. Leaves me in the same boat; however, I'd buy the AA exclusively to avoid the Eclipse boner.
  13. ///M5

    College dorm sub build

    3 hours of my least favorite building activity. Bummer. Going to be sweet when you are done though.
  14. ///M5

    Will there ever be an Fi 8" driver?

    lollers If you want an 8m get an Rli8 they are beasts and an awesome driver.
  15. ///M5

    Update on my HT dual RLP15 & passive radiators

    Right on Mike. I love your setup, thank you for posting!
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Spring compressors never make me feel like they are actually going to do their job. I keep feeling one is going to release on me. Funny since I don't ever really worry about my jack that much.
  17. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am not a big fan of the Dave's Insanity sauce. Synthesized heat is unnecessary when there are so many natural versions that are tasty. It does get its point across though, have your roommates try some on a chip.
  18. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    First and foremost, if you don't have Kosher salt you can't cook anything. *not pointed at you, but really everyone go buy some it is a whopping $2 I really prefer Diamond Crystal brand, but the blue stuff will do in a pinch. Unlike table salt you can actually season your food with it. You can apply it liberally, perhaps to the tune of a teaspoon per boneless breast sprinkled evenly to coat on both sides. This is a pre-requisite to any seasoning you might do with other flavors. *side bar number 2, garlic salt has no place in your kitchen. Garlic powder and salt do which allow you to then choose how much of each you want. On to your possibilities for actually cooking that cut: Take your seasoned (in this case salted only, we can add other flavors in an additional post) 1) Stovetop in a heavy (non non-stick) pan. Warm the pan up for a couple minutes, then add a bit of oil (grapeseed is my choice, but olive or corn is fine) and place the breast in the pan. Don't touch it for a couple minutes to allow it to brown to the bottom of the pan. Flip and brown the other side. You can tell when it is done by pushing on it with your finger. It should spring back fairly firmly and when you push the juice that comes out should be clear. 2) Poaching: I'd mostly use this method when putting the chicken into something like a hotdish or other smothered method. Bring water to a boil, add the chicken, let the water reboil, remove it from the heat and plop in your thermometer. The chicken should no be in water that is 170 degrees. Leave it in there until it is cooked on the inside. The goal with dropping the temp is to keep it juicy as chicken is cooked at 170 there is no reason to cook it in water that is hotter. The bring back to a boil is to kill any germs that have collected on the outside of the bird. 3) Pseudo stir fry. Again in a non non-stick pan (in fact the only thing I use non-stick for is cooking eggs and reheating leftovers) cube your chicken. Heat the pan for a few minutes, add some oil and place the chicken cubes in the pan. Use medium hot heat. Again your goal is to brown it which means don't touch it until the bottom is browned, then rotate all the chicken in the pan and brown the other sides. 4) Pan bake in a sauce. Here we need a sauce, but this is regularly how I would make fajita meat for a lazy meal. Cover chicken in a marinade in a pan and cook in the oven for 30-40m at 375. Again we can deal with flavors in a successive post. 5) Deep/pan fry. Heat oil (I prefer using shortening) to 325F. Near an inch is fine. Dredge the chicken (mine soaks in buttermilk overnight and then is wiped off) in flour, dip it in an egg wash (beaten eggs) and then in seasoned breadcrumbs (I like kosher salt, paprika, a little garlic powder, and a spot of cayenne). Place it side down in the oil until brown and flip. I usually do this with bone skin on bird and it is around 12 min a side or so. Other methods in the oven I prefer to use whole chicken parts for. I typically choose whole parts for the grill as well. As for the foreman, I have never used one and never will but you could always use it in place of pan frying. Next step is to let me know what sort of things you want to eat with it and we can discuss seasoning and other flavors.
  19. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've got 7.0 so this might not be exactly the same, but should be close. On the right side of the screen, one of the windows has tabs for History, Actions, and Tool Presets. Click on Actions, and click the Create New Action button. Resize something however you want them all to be done and save that action. Then do File-> Automate-> Batch, and that gives you a window to select the folder that you want to perform your action on. That sounds like it should work. Thank you!!
  20. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    nice is Physics II electromagnetism for you too? Much better because as a 400 level class that one seriously sucks!! a 400 level electromag class? I think I'll be avoiding that one.... Hi 3's but same shit.
  21. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Chicken on the bone, boneless? Any ethnic preferences? Cooking tools you have access to: grill, stove, oven I don't eat a lot of chicken, but rarely make it the same way twice over a fairly extended period of time.
  22. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My mom just called and has an intermiddent brake light on her tore-ass. Curious to see if I can figure out why real quick. She is on her way over.
  23. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My mom just called and has an intermiddent brake light on her tore-ass. Curious to see if I can figure out why real quick. She is on her way over.