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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    the Camaro's torque peaks at 1600 rpm, 235 ft*lbs hey, its only got 2700 lbs to move around lol Makes the M's 3900lbs seem a bit excessive.
  2. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    the Camaro's torque peaks at 1600 rpm, 235 ft*lbs And if you dynoed it today it would probably be 150ft lbs at peak.
  3. ///M5

    Ok guy I give up

    Since you want loud from your subs, first off you need to figure out exactly how much space you have for a box in cubic feet. mls -- you have pm
  4. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOL, like a good pair of slacks. Slacks are what women wear, but I usually have them leave them on the floor in my room.
  5. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Spring compressors never make me feel like they are actually going to do their job. I keep feeling one is going to release on me. Funny since I don't ever really worry about my jack that much. i didn't use a spring compressor, just a jack under the LCA but I know what you mean, I'd trust a jack over the compressor too dangerboy, must be the hair
  6. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't get into cars, I put them on.
  7. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm 6'8", my bro is 6'6", my dad is 6'6", my mothers brothers are both over 6'5" and my wives little brother is 6'9". We look like an uncoordinated basketball team walking down the street together.
  8. ///M5

    Little sub help please?

    Great subs, especially compared to the other JL stuff you were looking at. They are by far the sweet spot in their lineup, albeit overpriced at retail by far. Enjoy!
  9. i believe the birthsheets. i had an mbquart amp rated 200w @ 4 ohms and 400w @ 2 ohms on my boston pro60's my rf punch 150 25 to blah blah blah is rated @ 300w @ 4 ohms on the same pro 60's the RF amp makes the bostons louder. IF the mb quart rating is a true wattage rating, then i believe the RF's birthsheets are acurate and honest. edit: forgot to add. we also used a friends older orion 8002 rated @ 200w @ 4 ohms and 400w @ 2 ohms....my RF was still louder. so like i said im gonna have to say i believe these birthsheets. Interesting. Perhaps a bit of a placebo affect. You do realize that over time a human is able to resolve no better than a 3dB difference in sound volume? To get that 3dB you need to have double the power. So in other words for you to actually notice a difference you would need to double your power and I guarantee that those RF amps aren't putting out 2x what the other 2 amps you compared them to are. The other option of course is there is a sonic difference between them that caused you to perceive a volume change or perhaps you didn't gain match them very fairly. Either way I am skeptical of a test of back to back amps like that. As for the 25 to life amps, sure they may or may not reach the birthsheet but unless you are chasing 10ths on a meter they will be damn close enough.
  10. ///M5

    Decided to go back to the basics

    You could really do better than the CDT's for midbass, not exactly their strong suit and if you are going dedicated you might as well do it right I will take Scott's recommendations one step further and tell you to scrap the imaging tweeters as well. IMO they take away way more than they add. Of course when you turn around and add a dedicated midbass I think its super crazy to have 2 component sets. It really isn't that hard for the midrange to keep up and having multiple sources will not benefit your sound at all. Since you are just starting perhaps think about switching it all out. Dual midbass in the doors (or even better a single one that is a monster), midrange in the kick with your tweeters and that should be more than plenty.
  11. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I barely fit in your car, can't imagine me & my bro and two others getting very far. Of course, you aren't us.
  12. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You, two guys, and said piece are all fitting into your car??
  13. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think I can guess what Scott is bringing down to test. I wish I could float you my Orion for fun, but I need it. Ya, I'm sure you do know. This is fun, keeping this mysterious. Well that narrows it down to one of 2 things. Excited either way. Almost enough to make me want to go out and buy an amp, but considering that I already have way more power than needed for me it would be one heck of a way to "waste" some money.
  14. ///M5

    Where To Put Batteries?

    The battery you have sitting in the bottom of that pic shouldn't be used anywhere inside the vehicle for two reasons. The first being that it isn't a sealed battery which is a HUGE no-no. If you can't fit it under your hood you need to buy different batteries. The second is the projectile factor. Sure there are very few forms of natural selection left but putting that inside the cab with you would be considered one of them. 80lb projectiles can really cause some damage then add that it is a projectile filled with acid and you are really playing with your life.
  15. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I forget about that sometimes. Speaking of which, I have received a few reports based on PGPandy trying to sell before 25 posts but was under the impression that he was one that lost his posts. I also infer from comments made in the past that he is one of Mark's friends. Either way instead of pm'ing this accross the mod list I thought it was logical to bring up here. *plus it is a free post in the hop
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

  17. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It'd be higher if you guerrilla posted like I do. 5 in a row here, 5 in a row there. Don't know how you puckers can stand to read all my nonsense. *realizes I barely broke 20k a week or two ago and have added nearly another 500 afterwards
  18. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If they just weren't so damn big. The effin 450/4 is the same size as the 1000/1. Gotta love the 75x2, 150x2, 1000x1 combo though. Just need to add a 50x2 tweeter amp and a new proc and I will have a real system.
  19. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not sure what they will really do at 8, but to be conservative I set the gains on my mids doing under power at 4ohms and then gained the rest of the truck around the mids. I am sure they have more in them as the gains are way down, but could careless as well since it is more than a plenty.
  20. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    1-4 ohms
  21. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No rice mods PLEASE!!!!
  22. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOL, I've had paint guys explain to me what all it takes to do a good Candy... Not exactly 1 stage... Have them explain how they would do a touch up.