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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    Big noob question about how they sound

    Q for you, but I don't understand why you are comparing 3 10's sealed with 2 12's ported? Why not port both enclosures? Or run both sealed? Considering you at all mentioned the word compete, I would port either setup.
  2. ///M5

    Need some advice please

    I would do it just to get anything related to Ben Milne out of my car. SQ or not, the amp would be an upgrade in a lot of ways.
  3. ///M5

    18" BTL on fast-bass rock

    I can see how you got defensive considering that you have bought all of your gear already. It also looks like you have the chops in the fab work portion to put it together, but perhaps starting the thread and outlining all of that first would have really helped. It wouldn't make us agree with what you are doing, but surely understand the question better. Most people who would ask that question know less than you do, but still you could have greatly benefited from some "consulting" before purchase. You have a burp only sub, mixed with a hell of a lot of drivers and it isn't going to be easy to get any sort of coherent anything out of it as a system. It has the potential to be loud though of course and will most definitely give you the look of speakers in your face.
  4. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    *hears the beach boys in the background
  5. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol. I don't know what you mean by group members or facebook.
  6. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Had a scholarship breakfast this morning and they served the same food that they do in our dining hall just in a nicer room and you don't have to use a worthless meal plan meal. Never really understood that. Fun, none the less because I love listening to our Dean talk. He is old and I find his jokes very amusing. Where would you guys meet in the mid-west. It would help me achieve my goal of attending all the continental states before age 25 (a new goal of mine) On the BMW there is a VIN listed but a good scammer could get the VIN of a car that is extremely similar, I guess I'll just try to get a # M5, any significance to my name being Michael? Other than that being probably the best name in the world SCRUBS IS THE PHUCKING SHIZZZ!!! I can't seem to get my roomie to understand that though. Alright I think I'm caught up and now its time for bed, lata guys If you get a vin and it doesn't match the car it is a give away though. Good goal. I have been to all 50 except Washington & Alaska and did it before 25..but still haven't made the other two. As for your name, I have always seen you sign Kader so I assumed that was your first name. Only my old soccer team mates call me by my last name. As for where would we meet, I am flexible but will throw out that I would prefer MN. It would allow me to bring a few more toys to the gathering.
  7. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you would think for engineers they would have decent food. Ha. Engineers get basements for offices, go to work at 4 am, and get hidden from reality. Good food they aren't fed either. However, they do get left alone to do whatever work they think is necessary and get done what they can get done.
  8. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I bet you can get 5 too.
  9. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

  10. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    nature calls
  11. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    see ya
  12. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hate o-chem lots.
  13. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well, I am going to go chase the woman around the house and abuse my rights
  14. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you beat me
  15. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    *just checked, me
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    someone quietly took 164000
  17. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Goo nite
  18. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My second car was an 85 Cutlass and that car taught me all about the small block Chevy. the 3.8 took a shit, and the old man had a 350 for it, but needed a rebuild. He said the only way I was getting it was if I built it myself. And I did. Had to clean the plugs every week too. Didn't have enough money left to get the heads done and well, the valve seals were shot, so the plugs got fouled rather quickly. It was a fun ride though. I had the fastest car in school, and coincidentally the loudest. deeBees take minutes off your quarter mile
  19. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I will someday, but now my work focus will be West which won't help. helps me True, have to find hi-tech companies nearby and come hit them there's a pretty decent tech industry here AFAIK Honeywell, Intel, Rockford Fosgate, Mitek are a few that come to mind Funny Honeywell Tempe is buying a system because of the work I did at the MN Honeywell. Come to the Honeywell here. And visit Bosch while you're at it. Two companies who are helping to keep South Bend alive. Would be cool to see your Jolly big ass again. Been a while since I have been in Indiana, but might be again a bit I have the Central running pretty smooth and will need to focus on the West to fix it fast, but at some point I surely will.
  20. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    During my exploring Saturday night, I found a little Mexican place that you'd probably like. Sketchy looking place but was packed at 11:30 at night. It would be as long as the food was good. I'll try it at some point. Didn't really want to park the Camaro there at that time of the night. That is what the truck is for
  21. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am surprised that you are a G Body fan though.
  22. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Go to bed, or talk about cars. Go to bed, or talk about cars. Go to bed, or talk about cars. Go to bed, or talk about cars. I'd choose cars too.