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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Do what you would do if you were from Minnesoooooota. Make a hot hamburger sandwhich. Fry that chit, make a gravy in the pan and then put it on bread/mashed potatoes. If you don't have bread or potatoes, noodles or rice could substitute although we of course would use the wild rice. I'll remember that for next time. I'll ask my friend from Minnesota if she knows what you are talking about. She says "about" weird. She says it's like "a boot." I lol everytime. That is a Canadienne accent. I actually didn't realize the the Hot Hamburger was a MN thing until a couple of nights ago when I flipped on the tube and the food network and Alton was having one in MN (maybe hot turkey, but whatever) and said it was a MN thing. They are pretty much on every little cafe's menu so if she hasn't heard of them she is a bit sheltered.
  2. As long as the front stage keeps up you can have 120dB, but the sub should be the least important part of that equation. Again, I actually don't think this was going down that road the OP was just getting some sarcastic responses based on the thread title of "what is better..."
  3. ///M5

    DIY Mids And Highs

    This might fit the bill for a mid, but will require a pretty robust tweeter selection to get down to 3kHz or so to blend with it. http://www.bcspeakers.com/index.php?sez=1&...amp;prodotto=53 Too bad you really can't get those ID horns to fit, they would work sweat together.
  4. Yep, wasn't hating at all. I love the headroom, just see no reason to crank it up that high.
  5. ///M5

    Help... Old School vs Late Models

    Not to take away from US Amps at all, great stuff, but really the amplifier is the least important portion of what you are doing. Of course install is the most important followed by the capabilities of the raw drivers. Adding gain really at this point isn't so difficult. *note in no way at all am I recommending cheap amplifiers. Stuff with crap components in it will always be crap, but once you get to a certain level it is the last thing that I would really worry about.
  6. ///M5

    High Wattage Passive Components

    If you can fit one and cosmetically it is okay with you I would generally prefer it. Which DLS components does Kader have?
  7. ///M5

    SQ people...take a look at this 8" for me...

    Yes since SQL is a very misused term, but now LSQ is as well. SQL to most people is an SPL setup that plays more notes than just the burp frequency nothing else. LSQ is a term I coined meaning a Loud SQ setup; however, our word filter has now bastardized it to basically be as useless as the original term. The real problem is that SPL and SQ are complete and dire opposites so combining the terms makes absolutely no sense.
  8. ///M5

    SQ people...take a look at this 8" for me...

    The bold part is not a question anyone can answer yet, as the relationship is really important. As for the tweets, it will come down to blending and staging and will determine which ones that you can run. i.e. it would be pretty dumb to run a tweet with only a good on axis response off axis. Generically speaking having the drivers as close together as possible and on equal path lengths (distance to each driver) as well as as high as possible are what you are trying to do. Everything else is a bit of a compromise, but depending on your scenario you will have to choose different compromises.
  9. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

  10. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

  11. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

  12. ///M5


    Not sure I get it, the Perfect is cheaper than the price of the recone and is far from a good buy in my book. Changing the basket and soft parts sure could help it, but I really don't think it would be worth the money.
  13. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Gotta bring your own glass.
  14. ///M5

    1 12" SI Mag vs 3 12" RF Hx2's

    The Mag is a great driver, buy one and enjoy it. Going to be a little while before they are available though.
  15. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I must say if that is the micro time, it really comes in a bad time of the year for me to leave here.
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Or as you non-MN'ooootans call it a casserole.
  17. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Add some leftovers and you have a hotdish.
  18. ///M5

    SQ people...take a look at this 8" for me...

    My question is really why are you asking for SQ help if your sole goal is thundering loud. I don't think that any advice you have received so far makes a lot of sense since in my impression you are asking for something you don't want.
  19. ///M5

    1 12" SI Mag vs 3 12" RF Hx2's

    no i was questioning what Electrodynamic said. He said 2 bm's ported or could go with 1 mag ported and all i was askin was were 2 bm's equal to 1 mag As stated, your question is highly flawed. Electro never said that one Mag would be louder, he never said 2 BM's would be louder, he never said one Mag would have a nicer response, he never said that 2 BM's would have a flatter response. It really makes no sense to ask these A vs. B questions. Describe your need and what you are looking for and you will get help, otherwise you are going to have a bunch of useless information guiding your buying decisions.
  20. ///M5

    SQ people...take a look at this 8" for me...

    I know, what I posted was not a response. Checkout the times...we posted those almost at the same time. Damn linear reading skills, I didn't notice. Sorry.
  21. ///M5

    SQ people...take a look at this 8" for me...

    Haven't given up yet, but now I don't understand. You ask for SQ people, but then talk about a sub installation that is as loud as possible. By default you do realize that SQ is defined by the whole system and not just the parts. If it doesn't blend, then SQ is a moot term. It sounds to me that you just want the most output possible out of your front stage. Oh, I might blame the combo of your Crunch amp with your passives on the demise of your Peerless mids. Drivers that nice should not be tormented with such things...you need to get rid of both.
  22. ///M5

    Silverado Blow Through - Videos!!!!!!!&#33

    in the process. for right now just the bottom of the boxed is resined incase any water come in from the tailgate or anything. the rest of the box is gonna get resined when the box comes out again in the next couple days. since theres no rain in the forcast here and the and the owner told me the bed cover doesnt leak at all im not too concerned if its gonna sit like that just for a few days. I should have assumed as much, but wanted to make sure since I have seen stranger things on the web. Going to be really nice when you are done!!
  23. ///M5

    smooth and low

    If you aren't looking for output (which is great I get a bit sick of the "hard hitting" questions) what are you looking for. That is sort of a budget sub and will have a response as such.
  24. ///M5

    1 12" SI Mag vs 3 12" RF Hx2's

    No, you can't replace cone area like that. You are skipping some major steps here, what you really need to do is stop comparing A to B as none of us like to do that and it is all subjective and hypothetical and instead define what you are looking for. It will allow the forum to help you a lot better instead of getting frustrated with abstract questions that have no logical answer.
  25. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP
