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Everything posted by ///M5

  1. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not sure if I am frightened or excited. First big 4 chn class D I've seen and that alone is awesome if indeed it does near what it says. Since PPI "died" a while back I haven't followed what has resurrected them, nor do I expect it to be a good thing; however, I'd love to be wrong.
  2. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    We will be quitting grains because it forces us to eat something better for ourselves. Sean is right, after the first week it wasn't really a problem for me. Really, the more important part to me is her workout. I really need to get her something that she can do and stick to and she honestly leaves something that gives her no choice but to do it Why cut out the grains? One of the best things in life is real bread and all the anti-carb anti-grain propaganda I hold very little faith in. Just make them good grains. I'm not against it, and I freaking love bread and fresh tortillas, but cutting out grains and sugar in drinks (only fruit juices occasionally) is a very easy way to force my gf and I to attempt other foods. It kind of goes along the theory of your eat nothing twice diet. Because we can eat grains we are forced to develop tasty alternatives. Also, not all of us are blessed to have a Vitamix and a market that sells grain Ah, then don't cut it out just limit when. Easy enough.
  3. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Also say that part doesn't matter to me, just the capability and heat transfer. Once mounted I'll hopefully never ever see them nor will anyone else. That of course means no pics either, but boats are too recognizable for that to happen. Obviously posted in a place that doesn't exist is another story ;P
  4. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And yes, I am saying it's a knockoff. Not sure on what, don't care, but am pretty positive they aren't designing that.
  5. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No, saying the CW application of the heatsink was terrible for marine audio which has me worried about other non-real amps.
  6. Real equipment with the capability of truly verifying FE models start at around $700k. Ancillary things required. Portions of the models can be verified more cheaply, but not without more assumptions that are usually based on the same ones that the model was in the first place. Not so acceptable IMO.
  7. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Probably have to go mini-dsp to rotary volume knobs. That way I still have a master and slaves.
  8. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bend over
  9. ///M5

    Car Audio Into Home Audio?

    Sell it and buy home gear. It is always better. You aren't comparing apples to apples. Look at raw drivers for both and you'll see some crossover. A w7 could be used, but I'd rather have the cash to buy something else.
  10. ROFL. Funny definition. Basically it is a reduction of a complex part into simple structures that then can be attached using known methods so that the understanding of how the final system will work can be calculated. Using this sort of computer aided design mechanism allows predictions of stress, strain, wear, bending, noise propagation, resonance, damping etc. It isn't so easy to simplify and describe. Of course the whole problem with the technique is the source of it. The little finite pieces that parts are broken down into are based on assumptions that are incorrect. That and it is darn near impossible to model boundary conditions in particular with welds, glued joints, and other non-uniform bonding techniques. Testing is required to validate all of this. While it's much better than the old build it once, test it and see if it is okay it is still a very rudimentary technique. Most high technology companies and products are way beyond just making a model and then building something. Of course the audio world is still stuck somewhere in 1970 as pretty much nothing new has truly been developed that makes a rats ass difference since then. The term in audio is thrown around in a way to say we actually did some engineering instead of just grabbing some random chinese parts and throwing them together which is more the norm. There are a few companies in the US that are above this and do things at least somewhat in the right way, but it's very few... To put it in perspective though most companies that do FEA spend more than $50k/yr on software and have a handful of well paid engineer's running it. Much more so than standard engineers.
  11. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    SSA just added them, I think they use the same, or similar buildhouse as sundown. As to the "who is this?", Only your favorite person. ROFL.
  12. ///M5


    Not sure I agree on sub sections, then you might as well keep some semblance of the new. I like for sale threads that include all sorts of things. Perhaps you could have a tag system so you could tag the thread in subsystems, but don't make it too many. h/u & proc amp speakers sub
  13. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That was supposed to be a link to the SSA store.
  14. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Curious why no one rec'd this yet. Crescendo Audio C1100.4 - 300 watts x 4 channel Concerto Series Amplifier
  15. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Doh! Ignore that post. I searched for 1000.4 and guess what came up? Something I don't need! Who buys a DC series amp for their sub, lol.
  16. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Who is this guy? http://www.caraudioclassifieds.org/forum/mono-amplifiers/118330-zapco-dc1100-1-bnib.html And what's with the I can "guarantee" has someone been making Zap knock-off's?
  17. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Of course, had I known now what I should have realized then I'd have bought them anyways.
  18. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What about 2 750.2's ? I don't really want to run four amps.... Perhaps I should have said, I need: Mids: 500w x2 (4ohms) or 250 x4 at or 1000w 1 at 2ohm Tweeters: 50w x1 at 4 Coaxes: >100w x2 at 2 Sub: >500w at whatever ROFL. Two 1000.4's would have been perfect. You should have bought those, it's not something to pass up I'd actually rather have the non-DC versions...otherwise I would have.
  19. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    We will be quitting grains because it forces us to eat something better for ourselves. Sean is right, after the first week it wasn't really a problem for me. Really, the more important part to me is her workout. I really need to get her something that she can do and stick to and she honestly leaves something that gives her no choice but to do it Why cut out the grains? One of the best things in life is real bread and all the anti-carb anti-grain propaganda I hold very little faith in. Just make them good grains.
  20. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Space can be made, but then it's easy. I'd prefer 2 amps, but can go three. If I go three then one amp can be for horns and full range, one for the sub and one for the mids. Of course a Memphis Belle and a 1000.4 would do it as well. The volume knobs are a whole additional concern....but I may just do this the serious old school way.
  21. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No need to remove grains. Just remove the ultra processed ones. If you want bread, make it yourself. Same with pasta. I can buy raw grains right at the coop, grind them in the vitamix and make whatever I want. Perfectly good for you. The classic If you need a high heat oil instead of canola use grapeseed. We have some canola oil in the house for unusually delicate baking items but otherwise don't use it. We probably go through 10 gal of olive oil a year though. Lard is also an acceptable fat. Tastes fucking yummy too. And again no reason to make this complicated. I don't care about polyblablablab, hyrdoblabla etc but if it has more than a single ingredient it makes it easy. Here are two other diets that I consider not only healthy, but eye opening and educational as well. I made these up to challenge one of my friends who tries everything but the right things. He tried both and they worked WAY better than any other BS diet or program I've seen. 1) The don't eat the same meal 2x in a month diet. This one is hard for most people, but not for me. It's how I prefer to live. My exception of course is breakfast, but that might have 3 duplicate meals in a month. 2) Eat 12 cups of vegetables a day. This might be one of the healthier things you can do. Those were both geared to my ever expanding friend who basically if left to his own eats beef, american cheese and sugar. Could certainly be challenging, but I don't see anything wrong with rotating through the same healthy foods, unless one becomes tired of the same food. I just don't like canola oil or unsaturated fat because it's not very stable, easy to oxidize. I'm sure it's not a huge deal to have here and there, but I figure even a little bit everyday adds up to a lot over a lifetime. Potatoes are my exception to grains. Young jedi, you question the details but not the meaning. The reason is simple. Most people who have dietary problems eat the same crap all the time. It isn't a problem because it's repetitive, but that it's crap. Then you repeat it. As a diet, if you can only have the crap you like to eat a lot once a month your diet instantly becomes WAY healthier. As with ANY thing you are trying to conquer in life, the best and first step is to start a log and keep track of it. Write down everything you eat. That alone may be enough of a "diet" to straighten things out. The amount of shit that goes into your stomach in the US is fucking terrible. Knowing it's happening is a start.
  22. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Until the batteries go into low situation and the amps shut off....hopefully.
  23. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wonder if the Cadence sub control will work as a volume control for the whole amp if used full range. I'd love to just completely forego the headunit and have three volume only knobs and the processor doing the rest of the work. Then no one could fuck anything up.
  24. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My only knock on the minidsp is price. I don't need control as this is more or less a set it and forget it and can of course be dinked with while parked anyways. MOST of the time this stereo will be used with the alternator not spinning.
  25. ///M5

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Any idea how they are heat sinked? Only reason I ask is that the Cerwin Vega version of the Arc amps don't fare so well in boat environments due to the heat. I "could" mount them in a different orientation and use a fan but then I have no access to the connections without a bunch of bs time building a flip down something or other to hold them.