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Everything posted by thebiggmann12

  1. thebiggmann12

    Eclipse Titanium subwoofer box

    o lol ok. yea its not for the 12. but thanx for the help.
  2. thebiggmann12

    Eclipse Titanium subwoofer box

    rank that link sent me to a blank page...and my brother is thinkin about getting a the 12" ti but he aint got a car yet so im gonna build a box that fits in my car and test it out.
  3. hey bro, its doing really really good. i got it in a pretty good box tuned to 28 hz and 6.3 cubes after displacement n it pounds like no other.

  4. thebiggmann12

    mmatts juggernaut

    hey guys, i have an 18 fi q right now, i was offered a trade for a 15" mmatts juggernaut. i have heard of them but i have never heard them. does nebody have an idea of what i should do? i like loud low bass. i have a 1600 watt hifonics monoblock, and can build whatever box i need to.
  5. thebiggmann12

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    is that a sealed box?
  6. thebiggmann12

    So.... What do you guys think?

    with that much wattage, you should probably look into a btl... or a couple fully loaded bls
  7. thebiggmann12

    mmatts juggernaut

    the box is ported, and tuned to 28 hz at 6.3 cubes after displacement. and no i have never ran dd, ive heard that they dont like the low low bass, i could have heard wrong tho lol. the videos really dont do any justice on youtube, its one of those things that u really have to see for yourself. i mite just meet up with the guy and throw his stuff in my car and see how it sounds and then go from there.
  8. thebiggmann12

    Tickets for loud music

    i've never been pulled over but i got my driving privilages taken away at school for a week bc i pulled in one morning and the windows rattled a bunch.
  9. thebiggmann12

    Need help on subs

    good call...i didnt see that he had 2.
  10. thebiggmann12

    Need help on subs

    dual 2
  11. thebiggmann12

    mmatts juggernaut

    yea i wish i woulda got a bl but i got a deal on the q off of some guy on craigslist and got it cheap thats why i got it, it was a major increase from the 2 12" 9500's i had before. im gonna try to get rid of this and get like 2 good 15"s or 2 or 3 good 12"s.
  12. thebiggmann12

    mmatts juggernaut

    im really just trying to get the most out of what i have...i like really loud bass, preferably in the lower frequency region. i just really dont wanna spend any more money lol beings that i have none.
  13. thebiggmann12

    Box size difference

    hey guys, i have a 18" fi q with bp power. im running it off of a 1600 rms hifonics amp. i have it in the back of a focus hatchback in a 6.3 cubic foot box tuned to 28 hz after displacement. my question is, if i take my backseat out i can build a bigger box. i dont use my backseat much so idc about that lol but say i built a 8 cubic foot box and tuned it the same, would there be any difference? if so what would the difference be besides no backseat?
  14. thebiggmann12

    idle drop, ??

    i think its just the extra stress put on the motor...
  15. thebiggmann12

    idle drop, ??

    well thats the only time it does it. i turn the subs down n the temp drops
  16. thebiggmann12

    idle drop, ??

    when its hot out, my temp raises on mt engine when i play bass 4 more than 3 minutes
  17. thebiggmann12

    idle drop, ??

    my car does the same thing...it does add a resistance to ur engine, if u follow ur gas mileage closely and listen to ur music turned up loud alot u will notice ur gas mileage go down.
  18. thebiggmann12

    Box Question

    yea i have a focus hatch, and it hit the lows better with port up and sub up, but i took the backseat out and faced the sub and port to the back and the lows arent quite as strong, but it hits everything alot better and sounds louder, i dont have a tl so idk if it meters better but it sounds better and louder with port and sub to the back.
  19. thebiggmann12

    Sub Wall

    lol mee 2
  20. thebiggmann12

    Sub Wall

    is having a wall in the back of your vehicle illegal since u cant see out of your rear view mirror? thinking about doing a wall in my daily driver but not sure if im gonna b getting in trouble for it or not...any input would b great. thanx.
  21. thebiggmann12

    kicker zx1000.1

    no they are not 1 ohm stable..i dont remember what volts it was but it was 1298 watts rms on my birthsheet.
  22. thebiggmann12

    Sub Wall

    lol i was just kidding bro.
  23. thebiggmann12

    amplifier gain question

    i have always been told that if u are running ur amp at say 2 ohms then to use that 2 ohms when setting ur gains.
  24. thebiggmann12

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    lol if u wernt in canada i woulda bought that box from u.
  25. thebiggmann12

    Sub Wall

    well pots illegal and people smoke it...