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Everything posted by thebiggmann12

  1. thebiggmann12

    jl audio

    y not run 1 amp to 1 sub? what is the impedance of the subs?
  2. thebiggmann12

    new system- need ideas

    really, ur decibles are gonna be alot of install dependant. from what my 18 did, the qs really really bang out the lows, but the bls would probably do the same, if u tune it right. i would go with the bls honestly, to save on space, and im guessing they would b about the same volume.
  3. thebiggmann12

    Someone needs to do this to a voicecoil

    thats pretty kool
  4. thebiggmann12

    Hunterp223 Box Design Fi BL 15

    damn thats a nice box...i wish i could design something like that.
  5. thebiggmann12

    Necessary Batts for a good reserve.

    do u know anybody around there with a term lab?
  6. thebiggmann12

    alt size?

    id try to get one around 200 amps just to be on the safe side, and also invest in a few batteries.
  7. thebiggmann12

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    holy shit, im using that much on my sub lol
  8. thebiggmann12

    Smokie's Focus Build

    have u tried using the re box calculator to get ur specs?
  9. thebiggmann12

    Necessary Batts for a good reserve.

    off topic but where is plainfield?
  10. thebiggmann12

    Smokie's Focus Build

    lol shizzon. if ur trying to build it in the backseat u can go 45" wide and all the way to the back of the front seats is about 30" or so. and then as tall as u want. u could def do 2 15"s hell u could do 2 18"s. thats what i was going to do, just make sure u do ur electrical if ur gonna go high wattage.
  11. thebiggmann12

    Smokie's Focus Build

    i would try building another box in the hatch area, before u go buying more subs..but it really depends on how much output ur looking for...if u looking for mid 140's im guessing the 12 isnt gonna do it. but if ur just looking for something that sounds good and still has a good deal of thump, then stick with the 12 and build another box.
  12. thebiggmann12

    Smokie's Focus Build

    also, u might b able to do a 2 15 setup in the hatch area, ur dimensions are 35 wide 20 deep and i did it 22 high, which was a little above the seat but not much.
  13. thebiggmann12

    Smokie's Focus Build

    make sure u sound deaden that hatch..it rattles like hell with the sub and port facing it.
  14. thebiggmann12

    Smokie's Focus Build

    yea i like to change it up alot. the nightshade is alot louder but also geared towards spl more. def go sub n port up if u want to keep ur backseat
  15. thebiggmann12

    Smokie's Focus Build

    try sub up port up. it works the best and sounds the best.
  16. thebiggmann12

    Smokie's Focus Build

    might as well put an 18 in it. i had an 18" Q in my focus and it was rediculous.
  17. thebiggmann12

    How does this look

    i think it looks pretty good. nice and clean
  18. thebiggmann12

    Port Length for Nightshade 18"

    alright will do. thanx.
  19. ok so i built a box for my new nightshade 18. it is just under 5 cubic feet before sub displacement but after port displacement. it is tuned to 31 hz b4 the sub. it sounds great. my question is if the port area is too small. the re calculator that i used said that the square port area was 55.5. idk if this means inches or what but im guessing inches. the sub performs great at higher frequencies but the lows are kinda lacking compared to the 18" fi q that i had before. any info would be great. also if somebody would be willing to design me an optimal box that would be great too. my dimensions are 36" wide 22" tall and 20" deep. sub and port would have to be facing up. i like the lower frequencies alot. i like my highs too but low lows (between 27ish and 38ish hz) are what i love. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanx.
  20. thebiggmann12

    Port Length for Nightshade 18"

    yea i figured it was something like that but i have heard from a few people that they were low end monsters...o well not a big deal for me, but the nightshade does sound better than the q, definately hits a bigger margin of frequencies. but if the port area seams about right, then i will probably just build another box maybe tuned a bit lower, but overall about the same size and then do 45's in the corners and fiberglass the inside.
  21. thebiggmann12

    10" Fi Bl Box Problems

    hey guys, i used the re box calculator to make a box for my 10" fi bl. the box is 1.457 cubes for my sub after port displacement. the port is tuned to 33 hz. it doesnt sound good at all. i followed the cutsheets and everything and there is no leaks in the box that i can find. im just kinda wondering why it doesnt sound good. also, i used 3/4 inch mdf for everything but the baffle and the back. i used 3/4 plywood for that. could that be why it doesnt sound good? please any help would b great. thanx.
  22. thebiggmann12

    10" Fi Bl Box Problems

    lol i got winisd, but im not 100 percent sure how to use it...it was pretty complicated for me. i want to figure it out tho.
  23. thebiggmann12

    10" Fi Bl Box Problems

    lol i got a terrible grade in geometry...i think im just going to stick with re calculator. it worked out great on my q
  24. thebiggmann12

    New personal best with one woofer =)

    whats the record for the loudest single 18? anybody know? thats an insane score, ik darn well my q never got that high lol.
  25. thebiggmann12

    Frat Basement Throwdown

    box is amazing! lol and i have never seen anybody cut wood in a nicely done up basement before lol. good job.