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Everything posted by thebiggmann12

  1. thebiggmann12

    Nightshade v.2 -- New Personal best score !

    why is it that you use a 15 instead of an 18? just wondering
  2. thebiggmann12

    Review on 18" BTL

    did u use the re calculator to build ur box?
  3. thebiggmann12

    Ordered my first Q12

    actually if ur going sealed, u could def use the box u found made by bassworx. a sealed box is a sealed box. its in the optimal size range recommended by fi so it will work great. building ur own box is probably cheaper, but not if u have to go out and buy all the tools and stuff so yea if u got the money i would order that box. plus it looks great.
  4. thebiggmann12

    System won't work.

    o. didnt know about the protection circuits.
  5. thebiggmann12

    System won't work.

    yea but if the amp is 2 ohm stable or even 1 ohm stable he could have had the sub wired up to too low of an impedance and burned the amp up.
  6. thebiggmann12

    System won't work.

    what kinda deck r u running? and what kinda sub?
  7. thebiggmann12

    sa8 or btls

    its really install dependant, jacob just did a 150.7 on his single sa-8.
  8. thebiggmann12

    *****Chevy Malibu Warden Build!!********

    those wardens have an awesome magnet...i have never seen anything like that before...probably plunty of subs on the market like it but ive never seen it... looks great man.
  9. thebiggmann12

    Subwoofers in Doors

    the only problem i would see with that other than what the other guys said, is wouldnt the outer door skin flex like crazy? i have no idea but jus throwing out possible problems so u can take them into account when u do the building...POST PICS!!!lol
  10. thebiggmann12

    question about trunk space..

    if u have the doors on an amp they should get loud and then just make sure u have a good headunit to set the speakers right and set the filters and crossovers on the amp. should sound fine, and then later down the road if its not good enough then u can order some aftermarket door speakers. i have 1 18" nightshade in my car and stock door speakers with no amp and the way i set it up through my indash it sounds fine to my likings.
  11. thebiggmann12

    question about box please help!!

    alot of people take the rear speakers out if they are in the rear deck, or u can cut holes with like a hole saw. also, if ur back seats fold down thats probably the best way.
  12. thebiggmann12

    hifonics brutus

    ive got the 1610 series and it works great for me...beats the hell outta my nightshade
  13. thebiggmann12

    Creating a New Box (Help Appreciated)

    i would get a saz1500d. is the sub dual 2 ohms or dual 1 ohm? the saz1500d will do around 2000 watts but u will have to upgrade ur electrical to get the most out of it.
  14. thebiggmann12

    Final Decision For Income Tax Build

    might need a bigger alternator, but other than that sounds great. keep us updated.
  15. thebiggmann12

    Samsung LED 55" PS3 photo :)

    You tried to eat it? lmao sorry incredible!!! i actually laughed at this for about 3 hours...1 hour to in my room, tearing up from laughter, and the other 2 hours quietly to myself.
  16. thebiggmann12

    Help me win a school contest! And its a cool video anyhow!

    u hesitated a little bit right around 1:09ish. other than that it was a very well made video. good luck
  17. thebiggmann12

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol i thought so, but that was a little before when i started watching the news so wasnt 100 percent sure.
  18. thebiggmann12

    New PG amplifiers

    it looks good, but will it perform?
  19. thebiggmann12

    Welcome to the IHoP

    wasnt ephedra in like weightloss pills?
  20. thebiggmann12

    Hell-Razor's Build Log

    with ur gain knob, i think u want to set ur gains on ur amp first and then use ur knob to turn it down. when the knob is turned all the way up, it will be at the level ur amp is set to.
  21. thebiggmann12

    Need Advice on Best Box

    hey guys, im having a hard time deciding on which box to build for my 18" nightshade. i will be using a hifonics brutus bxi1610d amplifier. i have a fairly small trunk but the sub will fit with a correctly sized box. i used the re calculator to come up with 2 different designs. i need your help to choose which would be best. here is the first one http://i903.photobucket.com/albums/ac235/thebiggmann12/2.png and the second one is here http://i903.photobucket.com/albums/ac235/thebiggmann12/Untitled.png the one with the port along the bottom would be port back sup up and the other one would be port up sub up. it will be going in a hatchback focus. if u need any more information i will be glad to give it to you.
  22. thebiggmann12

    Greetings from Curacao

    hello! welcome to the site. please read the newbie guidelines, and have fun learning!!
  23. thebiggmann12

    D1 or D2 ohm?

    im not sure if im right but i dont think u can have 2 different types of amps on 1 sub can u?
  24. thebiggmann12

    Quick need help deciding

    i would also go with the 8s bc then u can mount them comfortably under the seat.
  25. thebiggmann12

    Need Advice on Best Box

    will do.getting wood 2marrow, i think it should turn out great.