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Everything posted by thebiggmann12

  1. thebiggmann12

    Tattoo thread

    hey chop wheres a good place to get a tat done in indy or around indy? im looking at getting one done next month.
  2. thebiggmann12

    SAZ-1500D or AP30001D?

    I thought the AP was 1 ohm stable... It says that they are rated at 3000k @ 1 ohm. My thought was that even if they are overrated, I could still get over 2k rms with imp rise... What type of actual power should I expect from a SAZ-1500D. I have read both that they are underrated and that they are rated to the specs... the ap3000d is stable at 1 ohm per channel, and it will put out 1500 watts per channel or 3000 watts briged together at 2 ohms and puts out 3000 at 2 ohms
  3. thebiggmann12

    Got to hear a nightshade today

    hey bro no problem at all...thanx for comin up here and showing interest.
  4. thebiggmann12

    Nightshade v.2 Teaser Picture

    ^that would be badass!
  5. thebiggmann12

    Nightshade v.2 Teaser Picture

    insane...10,000 watts...awesome!
  6. hey bro i txted u..do u get txts? whats ur name?

  7. thebiggmann12

    DC Lvl 5 10 Testing for Limits

    that is the SHIT!!!
  8. thebiggmann12

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    im tuned in!!!
  9. thebiggmann12

    Road to 160db's!!!

    you should probably post up a video or something...
  10. thebiggmann12

    Do i have the power?

    you will need a high output alternator. i would look at irragi, dc, or mechman. i dont have an opinion on any of them since i have never used one but those are the 3 that came to mind. also you will need a good battery up front and then probably 2-3 in the back. do not use a cap.
  11. thebiggmann12

    Need help choosing?

    that amp is only 4 ohm stable in mono mode, so a dual 2 ohm sub would be ur best bet...if ur really looking for lows, you might wanna check out the q series. they are the best sounding subs and they love the low notes. i have personally owned an 18" and it got loud as hell and sounded great doing it. so get a dual 2 ohm sub and wire it down to 4 ohms.
  12. thebiggmann12

    Sub box bracing

    um washers and nuts...what would ahppen if the bass hit and moved the rod and the road fell down? this is why i wanted the 2-flat head screws at the top to hold it in place, and to HOLD it together? plus it has to be flush with the surface fo the mdf as this will be goign into my trunk so if there any extrusion i am screwed well if u tightened the nuts down together then they would not come loose...but if u dont want it extruding then yea u probably dont want to do that...ur idea would work great then.
  13. thebiggmann12

    How's this box look?

    i would look at an saz2000d or a audioque 2200d. ive heard they are both very good amps, the sundown is expensive but it is definately worth the cost. but if ur on a small budget the audioque would be the way to go. dont run an amp at .5 ohm...there is no sense in it for a daily setup...just get an amp that is rated at 2000 watts at 1 ohm.
  14. thebiggmann12

    Sub box bracing

    you could also do just a few long threaded rods and then drill a hole through each side of your box, run the threaded rod through and then put nuts and washers on each end to hold it in place. minimal displacement and threaded rod is fairly strong.
  15. where u at in danville? idk what im gonna be competing in, ive never done it b4 so idk what to do at all lol.

  16. thebiggmann12

    Oscilloscope for 50 bucks.

    id get the big one bc it has more knobs lol.
  17. thebiggmann12

    buddy put drill through my the rubber surround

    lol i got pissed when i put a hole in my q...let alone if somebody else did it...i was in a bad mood for like 3 days after i did that.
  18. thebiggmann12

    New member all the way from Guatemala!

  19. thebiggmann12

    FI BTL 18

    looks sick
  20. thebiggmann12

    power supply question

  21. thebiggmann12

    power supply question

  22. thebiggmann12

    power supply question

    110 amps...do the big three, and add an extra battery in the back and u should be fine.
  23. thebiggmann12

    power supply question

    i run my 1600 watt amp on a 4 year old battery and a 7 year old alternator at full tilt with the big three done and nothing else. i drop to about 12.8 volts. i have my gains set to 1500 watts on my amp with a dmm. my lights dim a bit but not too bad. check and see how much ur alternator puts out...or at least tell us what kind of car you have.
  24. what kinda music does she listen to? anything u get u will have to get as a dual 1 or a dual 4 ohm.
  25. thebiggmann12

    One NS 15 at 35 Hz
