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Everything posted by thebiggmann12

  1. thebiggmann12

    XS Power Batteries for my application

    damn thats good to know...i really didnt wanna upgrade my alt. and i have the same size alt as u so i should b good. sorry to thread jack.
  2. thebiggmann12

    XS Power Batteries for my application

    jay r u just using that stock alternator?
  3. thebiggmann12

    #9 on google in under 12hrs!

    lol i googled it.
  4. thebiggmann12

    When you can look forward to... (KH501 Series)

    we love pics!!!!
  5. thebiggmann12

    Welcome Argent Audio!

  6. thebiggmann12

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm going to convert my house over to 12VDC for lighting using a simple homebuild wind generator, a single solar cell and a bank of small batteries and relays. I hope to have the house off the grid, lighting-wise in less than 6 months. im working on becoming a wind turbine maintenance man.
  7. thebiggmann12

    whip audio

    Whip Audio this is all i can find on them.
  8. thebiggmann12

    How well will my amp hold up?

    u cant wire 2 dual 2 subs to 1 ohm. u can only wire to .5 ohms and 2 ohms. 1 ohm is not an option.
  9. well, when posting on a public forum, u should expect to get a public answer. just because u thought it was fun other people dont have to think the same thing. some people think it was dumb and they told you. thats what a public forum is all about, people stating opinions.
  10. i meant when u build ur new box...check out this site. it mite help you out a bit...just make sure to stay within the recommended 12-16 sq inches of port area per cubic foot of space in ur box. scroll down a bit to find the part with porting and then just punch in the numbers to get the desired specs. Speaker Enclosure Volume Calculator
  11. you would have 2 use more than 1. there isnt enough port area with just 1.
  12. thebiggmann12

    Welcome to the IHoP

    pulp fiction
  13. also, if u dont have ur gains set right u can still clip the heck out of ur sub and blow it up. so set ur gains right to make sure ur not clipping the sub to death. upgrade ur electrical by doing the big three and possibly an extra battery or h/o alternator or both if u want to add more power later on.
  14. that noise u are hearing is called port noise...it comes from not having enough port area. try adding 1 or 2 more and tuning to the same frequency and u will probably not have that noise.
  15. 95 percent of the time its because people ask the same question that has been answered 100 times, and using the search bar will answer most of the questions people ask on here.
  16. thebiggmann12

    Help Me End My Search!

    dont forget about the sundown line...i have a nightshade 18 and its loud as shit and sounds great with all my music
  17. thebiggmann12

    which is a better set up

  18. thebiggmann12


    if each coil was 1.2 then u have a dual 1 sub.
  19. thebiggmann12

    (2) 18" IA Wardens

    pretty sick
  20. thebiggmann12


    lookin sick!
  21. thebiggmann12

    Reputation feature

    damn kids...
  22. thebiggmann12

    Warm magnet?

    lol i feel ya man...i was supposed to get mine back on the 14th of feb...not gonna happen...dont get caught driving on a suspended license...
  23. thebiggmann12

    Warm magnet?

    idk either...i would probably just refrain from using ur sub in ur house and just wait till its in the car...and POST PICS!!!
  24. thebiggmann12

    Warm magnet?

    could have had a clipped signal in ur house stereo...that would have caused the sub to get hot and the heat would have just radiated in the box.
  25. thebiggmann12

    Tattoo thread

    most of mine are done from a fellow who did alot of time, lol, and are usually done at my house. there are so many places, i would hate to make a suggestion. my advice, look real close at their portfolio! shop around, alot. if you and the artist kick it right off the bat, good, if you get a bad vibe, move on. good advice. thanx bro.