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Everything posted by thebiggmann12

  1. thebiggmann12

    US Congress will offer no extensions......

    good luck chop...im prayin for ya bro.
  2. thebiggmann12

    ACSchank's Build Log

    lol post em up bro.
  3. thebiggmann12

    Xcon or Icon for my ED Nine.1 ?

    2-12's have more cone area so yes they will be louder. thats not always the case...take 2 12" Sony explodes in a couple prefab boxes and then build a nice box for 1 12" Btl or equivalent and tell me which one is louder. its all in the install. that being said i have heard great things about both subwoofers and i would personally go with 1 xcon.
  4. thebiggmann12

    Thanks to all Sundown customers !

    i didnt buy anything brand new from you, but i do rock a bit of sundown and i can say that its not us that picked sundown amps...its you guys...for building a top notch product with excellent customer service to count on. so thank you for having a record month of sales
  5. hey guys, it turns out my free trial of windows 7 is over in a week, and im wondering what i should get to replace it...idk if there are still free o/s's out there like windows eternity or not, but if somebody has a way to show me something like that i would be gracious...also, what o/s do u guys recommend?
  6. thebiggmann12

    Which Operating System?

    what is ubuntu like?
  7. thebiggmann12

    Which Operating System?

    o i was looking at walmart.com and they only had like 200 buck versions and up.
  8. thebiggmann12

    Which Operating System?

    lol no big deal...i will either find it for free or find something else
  9. thebiggmann12

    Which Operating System?

    lol its expensive as hell...just over 200 bucks...and right now i dont have that.
  10. thebiggmann12

    IA Lethal Injection Sub Box.

    DO NOT BUY A PREFAB!!! ur much better off building ur own box. most prefabs are tuned really high and will sound like shit. as for an amp, go with a sundown. a bit pricey but well worth it.
  11. thebiggmann12

    So my box cut out is alittle too big

    DC Lvl 5 10 Testing for Limits - SSA Car Audio Forum - Page 6 check it out...its in one of the pics...like halfway down the page.
  12. thebiggmann12

    So my box cut out is alittle too big

    thorhammer...he has 2 custom made 10" dc level 5s...and the magnet is bigger than the cutout so he had to have adapter plates made for his speakers so he could mount them.
  13. thebiggmann12

    So my box cut out is alittle too big

    u could make an adapter plate, kinda like thorhammer uses on his lvl 5 10"s
  14. thebiggmann12

    batt light stays on

    sometimes lights just go crazy...even if there is nothing wrong...it just senses a change that it doesnt know.
  15. thebiggmann12

    LVL 4 15's

    or u could do subs back ports up, then u wouldnt have to worry about the subs excursioning and hitting the the roof of the trunk...thats probably what i would do...subs back port up.
  16. thebiggmann12

    i have not been around much

    hey man, you just got to keep on keepin on. just keep living life, and looking up towards the good in life...keep beating on that sundown equipment.
  17. thebiggmann12

    Difficulty Finding Enclosure

    or just go to lowes or menards and buy some wood and have them cut it for you...then all u have to do is glue it and screw it together.
  18. thebiggmann12


    its to keep people for signing up for a site, and then just selling something and then never getting back on again. waste of bandwidth.
  19. thebiggmann12


    200 per or each?
  20. thebiggmann12

    I Made A Lamp...

    pucking awesome lol...that is badass.
  21. thebiggmann12

    so i want more...

    that wont work. i think its because of cancellation issues with different waves from different size woofers. either get another hx2 or sell it and get 2 of something else.
  22. thebiggmann12

    rattlebox317's wmd2 12" box design

    it doesnt say, but the initial guy got bashed for not doing it right and then some other guy jumped in and showed him the way people like jacob and dj from team nemesis do it, and that way shows 1839rms at 3.7 ohms
  23. thebiggmann12

    rattlebox317's wmd2 12" box design

    from what i have been reading, u get more than what you pay for for the ap...not quite what u get with a sundown, but quite a bit for 300 bucks.
  24. thebiggmann12

    rattlebox317's wmd2 12" box design

    i am finding that out as i read. the valid test still did a hair over rated power at 4 ohms.
  25. thebiggmann12

    rattlebox317's wmd2 12" box design

    Real World AP3000D Tests !!!! - Car Audio Classifieds there ya go...ive been reading it lol.