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Everything posted by thebiggmann12

  1. thebiggmann12


    id sell my hifonics 1610d for 150 or so, a bit bigger than u need but will work.
  2. thebiggmann12

    ROE's Build

    do u already have the lvl 5's? i have read on smd ALOT and everybody says the 4xl's are louder up till 5k each.
  3. im guessing you have a bad ground to ur amp. also, u might want to run 0 gauge, just to be on the safe side. find out if ur alternator might be going bad too.
  4. thebiggmann12

    lil man

  5. thebiggmann12

    Worst Movie You've Ever Seen

    so i didnt wanna make a new thread, but the best movie i have ever seen was definately "remember me" with the guy from twilight in it...it was AWESOME! def go see it if u get the chance.
  6. thebiggmann12

    Enclosure Build for spsjr1987 (Two 12 Inch Sundown Audio SA's)

    looks awesome as usual.
  7. thebiggmann12

    1 SSD 18" ported or 2 SSD 18" sealed

    or get a nightshade...u wont push it to its limits off of 900rms but it will get loud as hell, and it requires a smaller box, run it in 5 cubes after ur port and sub.
  8. thebiggmann12

    Digital volt meters

    u could always get the round non-digital ones they have in like jegs or summit or w/e.
  9. o my bad, what are you looking for? like if it doesnt take expensive equipment i would be more than happy to do it for you 2marrow. You wouldn't be able to do it in your driveway For starters, a distortion measurement would be helpful. o lol if i could i would
  10. thebiggmann12

    2 15" IA Lethal Injections

    wow this is looking great!
  11. go from a lower quality amp to a higher quality amp and its almost a guarentee that ur going to hear some kind of a difference. Meh, possible but unlikely. More likely it's a difference in power or some system setting. im sure its a difference in power, bc i havnt fine tuned the sundown yet, but i set the gain to where it sounded the best and left the ssf and hpf where it was...but on the hifonics i spent a decent amount of time setting it to where it sounded best, and imo the sundown sounds quite a bit better than the hifonics as it is now, ill set the sundown up 2marrow and im guessing it will sound even better. to me tho the sundown just sounds cleaner. So you admit that it really has nothing to do with hearing a difference between the amplifiers no actually not at all...the hifonics was set to sound the best it could and i havnt set the ssf or the hpf on the sundown and it already sounds cleaner...its just got a crisper bass to it.
  12. A lot of people say that, yet no one has provided actual verification the times I've asked for it. So....got a link to an actual bench test that verifies this? SAZ-1500D POWER TESTING - SSA Car Audio Forum http://www.sundownau...0D/CIMG2493.MOV http://www.sundownau...0D/CIMG2494.MOV Those are useless clamp tests....NOT what I asked for. o my bad, what are you looking for? like if it doesnt take expensive equipment i would be more than happy to do it for you 2marrow.
  13. go from a lower quality amp to a higher quality amp and its almost a guarentee that ur going to hear some kind of a difference. Meh, possible but unlikely. More likely it's a difference in power or some system setting. im sure its a difference in power, bc i havnt fine tuned the sundown yet, but i set the gain to where it sounded the best and left the ssf and hpf where it was...but on the hifonics i spent a decent amount of time setting it to where it sounded best, and imo the sundown sounds quite a bit better than the hifonics as it is now, ill set the sundown up 2marrow and im guessing it will sound even better. to me tho the sundown just sounds cleaner.
  14. A lot of people say that, yet no one has provided actual verification the times I've asked for it. So....got a link to an actual bench test that verifies this? SAZ-1500D POWER TESTING - SSA Car Audio Forum http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/1500D/CIMG2493.MOV http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/1500D/CIMG2494.MOV
  15. yea, while psychoacoustics plays a role in alot of peoples comparasons, its not always like that, go from a lower quality amp to a higher quality amp and its almost a guarentee that ur going to hear some kind of a difference. I was not talking to you. ik bro, i was agreeing with you tho.
  16. lol nah man i wasnt getting my panties in a bunch, i was just saying that i actually did get a noticable difference, but u are correct in saying that alot of people have the thought in their head that its going to be louder, even tho its really not, they think it is.
  17. thebiggmann12

    What amp???

    x2...and id go with sundown bc from what i've heard over on smd, the fosgate amps are very inefficent.
  18. thebiggmann12

    Q and SSD questions, for mustang

    also, how stuck are you on fi? not to take away from them but i've heard the ssa line up is badass in sealed boxes and ported boxes. try looking around a bit. just to be sure u get what u want.
  19. Finally, someone who noticed the same thing I did when it comes to the sound of the Hifonics amps. The sound is just not clean, muddy and slightly distorted, and not just at high volume levels. I would recommend going ahead and spending the extra $$$ on the Sundown. Being that Maxxsonics makes both, and with my experience thus far with Maxxsonics built amps I have to recommend the Sundown, Audiopipe, or something other than the Maxxsonics built products. i have heard that the mb quart amps are an improvement over the hifonics amps. not sure if its true but ik my sundown sounds better than my hifonics. i would def still go with sundown, even if the amps were equal, i would pay the extra for great customer service all day long.
  20. yea, while psychoacoustics plays a role in alot of peoples comparasons, its not always like that, go from a lower quality amp to a higher quality amp and its almost a guarentee that ur going to hear some kind of a difference.
  21. thebiggmann12

    camaro charging system

    check out xs power batts right here on the ssa store which is at the very top of the screen.
  22. lol my little pos "boomstick" (cheap ass walmart db meter) confirmed it when i raised from a 127.8 to a 129.4
  23. i just got my saz1500d and it replaced the hifonics 1610d and it made a huge difference...not only was it louder, but it sounded cleaner. like the bass was much more crisp.
  24. thebiggmann12

    Good 15 inch subs for sealed

    those angled braces are just a 2 inch (i think i didn't check it) peice of mdf cut with 45 degree cuts on each side, your average circular saw or jigsaw should be able to adjust to 45 degrees.
  25. thebiggmann12

    Powering a 12" BL

    i vote get a saz1500d...or a sae1200d. brand new, great customer service, and they put out gobs of power. either amp will be more than enough for what you need. also, if ur stuck on a hifonics...id sell my brutus 1610d for 150 plus shipping. pm me if interested.