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Everything posted by thebiggmann12

  1. thebiggmann12

    blew my sub

    that box doesnt like like 11-12 cubes.
  2. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    yea they recommend 4-5. i figured 5 would be the best beings that im not running a ton of power so i would be more efficient.
  3. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    yea i can get the whole 145 that duran said, i already had my back seat out so its not a big deal to make a bigger box lol.
  4. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    This should be stickied, I used to think like that and being on this forum has opened my eyes up to a lot of things. When it comes to picking drivers I have to actually do some homework on them and there T/S Paramaters instead of just looking at price and if its rms is the same as my amplifier (how I used to be a year ago). I appreciate all the info and time your are putting aside to answer my questions. OP(Brandon) I do apologize for getting your thread off topic. lol it hasnt gotten off topic...lots of good info here
  5. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    so bkolfo4, i should go with durans original recommendation? keep in mind that i will b running 1500 watts to it.
  6. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    lol my backseat is already out, so i dont mind having that much port, i just want whats going to work best.
  7. thebiggmann12

    3 fi ssd 18's vs. 2 fi bl 18's

    id go with the ssd's, more cone area ftw!!!
  8. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    ^this. thanx for clearing that up. would u suggest the same amount as duran?
  9. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    hey bro give him time, he gets alot of emails every day, hell he gets like 3 from me damn near every day lol, what do u need help with? maybe somebody on here can help ya. and stealth there is no need to get all bent out of shape about this topic, everybody has their opinions about how much port area to run, there is no right or wrong answer, from what i've been reading. its all about user preference
  10. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    lol i have no idea how to do that.
  11. thebiggmann12

    audioque hdc3 18s

    stick with what aq recommends.
  12. thebiggmann12

    audioque hdc3 18s

    how much space do u have to work with? also, do u have the electrical system to handle 3k watts?
  13. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    jacob said Approx 25mm linear each way. he also said 64 in squared should do it.
  14. thebiggmann12

    4 options, which would be best.

    that really doesnt answer his question...do u like low bass or high bass? are you going to be competing or just showing off to ur friends? things like that.
  15. thebiggmann12

    Why ?!

    lol why do people drink every day and night and then get all pissy when the get kicked out of college for getting bad grades?
  16. thebiggmann12

    4 options, which would be best.

    what is the rms on that amp?
  17. thebiggmann12

    SSA Forum Shirt design contest.

    i wish i was halfway talented at designing things, lots of great ideas just have a hard time putting them to paper.
  18. thebiggmann12

    I need to pick a new phone

    ive heard the motorola droid is ALOT better than the droid eris.
  19. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    alright i will email jacob tonight. thanx bro.
  20. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    should i get the exact xmax or should i just go with 145sq in? bc i can email jacob about it...lol he probably hates me with all the emails i send him.
  21. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    well i dont wanna use aeroports bc they are soooo expensive, and i wont be competing ALOT just every now and then. id like to just stick with a slot port.
  22. thebiggmann12

    Port Area

    in 5 cubes?
  23. Exactly. The SAE has made a lot of happy customers. Shame that MBQ is just a badge that is slapped on now. x2 MB Quart, Lanzar, Autotek, HiFonics, Crunch, etc, etc still sell these days but only because of their reputation from years back before Maxxsonics took over. I would've rather spent a few extra bucks and gone with the Sundown. I can't believe that people are even comparing the two. What has this world come too?!?! Ever heard the term "You get what you pay for"? Besides.....wasn't MB Quart a high quality German speaker company? Now all of a sudden they build amps that are made in Taiwan/Korea/China with a badge that says 100,000,000 watts RMS per channel @ 4ohm! Same with new HiFonics like the Brutus that everyone seems to be thrilled about. IMO all it amplifies is distortion but then again you really can't hear it at low frequencies. Just my .02 everything is made in china/taiwan/korea...its cheaper. Yeah but unfortunately the quality has plunged as well with many products. Not necessarily all but maybe a good 90% of it. lol i wouldnt know...i wasnt old enough to drive b4 everything was made in other countries.
  24. Exactly. The SAE has made a lot of happy customers. Shame that MBQ is just a badge that is slapped on now. x2 MB Quart, Lanzar, Autotek, HiFonics, Crunch, etc, etc still sell these days but only because of their reputation from years back before Maxxsonics took over. I would've rather spent a few extra bucks and gone with the Sundown. I can't believe that people are even comparing the two. What has this world come too?!?! Ever heard the term "You get what you pay for"? Besides.....wasn't MB Quart a high quality German speaker company? Now all of a sudden they build amps that are made in Taiwan/Korea/China with a badge that says 100,000,000 watts RMS per channel @ 4ohm! Same with new HiFonics like the Brutus that everyone seems to be thrilled about. IMO all it amplifies is distortion but then again you really can't hear it at low frequencies. Just my .02 everything is made in china/taiwan/korea...its cheaper.
  25. thebiggmann12


    no prob, pm me if ur interested.