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Everything posted by thebiggmann12

  1. thebiggmann12

    Are the Flatlynes for me?

    lol it happens to the best of us...at least u know what ur talking about, where as alot of people (myself included) have no idea about some of the questions that get posted on here.
  2. thebiggmann12

    Are the Flatlynes for me?

    not to take sides or show anybody up or nething, but he said lpf...not ssf.
  3. thebiggmann12

    SAE-1200D Remote

    the remote will not shut the amp off, but it will basically turn ur subs off.
  4. thebiggmann12

    ssa newb from glendale

  5. thebiggmann12

    i hope 1 15" btl will do the trick instead of 18"

    is the 6.5 b4 displacements or after? if its after displacements i would go with the 18. if not def go with the 15.
  6. thebiggmann12

    93 Fleetwood Caddy build.

    looks great!
  7. thebiggmann12

    To Jacob

    lol aight no biggie. just hit me back whenever u get a chance.
  8. thebiggmann12

    To Jacob

    Hey jacob, i was just wondering if u had got my email, i've been having problems with yahoo lately and havnt had a reply from ya since friday. I know ur busy but i was just wondering if u had gotten them, bc if not i gotta get a new email provider lol. so just hit me back whenever u get a chance. thanx.
  9. thebiggmann12

    To Jacob

    lol ik, i got yahoo like 5 years ago and i didnt know much about emails...yahoo was the hot shit then.
  10. thebiggmann12

    Firearms Parts

    too bad u didnt post this like a week ago, they had this big ass gun show with all sorts of gun parts and just guns for dirt ass cheap over in indiana somewhere...i didnt go but some of the guys from my class did and said there was everything there.
  11. thebiggmann12

    How To Do A Recone

    alright, so somehow the basket on my ns just broke like a 3" long peice off, only thing that is holding it on is the surround that is stuck to it. i googled how to do a recone and found this. [How To] Build or recone a speaker - Realm of Excursion i used a search on here and didnt find anything so i figured i would post this up for peoples information. if this is against the rules then by all means delete it. im not sure how that works. hope this helps somebody as much as its going to help me.
  12. thebiggmann12

    spl15 box size???

    o. i would shoot for around 85-100 for the 15...but its kinda going to be trial and error, since they dont list it.
  13. thebiggmann12

    spl15 box size???

    stick with 40 to 70L then.
  14. thebiggmann12

    My Sub Fades In and Out (what is it)?

    also, a square wave is bad...that means major clipping, you want to have the top of the waves rounded over, not flat. if u set it with an o-scope, make sure to have ur bass knob unplugged, set ur gains and then plug ur bass knob back in that way when u turn it all the way up, its only going to turn up the gain to where it is set on the amp.
  15. thebiggmann12

    My Sub Fades In and Out (what is it)?

    check the coils of the sub with a dmm, to make sure they are reading right, make sure ur wiring is solid, check ur rca's bc u might be getting a bad signal. try switching out amps with a buddy to see if ur amp could be the culprit.
  16. thebiggmann12

    Is it possible to be killed by bass alone?

    i doubt his ears have actually bled, it takes a shit ton of work to pull of a number high enough to do that and im pretty sure 2 solo x's wont do it beings that i dont think anybody with solo x 18"s is doing higher than a 160.
  17. thebiggmann12

    Is it possible to be killed by bass alone?

    well no im guessing it has never happened b4 bc there is a shit ton of pressure inside of a extreme spl rig. and i dont know exactly what db would kill u but im guessing anything over a 175 should probably do it.
  18. thebiggmann12

    Back Seat Problem

    i would be more worried about trunk space...do u have enough space for that 18's correct sized enclosure? if so then having the back seat up is not much of a big deal, u could possibly "port" the rear speaker deck to allow air into the cabin tho.
  19. thebiggmann12

    Is it possible to be killed by bass alone?

    the pressure could kill u, but that is only at extremely high spl levels.
  20. thebiggmann12

    Team Decent "Punisher" Build

  21. thebiggmann12

    Break In Period On FI BTL 12?

    lol just beat it.
  22. thebiggmann12

    Is something wrong with my sub or my box?

    x2 is ur box mounted down?
  23. they sell the couplers for a reason, make sure u get the wires nice and tight together and then i would electrical tape around them just to make sure it wont come out as easy.
  24. thebiggmann12

    For 400 bucks what would you do?

    i would personally go with the sa-12s bc i think u would get the most motor force behind them, by fully powering them, with the icons, you wouldnt be pushing them to their full potential...and the xcon is just being beat by cone area edit: sri thought it said icons, its pretty much a toss up between the dcons and the sa-12s...but it would also be nice to have the head room to add another dcon or 2 more dcons with the extra power u would have.
  25. thebiggmann12

    Upfiring enclosure w/ top

    it would also cause a problem with the subwoofers unloading.