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Everything posted by Cthedinger

  1. Who wants to buy b-stock? I sure don't, it is called b-stock for a reason. But Don does make a great product I will give him that for sure. I fixed it thanks for letting me know. It's actually b-stock because the tiles were cut as different angles, not 90* like he wanted, and honestly I have some and you can't tell a difference. Well if that is all that is wrong with it then it might be worth buying the b-stock, I know when second skin has b-stock they say not to put it upside down (there for something has to be wrong with it more than the sheets just not being exactly 90*) You just have to pucking hate on EVERYTHING that doesn't bow down to your little forum. What are you talking about? I gave major props to SDS in my vid, and will continue to in the rest. Yes I prefer Audio Wrap, but I have given credit when need it has need to be given. I don't want to have all this bull shit in my review thread, but I need to say that.
  2. Who wants to buy b-stock? I sure don't, it is called b-stock for a reason. But Don does make a great product I will give him that for sure. I fixed it thanks for letting me know. It's actually b-stock because the tiles were cut as different angles, not 90* like he wanted, and honestly I have some and you can't tell a difference. Well if that is all that is wrong with it then it might be worth buying the b-stock, I know when second skin has b-stock they say not to put it upside down (there for something has to be wrong with it more than the sheets just not being exactly 90*)
  3. Who wants to buy b-stock? I sure don't, it is called b-stock for a reason. But Don does make a great product I will give him that for sure. I fixed it thanks for letting me know.
  4. Cthedinger


    Is that the 5-6 oz. bottle of the yellow/oil looking stuff? is that JUST from seafoam, or have you done other fixes to help with engine performance? I put new plugs and new wires, and thats about it.
  5. Cthedinger

    I hate thieves

    I am not even going to bother with my insurance company, if it was the lock, window, and my gear. I would have called them and the cops right away. I said that in an earlier post. Sorry to hear they broke your window.
  6. Cthedinger

    I hate thieves

    Yeah it does but at least they didn't get anything or brake a window. And thanks Duran.
  7. Cthedinger

    Need some advice on next sub set-up

    They made a mounting ring for the LVL 5 10 so it can be mounted with out a problem. And I would suggest the regular XL over the XL-SPL because there isn't as much cooling on the XL-SPL.
  8. Cthedinger

    Hey guys, morning from Texas :D

    Welcome! I am from Houston too, right of 1960 and 45. Where in Houston are you at?
  9. Cthedinger


    I have used sea foam several times on my 1982 honda civic. When I had got the civic it hadn't been driven in 5 years, runs like a champ now.
  10. Cthedinger

    Audiowrap Install and Review!

    Awesome review Twisted! I can't wait to see this video.
  11. Cthedinger

    Xcon help!

    Is you subsonic set on your amp? Are you playing below tuning? Your subs are out of phase, and that is a common issue when you have multiple subs that are different distances from the port. Also if you can get the gains on your amp set with an o-scope.
  12. Cthedinger

    Mark LaFountain's SPL Build *Vid3 p.15*

    Nice! Can't wait for more
  13. Cthedinger

    Mark LaFountain's SPL Build *Vid3 p.15*

    I can't wait to see this one. Looks like you have some work to do Mark.
  14. Cthedinger

    Free Deadener

    "Right Now AudioWrap is giving away a FREE license plate vibration damping kit for a limited time. Just send [email protected] an email with your address and we’ll send you a free sample. You have all heard that car at the stop light that sounds like it’s going to fall apart with all the rattles and vibrations you can’t enjoy the music. Act now there are a limited number of free samples. We stick where the competition falls down." Directly from Tim at Audio Wrap, Tell him Coleman sent you
  15. Cthedinger

    2010 USACI World Finals

    I will be there
  16. Cthedinger

    Down South Bass Productions | New Forum

    Great forum here.
  17. Cthedinger

    New build: Project Shocker! DB Drive - DC Audio

    20 bucks for a ful tank? Nice When I pulled into the gas station the tank was less than an 1/8 full and when I left it was passed the full line only put in $20 and some change.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG_XK_2Heuc 10 of the 12 batteries I got a few days ago, sold 9 yesterday. The other three are for the civic. The car after its first car wash in 6 years
  19. Cthedinger

    New build: Project Shocker! DB Drive - DC Audio

    Got the brake booster and master cylinder replaced yesterday now the front brakes work. Took it to the gas station earlier and only $20 to fill the gas tank up FTW!
  20. Cthedinger

    New build: Project Shocker! DB Drive - DC Audio

    I plan on painting the car in a few months
  21. Cthedinger

    New build: Project Shocker! DB Drive - DC Audio

    Started the box today.
  22. Cthedinger

    New build: Project Shocker! DB Drive - DC Audio

    Put some more decals on the civic today.
  23. Cthedinger

    New build: Project Shocker! DB Drive - DC Audio

    This amp is only rated at 2000.1 at 1 ohm they clamped 4200 watts out of it wired to .25 ohms on a 12 volt system. This amp is 4 inches bigger then the sundown 3k. This is an older db drive amp tho. Gut pics please ? http://ampguts.com/gallery/watermark.php?file=2110 I believe this is the same guts as mine just a different case.
  24. Cthedinger

    New build: Project Shocker! DB Drive - DC Audio

    5 gallons of fiberglass resin.