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Everything posted by porkchop

  1. hope all is well!

  2. porkchop

    order request for IAK T's.....

    bigrank....................2XL thehawk...................3XL stevemeade............3XL chicagofan...............4XL ...............L ............... M (chicagofan's) ................S (family) ................S soapbox....................3XL stefanhinote..............M Mdizzle.....................3XL shellyIAK..................M any one else? new prices are ; Youth through XL = $7.50 each 2XL & up = $8.50 each will have a example up in a few minutes, have not zeroed in on a color just yet..... black is hot in the summer..... High-Vis ( florecent green) (i like) seems to not compliment some preferances..... white gets dirty easy.....so i want to see if colors can vary with out effect on pricing...... IAK breakfast tomorrow....!!!!! will be going over Slamology info...... chop
  3. porkchop

    mikey's OFFICIAL build log

  4. porkchop

    order request for IAK T's.....

    we need to hit up the team tug-of-war contest for sure!!!
  5. porkchop

    IAK meetup??

    right on....talked to brian, he is giving us the whole banquet area..... tell them you are there for the IAK breakfast!
  6. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    bro!!! you can hit up this anytime fitness under my account..... it will be $20 bucks a month..... you can drop in anytime.... me and momma joined up already and it is cool.... even if you only go twice a week...it is a start!!! don't let that ticker get all fowled up.... Mikey's system will not be too nice to it!!! gotta hit the sack bro... check out the post in my build.... hollar! IAK chop
  7. porkchop

    Chop's build log

    will do soon perhaps have Samantha hook me up again....she knows alot about that stuff.... i will hollar at you later bro.... hey.....off topic......did your guy ever get the pic of the IAK i sent him??/ ttul text me tomorrow about that and who's pay pal we need to start sending the funds for the'T's t thanks chop
  8. porkchop

    mikey's OFFICIAL build log

    did you flip it back yet bro? did you fix that ground? progress ?????
  9. porkchop

    IAK meetup??

    tell him i seen his post..... fully cool with that and with him.... look forward to seeing him there..... Jordan needs to bring his IAK stuff!!!
  10. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    try going to the gym after those days, lol.....
  11. porkchop

    Chop's build log

    i will look into the adapter..... me + 5% tint + ipod screen + the strip + BIG FAIL ....LOL!!!
  12. porkchop

    Chop's build log

    thanks alot for the compliment..... all of iak has helped make this build happen and all deserve a big shout out for each of thier atributes!!!! thanks to each and every one of you!!! mad love to my IAK family!! chop IAK
  13. porkchop

    Chop's build log

    thinking that a second battery.... and addtional tunning will help some.... i have some air leaking on the sub mount and alot of vibration..... i will definetly keep digging!!! chop
  14. porkchop

    Chop's build log

    mp3 player, ipod...... a stack of cd's i can burn..... satelite radio.....brother is low on tunes!
  15. porkchop

    Chop's build log

    thanks for dropping in bro, means alot to know your watching! chop
  16. porkchop

    Chop's build log

    thank you bro! good to know you are still around, looking over my shoulder....too cool! chop
  17. porkchop

    Chop's build log

    look forward to seeing you there bro!
  18. porkchop

    IAK meetup??

    mikey will jordan and kelsie be bringing thier rides?
  19. porkchop

    order request for IAK T's.....

    thehawk and soapbox......one each at 3xl.....
  20. porkchop

    IAK meetup??

    so far 20 is still holding good then....right on!
  21. porkchop

    Chop's build log

    played with a few of the eq settings and found some sound! in which created some vibration on the back glass cover(mdf) so need to isolate that and deaden it out...... that and the doorpanel guts seem to be quite noisey still yet..... body man said the door poppers will be about $50 each, plus his labor to shave them down and have it finished in primer, still working on that price..... might try to flip the tailgate handle on my own? not sure yet..... chuck, how do i attatch a ipod to this HU?
  22. porkchop

    Chop's build log

    i could see 2 boxes in the next 6 days at your current luck, pace, skill, schedule, or whatever the scheme of things might be that particular day .....lol
  23. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    13 hrs. today , knocked out three complete yards! me plus one laborer!!!!
  24. porkchop

    order request for IAK T's.....

    chuck, do you have a pay pal set up?
  25. porkchop

    order request for IAK T's.....

    really...... last i seen you, you were looking like you were right at your fighting weight!