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Everything posted by porkchop

  1. porkchop

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    the lock smiths around here carry that same technology in thier vans.....$45 bucks in your driveway and it gives you two keys..... just kills me to drop that for something so silly... chop
  2. porkchop

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    right on, thanks alot bro.... while your around, we have quite a few builds and alot of cool folks....stick around!! lol chop
  3. porkchop

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    thank you sir! if any one is game for a good laugh at ol' chop...... i got just the stuff...... yup , my middle name just might be 'epic fail' .....lol seems like i always have a ton of keys...soooooo since i do not drive the cutlass alot just yet....i keep those keys put away.... yeah...you see where this is going..... i cannot find them anywhere!!!! going to have to have them re-cut......i know, just as sure as the nose on my face.....the minute the locksmith drives away.....i will find the dang things laying somewhere really simple. this is the first lifted car we have had..... knowing that the winter adds undue stress to the rims sitting outside.... iwas going to remove them and put my factorys on for the winter..... so,, imagine me standing there with no keys..... okay, i have a spare jack and remote.... cant access the trunk but i can proceed.... so i thought, lol.......with just a little thought and observation......i see that the typicall car jack fully extends itself before raising my car!! wow, really, lol......so much for playing with the cutlass this week..... oh well.... starter is out on the truck ,,,,, i might try that project on for size..... happy holidays to all chop
  4. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    she is doing good but there is a few issues arising..... starting to grow tiresome of extreme multiple opions being given throughout the er, nurses, and doctors that are involved, too many varibles create unwelcomed uncertainty within these fragile times. we are learning the fastest trip to the er though anf about have the parking garage paid off. please, keep her and lil Reginae Lea in your prayers, awaiting a healthy ,trouble free delivery. chop ALTON......thank you very much for all you have done for us. you are loved and appreciated here by all.
  5. porkchop

    Props to Team Iak

    thank you for the props...... we have our slow periods for sure between rebuilds..... but we seem to interact dam near everyday....ftw that is a nice list there...keep it up mike @ exccessive db's is to host several shows locally....should enable us to get much needed exsposure to the lanes. chop
  6. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    went to the gym today....going to try it again, lol guess as long as i keep getting back up and keep trying.....it's a good thing hoping to loose the weight i gained since spring and then some.... loosing confidense in myself do to no physical challenges..... lost alot of the cockiness that comes with a strong back....not good for my trade to be soft hoping to pull out of this slump and chase work out of town...indy is dry perhaps just after the holidays at the latest, then who knows where i'll be.....hanging iron in the sky and building America Cutlass is still as last seen..... waiting on some more cash to come in before i spend any of my reserves....not cool with going for broke! local family needs to discuss a christmas meet..... mikey suggested the name drawings and gift exchange again.... any thoughts chop
  7. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    thank you sir! kind words chop
  8. well, they are back out at the hospital again..... let the waiting game begin!

  9. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    samantha stayed at four through the night and was sent home, waitinggame begins.... i would like to see a few more days pass for further lung development but she is in good standings for whenever.
  10. Granddaughter might be here before thankgiving instead of on Christmas! samantha is in the hostpital now!

    1. stevemead08


      Congrats. a little early is still ok. still in the safe zone.

  11. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    samantha went to the er with pains in her tummy..... they say she is dilated to 4 and is having contractions.... lil early for christmas due date but she also is measuring alot furthe along than the due date she has a hernia that they are watching closly as well.... we are all pacing around waiting to see what the next step is going to be.... hoping this baby girl is not real big like her brother. she might be here soon!!! Samantha and Paul, we are all saying our prayers for a easy delivery. chop
  12. porkchop

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    1/4" to 1/2" ? really? i would think, imo, that i larger cut would be ftw cosmetically and acoustically....<sp? but at this point, it will be trivial as the bass is hitting...... the "holy chit" factor will take over! lol well, i can't wait to tune in and see the final product! hollar at ya later bro chop
  13. porkchop

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    i see, is that 3/4" , 1/4 round stock? or larger ? on my screen it is about 2"s lol it will add some additional intrest to the "look" of the port opening as well.....
  14. porkchop

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    i am guilty of not remembering if you stated the port area within your build log and too lazy to look through it all this evening.... lol curious though to as how much port area is there? i have a long way to go on my cutlass, so time is a friend , no cash = no rush !!! ftl! is the front edge of the port opening rounded off any? hard for me to see with this pc i am on. chop
  15. okay , well after going to that sight, the only thing i accomplished was to sign up for info about the schooll...lol did not find any help there ..... not saying that there is or is not a product there... just did not manage to pull up any info that would help us.
  16. One of my bro's has a 1999 Ml430 Mercedes Truck that has a factory head unit in it currently... what will he need to do to install a aftermarket head unit in it properly? thanks for any input, links, advice, or help...... chop
  17. thank you sir! lol at the "the mad scientist" researching.... IAK , lol......thats what you guys do down in 502! just text me when you hear something. thanks for the link ! chop
  18. porkchop

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    hotness!!! now is the time to slow down, take your time, these are the details that create a ftw scenario!!! looking great bro.....as it has been said,,,, that port........wow! it all is looking good through out bro! chop
  19. porkchop

    Hove's Rebuild #3

    looking good hove..... i am super impressed with your approach from start to finish..... you continue to show a true dedication to wanting to improve every aspect of your build! I hope that we can meet up for the Carl Casper show in Feb. located in Lousisville, KY. will be excited to see the enclosure installed in there...... chop
  20. porkchop

    Lots of Cone area VS. Motor Strength

    me? perhaps at times...... Sean? no! very helpfull, trust me on that.... he would be willing to walk with the guy everystep of the way to help him achieve his goals.... for real! if his comment seemed hard to understand........ it very well may be time to do some additional Q & A's . we , ( IAK ) , always picture him as a mad scientist, lol , in fact, that's what we call him. trust me, he was being humorous, and will be helpfull as well. chop sean.............return my text bro!
  21. porkchop

    Help us Welcome DURAN to the MOD team

    FTW!!!! chop IAK