lol, iak! measure, cut, strip, crimp, soder, heat shrink.........repeat ! lol With 40 to do I'm sure there will be more "repeats"! honestly bro, all 40 should not be used, but they are 10 packs, i always help out other local installs, so a few extra on hand is welcomed. the big three,(i always do 4), will be done in dual runs, so under the hood alone.... block to frame ground = 4 alt to frame ground = 4 alt to battery positive = 4 battery to frame ground = 4 battery negative going to rear = 2 battery positive going to rear = 2 (the 4 in-line, anl fuse holders will not need ring terminals) there is 20 of those bad boys right there! then there is a trunk full too! coming out of the rear in-line, anl fuse holders going into the batteries positive = 2 battery 1 positive to battery 2 positive = 4 coming out of battery positive into (3) circuit breakers = 6 *(3 amps)* coming out of circuit breaker going into amp positive = 3 negatives coming from front battery into negative battery 1 =2 battery 1 negative to battery2 negative =4 negative to amps from batteries = 3 negative to chassis from batteries = 8 (preferance to be grounded in rear also still being pondered) thats 24 in the trunk ..... i have 12 in the shed and 40 on the way... repeat*repeat*repeat* ................... lol