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Everything posted by porkchop

  1. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    keep the prayers coming..... things are turning around again... there is alot of wierd stuff going on there, makes it even more stressfull. family drama on thier side is off the charts, we cant believe how some folks are wired! really on her last days, give it a rest folks! too strange to know she died three times on the table and was on life support, completly..... then she was off all those machines but the heart balloon.... she talked to us, kissed our cheeks......like nothing had happened, just felt weak. now she is back on the life support again and out of it. keep praying for her please.
  2. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    aunt mary was taken off the breathing machine, she is breathing on her own and her kidneys are working on thier own. she woke up this afternoon and is very week, but she was able to speak to us each a little bit.... prayers work!
  3. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    prayers for regina is needed.... one of her long time friend and elder has ran into a horrible fate... she went in for a outpatient heart surgery, having a stint put into a partially blocked atttory, the attorey exploded! she died three times on the table and is now on a life support machine, it is told she wanted to cancle the appointment today.....she did not want to go. the whole family is on witts end, praying there is hope. regina is taking it very hard, please pray for her to have strength and her "aunt" mary be in peace.
  4. porkchop

    S&H Second Annual Car Show pics

    lol, you sir, are correct! the tractor did nothing but tilt it sideways and cause the small crowd of on lookers to gasp unitedly...."uuuhhh"!!! the tow truck , like the ones for semis and three sherrifs came to finish the job..... best part, the wife drove it in the rest of the way, husband was in deep doo-doo! lol
  5. porkchop

    S&H Second Annual Car Show pics

    next weekend i should be able to get you some detailed pics bro.... they were not around when i was there taking pics.
  6. prayers for Regina needed.

  7. Juggalo Glossary Like all subcultures in our society,Juggalos have their own brand of slang.With the help of GFC, Chaos and CJ, Ihave put together this loose Glossary. I’llgive the definition then use the word in asentence. Neden = Pussy: "I sure hope that nedendoesn’t make me itch, this makeup isitchy enough." Woop! Woop! = "What’s up" greeting:"Woop! Woop! You want fries with that?"Fresh = Cool: "Woop! Woop! Fresh kicks,son!" Stale = Lame: "That neden was totallystale, just like this Radiohead CD."Scrubbin’ = Dirty, ghetto: "That fixed gearbike be scrubbin’, man." Ninja = Homie; popular greeting amongstJuggalos: "Stay up, Ninja." Killa = Another homie greeting, kind of likeNinja: "You’re tight, Killa." Shangri-La = ICP interpretation of heaven;has some spiritual meaning to someJuggalos but is open to interpretation: "Allclowns go to Shangri-La, bro." Hell’s Pit = Opposite of Shangri-La: "Allclowner-downers go to Hell’s Pit, bro."Clowner-downer = I made this one up butyou guys should use it for anyone whoharshes on the ICP. "Why do you gotta besuch a clowner-downer?" JIT = Acronym for "Juggalo in Training":"As soon as that kid turns eight I’ll quitcalling him a JIT." Clown Love = Pretty much what it says:"Show some clown love, G." MMFCL = Much Mutha Fuckin’ ClownLove, an acronym for texting purposes,popular saying of affection betweenJuggalos. "MMFCL, BRB, LOL call melater." Wicked Shit = Musical classification ofJuggalo-related bands: "I like Morrisseyand all, but he’s no wicked shit." Chicken = Redneck: "Who’s goin’ chickenhuntin’?" Juggalette = Female Juggalo: "You’dmake one fine Juggalette, sweet-tits." Hatchet Man = The PsychopathicRecord label logo, worn on chainnecklaces and such, helps Juggalosdistinguish each other and makes apopular tattoo amongst Juggalos: "SweetHatchet Man! Can I borrow five dollars?" Hatchet Gear = any clothing items relatedto ICP or the Hatchet Man logo: "You lookfresh in your Hatchet Gear, kid!" Horror-Core=Self-described music genreof the Psychopathic Record label that theICP and other bands belong to: "Goin’ tothe horror-core show? Gonna be good,bro!"
  8. porkchop

    ShiZZZoN's Custom Music :)

    i have done my research.... sorry i was not hip to it... ikn!
  9. porkchop

    ShiZZZoN's Custom Music :)

    MMFCL?? is there a way to download all at once, or is it just one at a time....
  10. porkchop

    S&H Second Annual Car Show pics

    thanks! when is the show you had mentioned and where?
  11. posted alot of pics in iak of a cool carshow, fyi

  12. porkchop

    S&H Second Annual Car Show pics

    on the cruise home swung downtown and attempted to grab a pic of a few choppers... also grabbed a couple pics of the work being done on our soldiers and sailers monument, to restore it....... pretty cool stuff , like over 100 years old... i done some rehab work in the basement of this place when i was an ironworker apprentice! was thinking i had a pic of my plaque in here, guess i will have to post it up tommorrow. hope you enjoyed the pics! chop
  13. porkchop

    S&H Second Annual Car Show pics

    me, bear(lil brother), and rooty(dad) all three placed in top 25, recieved plaques and a few other gifts and door prizes.... had great time! rooty's daily driver '64 ford bear's '77 cougar chop's '86 cutlass plenty of activites at the show...ton of bounce houses, live music, swiming pool, petting zoo, and everything else a campground has to offer watching the trailer fail was about two hours of entertainment, was tipped over even steeper...they got it out with a tow service finally.
  14. got a top 25 plaque today at the car show, was a good time.

  15. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    not sure if this will link up right with a facebook page, but it is pics from the labor day parade we were in . we rode the ironworkers rig, an I-beam on a semi....threw candy to the little ones along the route...good times. if it does not link right, i will get the pics up later... parade pics
  16. porkchop

    Regina's 03" Durango

    1 sheet of 3/4" birch, 4' x 8' and tight bond III purchased, bar clamps on standby, three day weekend!
  17. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    gotta come out and give a demo sometime bro!
  18. purchased momma's 3/4" birch today!

  19. porkchop

    8" PVC Flared ports for sale

    mind if i post a link to a port chart, in case folks need a referance guide? not my own, from a ssa member however. might be interested in a purchase of one myself!
  20. porkchop

    Port area

    "preferred" seems to hold an opinionated property to it, in which i believe a "comprehensive 'guide' " would struggle to chart out the best results. looks like you have the proper info to design the vent area on hand,(thanks to Duran), as well as the vent length. the desired tunning frequency for your specific install will vary outside of what can be suggested. (imo) *ie ..... your specific listening preferances alone will step outside of what a calculator can offer. sometimes you gotta build it a couple of time to find your sweet spot. and be sure to take build pics!!!!