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Everything posted by porkchop

  1. porkchop

    box for 2 15" xcons

    keep the build pics coming!
  2. porkchop

    4x SA-8s + CRX -- Part II

    i like the bracing..... flushed port looks good.
  3. Happy Birthday Samantha, the big two-o!

  4. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Happy Birthday Samantha!!!! The big two-o !!!!
  5. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

  6. porkchop

    Box help for Xcon 18"

    right on..... i know looks are important, i would assume one would be hard pressed to find an audible differance between the two slots vs one. (lot of elbow grease for sure) the aeros do add a little appeal imo, but also add cost, and tend to take up less space, lol, several considerations for sure. i will look into the image of the xcon, thanks for the help , will be watching for this come together!
  7. durango is down for a while....ac compressor clutch seized up, burnt up the compressor...$275ish worth of ugly

    1. porkchop


      hope to see ports in mail this week, on a side note

    2. mccleery3


      Damn bro...FTL! :( At least you've hopfully got the port situation dealt with.

    3. mccleery3
  8. porkchop


    thanks for the pics! phone is on the fritz...or you are not answering my rplies...i am assuming it is my phone though... i was saying that between the birthday party and the big order being unboxed, i wish i was up north!!!! our luv to the whole family!
  9. porkchop

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    looking good bro!
  10. porkchop

    Box help for Xcon 18"

    i would suggest 45's inside the port as well as round over on the port mouth (or kerfed) and inside port wall (where it turns 360) t-nuts for the inverted mount...... um, some folks might disagree with the dual slot ports, stating the surface friction will be greater than a single.... thought any on aeros, less port area will be needed, thus less displacement within vb. i dont remember if you compete any, this is just daily driver and demos, right? if it is carried through as your other build was, same quality, i am sure it will look great! did you leave any room in the trunk for other gear? lol how can i get a image og the xcon like that? i want to get the 3/4 profile view for a tattoo .... looking good so far.... oh, what is your bracing going to consist of? 3/4" all-thread, when used right, can add alot of strength and not displace alot of air, imo. gl w/ ur build ! chop
  11. porkchop

    Xcon 18" in sealed box

    looks awesome!
  12. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Curious how that felt? it wasnt bad...... the artist said that he was shocked how well i took it and i had aligator skin, lol my wedding band was a little more tense, the part in between the fingers....ouch! I think either place would hurt. the front and back of my knee had its moments for sure, the sternum has this feeling, as if you can hear/feel in your lungs.....sorta wierd but the worse for me thus far was a numb spot on my leg.....yup numb spot, where i figured there would be little to no pain, hurt like it was being ripped in... so much for benifits from crushed disk and nerve damage, lol seen a few collections of hollywoods badest boogymen, do you have a themed collection going? perhaps your charecter even? that would be a cool tatt, imo!
  13. porkchop

    Tattoo thread

    Not this steve thank you for the clarification..... steve(rattlbox) in indy
  14. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    last years fun....lol
  15. porkchop

    Tattoo thread

    lol, we are sorta deeper than audio, our family bond is strong bro..... peep this ....... you've seen mine, then there is Gina's, mikey's, chuck's, and steve's is still in the works, he just has the out line currently, shading needs to be done.
  16. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Curious how that felt? it wasnt bad...... the artist said that he was shocked how well i took it and i had aligator skin, lol my wedding band was a little more tense, the part in between the fingers....ouch!
  17. porkchop

    Tattoo thread

    bass clef
  18. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    bass clef tatt
  19. porkchop

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Hey Chop, you still doing this?? If so I'm gonna make some plans to bring the kids up!!! nah, it was short lived do to many factors....sorry
  20. porkchop

    8" PVC Flared ports for sale

    thanks for the input bro, i have recieved some help from dbeez car audio, on caraudio.com. he has been making additional attempts to inform him to proceed with a refund at this point.... if i have to come down there, i will be sure to hit you up, we can chill for a while...i wanna see your scion too!
  21. porkchop

    ShiZZZoN's Custom Music :)

    cool beans!!!
  22. alex farris, farriswheel.....screwing me over will not result in a healthy decision for you, refund the money, dont make me come get it!

    1. porkchop


      he has contacted me...stating brief intentions of sending 125 of ports....waiting to hear more

    2. mccleery3


      Hope it all works out bro

    3. mccleery3


      Hope it all works out bro

    4. Show next comments  165 more
  23. porkchop

    8" PVC Flared ports for sale

    Re: 8" Flared Ports For sale Originally Posted by dbeez Its possible I know the number I have me and alex have been texting back and forth the past 2 days so its working. And I talked to many so its possible I know my truck drew a little attention at campers. that is messed up! perhaps you could ask him to refund our money or respond about our ports, please? i really am confused right now, did not think i would read this approach....he is fine, really? no replies or attempts made to contact us 11 days! take warning at this point....looks ugly all of a sudden!