upon reading your post a tad bit better, i do in fact now understand you currently do not have the car, lol, silly me.... okay, sooooooo........ on even further reading i can pick out that you have been doing some of your homework! good deal!!! I am thinking you might be perhaps a little ahead of the game if building the box before purchasing the car or subs..... I do have a small bit of advice on the interior of the car......junkyard! yup, go out to the junkyard and dis-assemble a few interiors, attempting to do it somewhat gently as if it was your own....then attempt to put it back together... practice makes...... well sometimes, perfect! it sounds like you have a eye for audio, another words, you are looking at some good stuff here. I wish I could shoot you some numbers for the box....but really you should sorta hold off until you have the car, only my .02 though, not bashing your enthusiasim one bit. the power issue, i suggest that any one who is serious about thier sounds, have a solid electrical system. the high out put alts. are FTW........ having a nice battery bank and a complete big three is a must to me also. to where you are scooping up the knowledge currently, later using that knowledge toward good, intelligent purchases will get you more bang for your buck! there is no top end in audio, so attempt to stick to your budget and enjoy the hobby within itself. by your senior year you will have a killer install, i will look forward to seeing what your build will be. the possibl meter at 149.9, wow , so many varibles, apply all the right aspects, yeah no problem, but if you were referring to doing that number by your senior year.... you will have changed your install too many times by then , lol, who's to say what monster SSA will release in another year and a half. lol keep studying audio, chop