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Everything posted by porkchop

  1. porkchop

    R.I.P. Micheal Thomas

    ^^^^ Yes sir ^^^^ here, amongst my friends!
  2. porkchop

    chop's build log

    looks like we are taking steve's ride.
  3. porkchop

    chop's build log

    Man i wish i could bring it down. it is not plated or insured till i get back to work. gotta take the soccer van or steve's ride. will be early spring before i get it down to you. i will throw some more gas in it this weekend and do some more testing..... hunting another battery still also. chop
  4. porkchop

    R.I.P. Micheal Thomas

    Your words are appreciated. our prayers are for the families strength. thank you, chop
  5. porkchop


    5.25" depth with the Sundown 8"s...... raise the seat 2" s and throw four of them in at .06 cubes ported....... perhaps?
  6. porkchop


    09' pick-up, what sort of mods are you willing to do? is the current box / boxes based off a build from 3/4" mdf. I cannot remember who it was, but I have seen fellars raise the seats perhaps by only 2" but it helps out on the needed air space. If one side of the space, say the paasenger side, could use the entire volume, by fiberglassing from the floor, up, with the addition of two inches in seat lift........ Then perhaps two 8's firing downward on driver side and a port on the passenger side. add lots of power.....might work out to create some louder lows. you would have more airspace and a ported box. perhaps you could post up a couple of pics of this area..... might help spark up some ideas. curious to as what the willingness to modify the enterior is...... could you put in a couple of buckets and build a center console, housing a cuple subs? oh, like what budget do you have going.....? chop
  7. porkchop

    R.I.P. Micheal Thomas

    Thank you bro, I have not forgotten your gift....It has been delayed, thats all. chop
  8. Rest in peace Mike, we will miss you. I love you.

  9. We came across a Crunch 1500 watt Power Zone amplifier, P1500.1. it will power up and play music.......... as long as there is some pressure on one of the adjustment knobs..... Take away the pressure and the music output stops. The "Low Pass" filter knob is missing , once the amp is opened up, you see that the whole little box has been removed. so first question is ; can I purchase and install this box ? like is that i DIY type project? second question ; is there any home remedies for the pressure issue? anothere DIY project. If need be, I will send it in and get it fixed, but was hoping to do it cheap, in house. thanks for the input, chop IAK
  10. porkchop

    Looking for someone to build me a box Please!!!

    if you are refering to me as in how much i would charge, that is the wrong direction...... sorry. if you want some general design input or leads to good info, i could help you. is cash a issue for you? do you have the tools or access to them? do you have basic wood working skills? Is the highest quality box you can get of importance to you? run your specific goals by me, perhaps i could offer some input or food for thought. chop
  11. IAK breakfast buffet meet at Old Country Buffet in Southern Plaza.

    Nov 22nd. Sunday.

    looking at 9 o'clock..... bring your ride if you can, if not cool, bring your hungry ass, lol.



    I sent this to all IAK guys..... i guess we will just leave a chair out for you.....lol...... i wil let you know how it goes.....


  12. did you use to have a mid 90's caprice wagon?

  13. IAK breakfast buffet meet at Old Country Buffet in Southern Plaza.

    Nov 22nd. Sunday.

    looking at 9 o'clock..... bring your ride if you can, if not cool, bring your hungry ass, lol.



  14. IAK breakfast buffet meet at Old Country Buffet in Southern Plaza.

    Nov 22nd. Sunday.

    looking at 9 o'clock..... bring your ride if you can, if not cool, bring your hungry ass, lol.



  15. IAK breakfast buffet meet at Old Country Buffet in Southern Plaza.

    Nov 22nd. Sunday.

    looking at 9 o'clock..... bring your ride if you can, if not cool, bring your hungry ass, lol.



  16. IAK breakfast buffet meet at Old Country Buffet in Southern Plaza.

    Nov 22nd. Sunday.

    looking at 9 o'clock..... bring your ride if you can, if not cool, bring your hungry ass, lol.



  17. IAK breakfast buffet meet at Old Country Buffet in Southern Plaza.

    Nov 22nd. Sunday.

    looking at 9 o'clock..... bring your ride if you can, if not cool, bring your hungry ass, lol.



  18. porkchop

    Just sayin hi

    Welcome aboard, to post pics easy enough, use a image host, such as Photobucket. they will provide a link for the pics, just paste it into your post. chop
  19. porkchop

    Looking for someone to build me a box Please!!!

    cheech and chong voice..... " your shipping is going to suck man" thats a big ol box buddy.... these guys hosted on here, ( the builders), they build forts, professionally built enclosures = FTW. chop
  20. porkchop

    SSA Hoodies on Sale!!!

    No, I believe we have a couple Large's left, but will have to wait to hear from Mark on inventory. XXL is the largest we have. Not sure if we are going to do another run of these. please contact your local tent and awning company for further size requirments in the future.......
  21. porkchop

    chop's build log

    Denim, I am using this install as a tutorial for myself, I want to re-learn everything this time around, the correct information. so, yes multiple rebuilds are in store.... i want to learn habds on, i believe the mistakes i make will only teach me more... more experiance and hands on to pass on to others.... I am not sure this box is the best box.... i will build several and see where it leads me. the crazy part is,,,,, information, WOW, there is so many opinions out there that do not even corespond to eatch other at all..... who is right? who is full of sh*t? it is a challeng, to have a sub with only a few reviews and to try to determine the outcome of each senario. Chop
  22. porkchop

    SSA Hoodies on Sale!!!

    4Xl for your big ol' buddy chop???
  23. porkchop


    lol @ us, i am sorry for the thread jacking here buddy, yeah the tigs are sweet, but i usually am welding very heavy gauge steel, I am better at arc welding, it gives me a free hand to hold my beer. lol, jk. chop
  24. porkchop


    welding wire has a much weaker jacket and you have to be extra carefull when using it! like when you go though the firewall you have to use gromets and when going around sharp corners or rubbing spots you HAVE to tape them off or put something soft between the wire and the object. the car audio wiring cost more b/c it has a tougher jacket! Hey buddy......i got to speak up on that one..... that is not consistant with each brand of welding cable..... the 2/0 gauge welding cable that i have ran in the Dakota has a 1/8th" outer jacket and a 1/16th" inner jacket that is tough as nails.... being a Ironworker, I have had my fair share of welding cable in my hands over the past 13 yrs. we drag this cable, several hundred feet at times, acrosss steel, high in the air.....live! you can imagine if it were to cut and arc out, not a good thing. there is some "Billy Bad Ass" car audio cable out there, just the same, there is some welding cable that is top notch, in almost every senario , it will be cheaper, there is no mark up on it due to the car audio hype, some of this companies can sell audio equipment 230% mark up and they will get it for a while too! there is some good welding cable out there.... just fyi. okay , i got that all out there, lol. chop im confused... are you saying that its simply just the same thing as car audio power wire? i'm sorry, it is not as easy as that to say i am afraid...... everything is relitive, however , apples to apples, quality, size and jacket being of an equal..... the car audio will be better looking and the welding cable will be cheaper... just understand there are alot of varibles and i don't want o miss lead you. you are on the right track currently, doing your homework first befroe buying. chop