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Everything posted by porkchop

  1. porkchop

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hey Brady, paper or plastic!!!???
  2. porkchop

    Welcome to the IHoP

    downtown is packed. can't hear them with the roof shut, when it is open we can.
  3. porkchop

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Tied up buddy....
  4. porkchop

    Meetup in Louisville, KY Nov 21-22 Who's comin?

    sounds good to me bro. I know we still got a few days to plan it out , did you give any more thought to if the zoo is the best place to meet up at for you? I am sorta open. already on the road anyhow, you know? lol. chop
  5. porkchop

    new here... not to forums

  6. porkchop

    Meetup in Louisville, KY Nov 21-22 Who's comin?

    hey while i got your attention on here, where can i locate the test tones that announce the different frequencies? , like the the digital chick's voice saying " Thirty - cycles" >>> boooooooooooooommmmmmmm, " fourty - five cycles" >>>>> bbbbbbrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaattttttttt, etc, etc. Thanks. chop
  7. porkchop

    Meetup in Louisville, KY Nov 21-22 Who's comin?

    perhaps 1:00 p.m. or after, thinking that would give us time to get up, check out, grab some grub, and head your way.
  8. porkchop

    Meetup in Louisville, KY Nov 21-22 Who's comin?

    thinking that Saturday will be better to meet up on ..... perhaps mid day.
  9. Have not heard from you, how is things going ?

  10. porkchop

    IT'S A BOY!

    big congrats to you and the new parents!
  11. that sucks, sorry to hear that. have you contacted them about the the different issues yet?
  12. porkchop

    Meetup in Louisville, KY Nov 21-22 Who's comin?

    count me in, but no Dakota though, sorry. Rattlebox317 will be there. i will have to text Mikey and see what he has planned. man, I wish i could bring the Dakota. I mean really bad.
  13. porkchop

    hey from tampa florida

  14. porkchop

    Bromos Build Log

    "Hopefully get it in tomorrow, still need to decide on placement." the optimal placement would be in my truck, lol. looking good, chop
  15. porkchop

    chop's build log

    top of the page has some of it's specs. thinking a tad smaller.
  16. porkchop

    pierce audio products WMD

    not much input to offer here other than i have always gotten a response within a day or so of any questons i had asked. my sub has a little history to it, so i would be afraid to compare it to a like new product from them, however, I am impressed with it overall. good luck with the repair, hope you are up and running again soon, chop
  17. porkchop

    15 L7 spl enclosure

    i iz lost but, you are welcome, nonetheless.
  18. porkchop

    R.I.P. Micheal Thomas

    I lost a great friend and father figure today. Mike has been like a Dad to me since I was about 5 yrs. old. I meet his son David when I first moved into the old nieghborhood. I envyed David for the tight family bond they all had, even then. As I grew older and begin to turn to the streets instead of home, Mike always had good things to say to me, trying to steer me in a better path. I was taken out of the home when I was only 14 yrs. old. I felt that the world had turned it's back on me. I would call to talk to David from the new home and sometimes Mike would answer the phone and talk to me, still attempting to keep me looking forward. He always had the right things to say. As I became a young man and started my own family, I continued to keep in touch. Life changed me and David, I grew stronger and got my crap together, and as David tried to raise his family , he began to struggle with alcohol, even though he was a dam hard worker and loved his family greatly, he would get it all screwed up sometimes. Mike would encourage me to be strong for David, never to give up on him. I promised him that I would. I would often just drop by for a few minutes to see how the old man was doing. We would talk about work and family, just sort of whatever. It felt good to have a Dad that loved me and encouraged me to do the right things. All of Mike's kids grew to be good people. He loved his entire family. When the doctors told him he would be dying soon, he said he wanted to be at home. They said that the Cancer would take his life in only a couple of months, he fought it for 6 months. The doctors said that they never seen someone fight it for that long, in his last few weeks he only had 15 % of his lung left. He could only whisper to us in his final days, each day guessed to be his last, for two weeks. He told Mom that he loved her and he knew that he was going to die. All of us was there, as he laid his head over and peacfully took his last breath. I will miss him greatly, but somehow I know this is better for him now. The last time me and Mike talked, we talked about work and me taking care of David. I promised him that I would. Chop
  19. porkchop

    3 questions for bass upgrade

    Run the wires through the box. Its cheaper too. I always thought, the less connections, the better the power flow. I could be wrong as I have heard many people with the opposite opinion. I'll stick with it. X2
  20. porkchop

    15 L7 spl enclosure

    Semi build = FTW don't play with our emotions!!! lol
  21. porkchop

    chop's build log

    I think that i will do the third box that way.... port and sub up.... If i really had my electrical up to snuff, then i could feel comfortable turning her up some and seeing what is in there. I think i will get the best results from firing to the side but will not truly know until i can build the other boxes. I really want to use this a opportunity to get a feel for building and designing boxes, so it is all good for now. I only regret painting it, was a waste, perhaps. I am second guessing the head units ability to deliver what i want and like i said the power is lacking still. Time will tell
  22. porkchop

    JonnieBlaze's 2005 Subaru Forester XT

    looking good.... everytime i see a creative glass job, i want to rush out and start one of my own, i hate being broke! hey if i was a betting man, i would lay odds that the vent you are reffering to is for the air pressure in the vehicle. if you were to close them all off and slam the door shut, it would cause a great deal of pressue on something else. on vehicles with new windshields installed, this is not even enough. you have to leave the windows down some till the glue dries all the way, or pow, you will be resealing it again. there is alot of air pressure created when slaming the door shut. after you are done with the mock- up have someone stand on the passenger side of the vehicle, while you are on the drivers side. with all the windows up, give your door a nice shove, did the passenger door flex real hard? if not , you are good to go. keep up the glass work! chop
  23. porkchop

    R.I.P. Micheal Thomas

    Your words are appreciated. our prayers are for the families strength. thank you, chop His family will be in me and my wifes prayers tonight. Thank you.
  24. porkchop

    15 L7 spl enclosure

    I read it twice, is this new box going in your bothers semi? or ...........is it going in your Golf? your thread is titled, SPL ENCLOSURE ,yet you mentioned listening to multiple genres of music..... one would be led to assume that if you are looking at representing the variety of bass notes found in these different styles of music, you are not looking for a pure SPL enclosure. Generally speaking, a Spl enclosure is tuned high..... reproducing accurate bass notes from multiple styles of music would typically require a lower tuned enclosure. If you are using the semi, space is no problem, then i am tunned into this one..... i just read the post again.... who is getting the new install, you or your brother.... the semi or the golf? sorry , confused chop