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Everything posted by porkchop

  1. porkchop

    ChicagoFans box 4 SA8s i his Escape

    nice!!! looks like chuck picked the right installer around 317! IAK
  2. porkchop

    ChicagoFans box 4 SA8s i his Escape

    yay, show us more, show us more..... anxious to see how this all goes down. chop
  3. porkchop

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    thanks for the invite bro. chop
  4. porkchop

    rattlebox317's wmd2 12" box design

    there is a very good write up on here somewhere from a few of the fellas from 502 that have been testing them. i will try to dig it up for you.
  5. porkchop

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    uh, it says i gotta log in to see it, to facebook, lol, i think not. this is all the chat i need here.
  6. porkchop

    rattlebox317's wmd2 12" box design

    i will be ordering two wmd2 18"s next week. will power them with a ap30001d . That will put IAK at having a single sub set-up for a 10", 12", 15", & 2 18" s ! so come on down when the weather breaks, we will have you covered.... we also have a xcon build and nightshade......
  7. porkchop

    rattlebox317's wmd2 12" box design

    payment is being sent tomorrow..... sold him my saz1500D to power it with.....
  8. we have two cars full, working on third one...... will be practicing cheers this week. lol
  9. do you have an idea of who all might turn out, or approximently how many? i will try to call up to the convention center to see about the price tomorrow.
  10. okay....... stop! it is with my keen observation skills i have spied an issue. loudest in louisville on the 19th. , the show shizzon is going to be at. there is another, meca event saturday and sunday, same car show, two events? so i need to plan on being up there by 6 on friday, 19th. what is the cost for spectators on this one? shizzzon, will you be at the one on sat and sunday as well. now i am all confuzzled
  11. porkchop

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    it was me..... but, totally like on another thought pattern. was thinking perhaps it would be up for sale, was attempting to fish for that info, just asked in that fashion. i have never competed in a serious manner, just local soundoffs, mainly to just get a db # on the windshield. and by no means was there any replacements around.... anxious to see what the intial scores come in at. will you be machining or dieing( is that the right way to write that) the aluminum yourself?
  12. he won't share any more till after the show!!! i already tried!
  13. porkchop

    Building a Transmission line

    right on.
  14. porkchop

    Building a Transmission line

    thanks for posting this one up again.... i read at it, and like ///M5 mentioned, i am one of those folks that could read it a few times over and still struggle on some of it. i am posting it in my audio folder, just so i got it, so thanks again. chop yes i have a audio folder, my head seems to leak shit back out of it, lol Funny thing is you and EVERYONE who is promoting T-lines for cars could read it a few times and struggle over most of it. Actually it isn't so funny. five, you got me all wrong bro, i am not on that train now, nor have i been for a while.... i did as you suggested.... as well as 95honda....... i commented on this for the informational part, saying it was an important read.... perhaps my post in the other thread similar to this one will state my stance better.... i took your advice, read, attempted to apply, walked away to something that was closer to my goals and have not truly looked back. well other than to advise my findings to others who ask. just like where alot of reading got me to. chop
  15. porkchop

    Building a Transmission line

    thanks for posting this one up again.... i read at it, and like ///M5 mentioned, i am one of those folks that could read it a few times over and still struggle on some of it. i am posting it in my audio folder, just so i got it, so thanks again. chop yes i have a audio folder, my head seems to leak shit back out of it, lol
  16. porkchop

    ported vs. transmission lines

    i lied about the tickets, sorry.
  17. porkchop

    ported vs. transmission lines

    edit : not sure what was in my head, way too much filth fell out of my mouth here. sorry.
  18. porkchop

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    do you have quite a bit of torque on all the nuts holding the all-thread? don't want them to loosen over time from vibration. build is almost there. hope to see vids soon.
  19. porkchop

    hove's 06 envoy build

    enclosure looks nice. ear protection on the head rest , FTW.
  20. porkchop

    01xtreme's DECENT wall build

    moving right along........ whats in the sdime?
  21. just reserved our room. found a better deal in new albaney since it seems we are there quite often. only got one room, but got it for two days at the right price for sure!!!! so we will leave out of here midday friday. hopefully Regina will keep her health right this time! look forward to seeing you there and the new wall. i also wanna check out gary's new build! we need pit passes. lol
  22. dang deep pockets, fork out all your cash on parking why don't you! i will probably be getting at least two rooms for the weekend, matters if everyone is planning on sticking around. so far, your cheering section , spectators, wil be.... porkchop & family dd9515!!!! chicagofan mdizzle rattlebox317 dezel yeahbuddy (not sure who else)