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Everything posted by porkchop

  1. porkchop

    Rattlebox317's new build

    got a little further on the box today.... also spent most of the day on the road, so lost several hours....ftl! had the 45's sitting over night, took the braces and clamps off this morning.... and they all stayed in place! ftw! lol used liquid nails on all of the seems, just a little added peace of mind that no air will be leaking out. cut the hole out in the baffle for the sub .... softened up the edges a little around the hole as well.... we will be inverting the sub on this install.
  2. porkchop

    Rattlebox317's new build

    x2. I had some wood cut recently and after 2 or 3 cuts I realized they were 1/8-1/4" off. Turns out they couldn't cut a straight cut on a panel saw! They really cut 1/4" off after just 4 feet. I had my table saw stolen but used someone elses for a bit to make my own cuts. That's a nice looking sub, and good work. Waiting for more pics. Pretty good looking free-hand cuts btw- though I'd tip the cart before letting someone ride in it. lol, did not tip the cart but he took a nasty ride through the double doors going to the back of the store.... the ol' cicular saw is the only way i know.... i truly guess i lucked out on the lowes chopping up the lumber for us. chop
  3. porkchop

    Rattlebox317's new build

    we are definetly down for that....once spring breaks loose and the weather stays in our favor, our cruise strip is ftw, you gotta come chill with all of us on a weekend.... with out exagerating, there can be 40 to 60 cars out there.... all kinds..... it is a big thing here in Indy. the mdf is .75 , just looks bigger i guess. chop
  4. porkchop

    Rattlebox317's new build

    had alot to do today, did not get alot done on the box..... but did manage to get a few pics of what little progress we did make.... first, had to go to the grocery store and get the shopping done for the week..... i hate taking the kids shopping! used liquid nail on allthe 90's cut a few 45's for the corners......... got them all cut, free hand with the ol' cicular saw..... glued, clamped and braced the 45's in, until they were dry.... and......we went out and got the paint for the box and some hardware for the car in general.... steve installed the second battery and finished up the last part of the big three.... he also removed a few cubic feet of trash from the trunk, lol.... did not take any more pics, but all the 45's are in and drying over night..... will be doing the liquid nail and silicon treatments tomorrow and painting the inside of the port area.... install the neon, cut the speaker hole out of the baffle, throw the top on, paint the outside.... perhaps wednesday we will have sound. chop
  5. this would be gross....... this is a net...... lol
  6. Home stereo !!! i could only imagine what the wifey would say if i attempted this build.... can you fellars imagine this being done again, with today's technology? hope you enjoy it, i did. chop
  7. porkchop

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    bro you could get much more output if you rethink your port area as well. you got like 5sq inches of port per cube. thats less than half of what it should be. chuck, you need to check mike onthis,,,, stealth has told you correctly.... your box needs 12-16 sq. in. of port area.... i go with large....16 sq. in. X 5 cubes is 80 sq. in. of port area......aeros like less..... .56% usually works well..... 44.8 sq. in of port area.... you have 25.12 with the two 4" aeros....( 2 * 2 * 3.14 * 2 = 25.12) you need to get on mike soon..... you could double it safely....or go with a sigle 8" port and have less port friction....or whatever they call it... stealth, thank you for helping chuck out.
  8. porkchop

    *Team IAK Audio* build logs

    man, i really am going to have to get him to quit chasing tail long enough to log in..... lil david saved money over the winter and used his tax return to seal the deal.... this is actually his second ride... the install is a percentage of what was in RattleboxIAK's installl, his build log link is in here. in short, what i can remeber about it, they are 20" incubus< spelling way off........ two 12" audiobauhns, tuned low, like 28hz.....a 1500 crunch power zone...... not sure of head unit or frontstage.... whatever it is, we wil be giving it a complete overhaul soon. chop
  9. porkchop

    *Team IAK Audio* build logs

    lol, jay-cee , i honestly like all the suggestions of what it could stand for more than what it does stand for....lol we have told the story in part as well as in whole, a few times over, not sure i will bother to point out a link ..... IAK is a cocky response that a old timer that i worked with said alot....... he was a expert sniper, marksman, and hunter, as well as a very, very capable welder, he was very succesful in the funny car braket of his time as well, producing some killer machines..... Palson, old and grey, ruff cut for sure, looked like a tall redneck, swearing more than what was ever needed, yet he was incredibaly knowledgable..... when in conversation, he would assure you..." I Already Know, hommer" , lol, and usually , he indeed did, already know.... I always liked the ruff image he had mixed with unequalled amount of knowledge in any given subject.... when approaching him, you would not know you were entering a battle of wits, unarmed... I carried his saying around with me and as I found myself saying it more and more, it became somewhat of a feeling, more than a saying... I often compare it to when you have a small crowd of spectators checking out your sounds, you feel on top of your game for but a brief moment, all your math, figuring, planning, installing, spending, ......all of your work is right there for them all to hear.....and as some one in the crowd pays you a compliment, saying how tight your install is.....you stick that chest out just a little farther, just like old man Palson did, speaking of them hot rods of the 60's, and you say out loud or in your head...... I Already Know! that is what IAK is to me and the original founders of IAK.... we agreed on it together as i told the story on the front porch that evening, it is a cocky feeling of achievment after hard work and dedication to something, 100% attributed to Rick Palson and the sense of pride he owns, it spills over onto you and becomes highly contagious. chop............IAK
  10. porkchop


    i am not sure i know what to do when i get there, but i am headed there now!
  11. porkchop

    *Team IAK Audio* build logs

    I wish I was designing my own but I just cant seem to work the formulas right. It got pretty frustrating and Im trying to attempt it again. Well see how that goes. I am currently waiting on a design from jblcamry to build it properly to exact specs. I sure cant right now but fully trust him in his design theories! Hes pretty busy as expected so it might be a long wait. So in the mean time Ive been thinking of a temporary sealed enclosure to slap in there for a good reference point. Thats rollin pretty fat for 19, Id say. Nice wheels too. Dem 20s?! the designing part can be deep for sure. lil daivid is supposed to be getting logged in and tell us about his ride..... i do believe they are 20's..... when i was 19 i needed 13"s under my regal! lol chop
  12. porkchop

    *Team IAK Audio* build logs

    pm sent
  13. Hey, thanks for the new look!!!

  14. porkchop


  15. porkchop

    *Team IAK Audio* build logs

    Chop's nephew, lil David, got some new shoes today...... he has rattleboxIAK's old system in the trunk..... looking good lil david! not bad for 19 yrs. old!
  16. porkchop

    *Team IAK Audio* build logs

    ready to see some designs on this enclosure rank!
  17. porkchop

    Rattlebox317's new build

    oops, i guess i lied, i did take just a couple of pics to share today..... i was at DD9915!!!'s shop, (((Ecessive Db's))), today and got to play around with a DC Audio lvl 5 12" and a lvl 4xl 15" .... notice the ol' Dakota box, yup starting to do the demo work! i told lil man that we was going to put one of those big ol' subs in his new Jeep...... baffle # one....no, it is not warped like that lol, just a camera trick..... add some glue..... tight bond three please.... and , unfortunetly, i stopped taking pics after that. i got to talking to the mechanic about fixing the dakota next week, forgot all about steve's crap at that point, hope i glued that other board on! chop
  18. porkchop

    Starting the logo.....

    here is you a different basket, simpler lines too.... bigrank, chucky has all the info we need to start the dickie shirts .... also fellas, i will have info up inside of a week on some very nice quality vinyle and if you have garage, we can get you a "big" banner as well.... definetly got in touch with the right guy i do believe, thank you again mr. chuck! chop
  19. porkchop

    Team introductions for IAK

    LMFAO ROFL Nah whats got me bustin is this thread has more replies than any other in this team section. Buy the way I finished my Horn box today. Had to chase the 3 yr old today he had a sharpie and was drawin tattoos all over himself. Funniest thing is he was stickin it down the crack of his pants and now he looks like he has a tramp stamp! uh, actually it is in 4th place..... good news on the finished box... bad news on the tramp stamp....
  20. porkchop

    Sir-Lancelot's Build Log - Updated July 17th - Page 8

    doors look great to me, should sound a ton different too! it does me good to see a family fishing trip, that stuff is golden! chop
  21. porkchop

    From: Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    i edited it, sorry bro, i should not speak out like that, i really am trying to walk a new walk..... i guess you will know what is yet to come huh? oh well..... i will be glad when you guys do get them in.... poor ol' chuck doesn't even have the same swager about himself.... he sold off thos IA's a little too soon. lol chop
  22. porkchop

    Rattlebox317's new build

    got a little further today, nothing really worth a picture though..... re-cut the two boards to proper height , glued and attatched the second baffle, added a bunch of liquid nails to some of the corners...... and well , thats about it. perhaps tomorrow will wotk out to be more productive.... chop
  23. porkchop

    From: Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    keep crying then. up to you. ur 8s still going hit 126dbs anyways. fuck off