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well the thing is with 3 12's, is that i cant fit both subs and port up, its either subs up port forward or to the side. or subs forward and port up or side. Also i will not do a down fire. ive heard it working for some ppl but wouldn't do it myself. I also ran 2 15's in my truck, but i find these 12's more efficient on getting louder in my truck. I could do the same style set up, but i think the port config needs to be changed, or its to much port area. I think when both windows are down, to much pressure from the port goes out the window. The problem i had with the 2 6" aeros firing up is that i was limited on length, so i could only tune it to 36hz without building a really tall box. I thought about side firing, but not sure how that would sound.
took me a few min to figure out who you were lol. Yea, ive had a lot of people tell me what i should do, but i need some mini truck guys to maybe know whats up or something. When i had my 2 sa8's i had the box firing up, and it was meh, fired it towards the seat and made a night and day difference, but then again, the box was way under the window line with no where to load, so that could be why it was louder, but after that i always fired forward, plus more room to.
this isnt for scores, but for sound. it will sound good on a few songs, but once you throw some songs with more beats in it, it sound sloppy and like a$$
well ive built many boxes for my ext cab s10 over the past 2 years, and ive never really been happy with it. Right now im running 3 sa12's on a saz 3500. my box currently is 5.26cubes @ 31hz with 81.25 in2 of port, with subs firing forward, port up drivers side. The box i tried before this was subs forward, 2 6" aeros firing up @ 36hz. I liked the box with the aeros but wouldn't play the lows i wanted it to (but found out later after 2nd box my ssf needed to be turned down, so im not truly sure if it would play the lows i wanted it to or not. So my question is, is there anyone with experience with trucks like these, and what should i do next? i would like to reuse my 6" aeros if i could.
i think it has mostly to do with battery and amperage from alt. I have had my 3500 a long time, ive ran it with a single run of 0, and now 2 runs, but im getting worse voltage drop now with 2, but again ive done a few other changes, and i think the batteries are not as good. I think if you have a good alt, and 2 good batteries, you dont have much to worry about. Im running a 220 amp alt, with 3 batteries including under the hood, and 2 big batteries in the back, and get voltage drop from high 13's low 14's, down to 12's at idle and while driving mid 13's. If money is not a major issue, i would stick with the 180 amp alt, get 2 good batteries and look into a module to keep your alt charging in the high 14's or 15 volts. but thats my opinion edit : my bad, for some reason i thought you had a 180 amp alt, maybe it was someone else that posted, so scratch that from my response lol
yea mine hurts my electical, im all for above 14 volts so i hate when i see it droping in the 13's, and i have a 220 amp alt, and 3 batteries, 2 runs of + lol
Now get some vidz with the new amp!!!!!!!!! lol
really eh, a difference you could hear, or only see with a TL??
nice! thats a good idea with the pvc!, did you try a before and after with the pvc? whats the box tuned to?
specs on box? great score! also how much power was that on? Whats on the inside of the port? did you use that for better air flow? looks like a good idea!
thanks man! i like how we are keeping this thread going!, need some more s10 owners to post up some pics/vids!! all are welcome!
i like how you ran our 0/1, wish i did that with mine, i have a huge bulge with 2 runs going under the carpet lol
hmm weird, never heard of that, did you try with different tones? what were you peaking at?
yea i find sundown subs like twice the power
small update: got my saz 3500 back that i bought 2 years ago, gone through 2 sets of hands, but i sourced it back. Nice difference in power compared to the 2k. Def made the sa 12's come alive. so i just couldn't resist.... LOL @ 1:11