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Everything posted by worstenemy453

  1. worstenemy453

    SSA Brand Subs

    Well when people ask me what to buy for SQ i will recommend SSA.
  2. worstenemy453

    SSA Brand Subs

    Considering your post seems a little hostile im going to say now that i have never burped a sub and i have never had a box tuned above 38. My Warden was wired to a RD 3250 V.1 @ .5 ohms daily in my 89 F150 standard cab, i would like to have something to recommend people for SQ as i sell IA for Rio currently. My Warden handled that amp and for more than 4 or 5 hours a day and didnt sweat it. Its definatly not a SQ sub but it sounds good enough for my needs.
  3. worstenemy453

    Worstenemy Is Here

    Hey yall, im a member of caraudio.com and mwcaraudio.net and i hear a lot about the forum here, so needless to say, im here = )
  4. Thats something i wouldnt even worry about. I dont know of many people who fuse the big 3 wires, i know the wire from my alt to batt isnt fused.
  5. worstenemy453

    SSA Brand Subs

    I am just looking for over-all opinions, im into SPL and run a a Warden but i wanted to know something about them. They look pretty good.
  6. worstenemy453

    Incriminator DP 21

    Imma have to agree with this.
  7. worstenemy453

    2 21" Wardens

    I think its funny how that basket makes the motor look so small haha.
  8. worstenemy453

    4ohm vs 1 ohm ?

    Whether it is true or not would be nice to know but i have heard that a higher ohm load will be better than, say a 1 ohm load, because distortion comes in quicker and lower ohm loads. Any weight to this ??
  9. worstenemy453

    Exile 2400.1????

    Exile seems to make good products all around. I wouldnt mind messing with some of them.
  10. worstenemy453

    SSA Brand Subs

    Anyone ?
  11. worstenemy453

    2 21" Wardens

    I love my 12" Warden, They are some well made woofers.
  12. worstenemy453

    Sundown SA 12s or Lethal Injection 12s?

    They are both solid, under-rated and well built drivers, either way you would be extremely happy, both companies have top notch customer service as well.
  13. worstenemy453

    4 dd 1515 and ab 400.1

    In my opinion, you never have too much power for anything. You can put a Soundstream XXX 10K on those subs and itll be fine. The most important thing is to prevent clipping ( a dirty signal ) and to set your gains properly. If your gains are set properly then they'll be getting power they like.
  14. worstenemy453

    WTF happen to this???

    I dont know how you could not notice that if it had happened during shipping.
  15. worstenemy453

    Worstenemy Is Here

    Thanks yall, i actaully joined a while ago but stayed pretty low and now im going to get my posts up so i can try to sell my Warden and build another set of refs for my online trading that i do, plus help some people out if they need it.
  16. There is some good ideas floating in this thread. I like it.
  17. worstenemy453

    Worstenemy Is Here

    Yo yo.
  18. worstenemy453

    Sealed or ported?

    A little bit of everything, but mostly hard rock/metal. I honestly wouldnt know where to port for rock, maybe someone else can chime in on that but my 33hz was great on rock music when i had that system.
  19. worstenemy453

    WTF happen to this???

    Dang man, ive never seen anything like that.
  20. worstenemy453

    My Turbo G35 and Current Ride! ~~~~~~~~~

    I love that g35 but IMO she needs to be lowered a little bit. I love those rims on it, i usually dont like chrome on black but thats a nice combo.
  21. worstenemy453

    Which Speakers ??

    Look into Rainbow components
  22. worstenemy453

    will it be worth it?

    I think you would ntoice an improvement in sound quality in going to one of those amps but most of your improvement will come from going to a good quality box built for those subs.
  23. worstenemy453

    Sealed or ported?

    I would go with ported tuned to about 32 hz, What kind of music do you listen to ?
  24. worstenemy453

    US Congress will offer no extensions......

    Man, i hope something happens for you man. Thats tough to read.
  25. worstenemy453

    Project FrankenWagon

    This looks pretty sick. Cant wait to see a finished product.