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Everything posted by bigbirney420

  1. bigbirney420

    AA Havoc vs. Fi BL

    Havoc will be more similar to the Q, but quite a bit beefier. Havoc will have better SQ than the BL, and similar output
  2. bigbirney420

    T/S Parameter for AA Chaos 10

    I know they are similar to SSD, but not the same. Need Parameters or recommended ported box, size, tuning. Listen to a lot of Metal and Reggae. Each sub only getting 500 watts in the trunk of a Grand Prix
  3. bigbirney420

    Where to buy?

    i feel ya man im itching over here Brians out of town, be patient. Will be back in a few days
  4. bigbirney420

    Is on 4 inch Aero enough?

    I have a pair of AA Chaos 10's, in about 2.3 cubes net. I was wondering if one 4 inch Aero was enough. I may do dual 3 inch ports, but if I step up to 6 inch, it has to be longer than the box.
  5. bigbirney420

    Any beer snobs here?

    Im drunk now double post FTL
  6. bigbirney420

    Any beer snobs here?

    I cant do domestics after 3 freshman years. I love Guiness and the good Aussie beers like Caffreys, Boddingtons, and anything Boulevard or Sierra Nevada. Local Micros FTW.
  7. I am buying a Havoc 12 and starting over since my system just got stolen. I have 1100 watts and listen to everything from Rock to Reggae. It says I can use 1.2-2.5. I was looking at 2.0 cubes at 32hz. Anyone have any experience with better size/tuning for all around LSQ. Will something larger be noticeably more efficient. its going in trunk of Grand Prix so i can fit any size for single sub.
  8. bigbirney420

    Can the BL sound decent for daily

    I had a pair of Q 12's sealed and wasnt a fan. Loved one ported but had trouble selling single. I got good deal on a BL 10. Whats optimum tune for daily. I read 32hz. If I tune it to 30 would it be noticeable difference.
  9. bigbirney420

    US Acoustics

    I own the 2150. they are good amps, especially for the money. Not some of Zeds best stuff, earlier, i believe. Pre Autotek and Hi Fonics. Still has his stamp on the board and for that kind of money you cant beat it
  10. bigbirney420

    Amp model availablity

    By the time I sold my other amp the Gladius was gone. Damn! I did find a really clean US Acoustics by ZED to keep my mids happy until the new line emerges.
  11. bigbirney420

    When? RL-i8 back in stock

    I have been trying to get a pair of 8's since before the price hike, I should have sent an email 3 months ago
  12. bigbirney420

    Q 15 with or without BP

    thats my point 2 posts in here and not much help
  13. bigbirney420

    Q 15 with or without BP

    Ok I have read many posts and I think its something I will need. The Q cant take 2000w daily I dont think. I want to run my Autotek mm2000.1. If I buy the dual 1 and run in at 2 ohms the Q will get 1500 daily. I dont really compete, just little local shows. I think that much daily I should probably get the BP option just to be safe. Does it take away from SQ with the changes that are made? Am I better off selling my amp and buying something smaller?
  14. bigbirney420

    Q 15 with or without BP

    As soon as I get paid for replying here, I'll be sure to be more punctual. Won't happen again; sire. Not totally true... I wasnt specifically addressing you, I hope there is more than 1 person on this forum with any experience or knowledge. I am a member of many forums, and this one might just have less traffic. Or it could be that everyone comes here with questions and very few have the answers, thats why so many questions dont get addressed, and not just mine. Since you didnt add any beneficial input to it, you might as well not post in it
  15. I know its not recommmended, but I would like to buy one and run single sub setup sealed. At 4 cubes sealed with gain set conservatively can it take 1500 daily? My amp is 2000 at 1 ohm or 1500 at 2 ohms. I can get a dual 4 and run it at 1500 daily, if it will take it
  16. bigbirney420

    Q 15 with or without BP

    Few days to wait is ridiculous when 15-20 people look at it and read it without a reply, especially when there are multiple posts to every thread on the top and bottom of mine. I just figured the forum boner would have better information and help. Not to mention was trying to buy something this weekend so wanted a few questions answered beforehand.
  17. bigbirney420

    Q 15 with or without BP

    So much help on here, this is a great forum
  18. bigbirney420

    Box Specs for havoc 18

    Have 2000 watts, which may be a little much. What are the box specs for Havoc 18? Besides SSA where can they be bought?
  19. bigbirney420

    Looking at a pair of Q 10's

    wow lol, I swear I triple checked that it said pm- it seemed unreasonable to wait 2 minutes, but obviously I was wrong. If you're looking for sq just make sure you tune 32hz or lower. Most people say sq, but want a bit of a mixture between sq and spl. You should be happy with around 2ft net (give or take) and about 25-30sqin of port. No problem thanks for the replies. I have owned RLP, 2nd gen Mags, AA, DD, i figured I would test out the Q's for a while
  20. bigbirney420

    Looking at a pair of Q 10's

    I want to buy Q 10's. I am looking at ported box specs and there is a pretty wide range. I am looking for flat response and good SQ with a punch. I listen to metal and rap mostly depending on the day. They will each get 1000 watts in the trunk of Grand Prix. i was looking to do 28.75 sq inches of port for both, will that be enough, or will i benefit from upping it to 31.625
  21. bigbirney420

    Help, rlp 15 but no amp.

    Components I would look at DLS, or Rainbow SLC Kicks, many sets under 300. You could also look at Memphis Amps. MCD 1000 is what I had on my RLP 15. It should be perfect sealed. The sundowns are good as well.
  22. bigbirney420

    Looking at a pair of Q 10's

    Not necessarily flat, just not as peaked and boomy. Thats whay I thought if maybe on the smaller side for the box, under a cube net, with a tune of 28-30 would work. I am not a fan of sealed subs for car.
  23. bigbirney420

    Looking at a pair of Q 10's

    You waited less than 5 minutes between posts?! ....................... I doubt you'll tell a difference in 3 sq of port, but I'd go with the larger one if possible. The size of the port will very depending on the box you go with anyway, I'd just go right down the center of the recommendations- and if you aren't happy with that try again. It was actually 12 hours, as denoted by a.m. and p.m. after the numbers, but I did get a good reply.
  24. bigbirney420

    Looking at a pair of Q 10's

    So many great replies, or not, i guess i will not be buying FI
  25. bigbirney420

    2 RLP 12's sealed

    I have had RLP 15 Sealed and Ported, SI Mag 12 ported and 15 sealed. Now I have the DD 9512G. I think I am getting too old to hit 145 with single 12 in the trunk. I am wanting to go to 2 sealed RLP 12's in about 2.5 or 3 Rli 10's in about 2.2. I have 2000 watts to spare and I want great SQ with mean kick drum on Metal, but also the ability to get loud. Is this gonna do it? Am I better off wit 2 12's ported at 1.6 cubes each for just a little bigger box? I just want it crisp and loud if possible.