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Everything posted by SteamHammer

  1. SteamHammer

    zed minilith...

    So you ignore the VC crap yet Stephen stated it to be the issue and I've had another amp manufacturer (who also makes subs) point to it as a possible problem for an issue I was having. That tells me it is an issue that can effect an amp's performance. If the amp is 1ohm stable yet the subs go below rated impedence for too long, the amp is going to go into protection as it should. Not the amps fault.
  2. SteamHammer

    zed minilith...

    Some Dual 2ohms subs have VCs that are not quite 2 ohms thus when you bridge them, you dip below 1ohm. I've been told this can be real issue with subs that have cheaper VCs. The Minilith is rated for 1ohm and the problems were reported when the amp runs BELOW 1ohm. Dont see much of an issue. I had a 2ohm stable amp that was overheating and the first thing the tech support engy did was have my stick a DMM on my sub box to see if it was below 2ohms. I was then informed of issues with some VCs performing below rated impdences.