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Everything posted by iroc2nv

  1. Hey, i just got this amp. What are your feelings ? I am going to use it to power my subs. I already have a RF P400 powering my PG rsd 6.5 comps.
  2. What would be your suggestions ? I know the 251r is kinda cheap. It's in a sealed 1.5 cf box.
  3. iroc2nv


    Hey, i'm a newbie here on this forum, but i'm on other forums. Lookin to check this forum out.
  4. pioneer w251r, the JL e1400d puts out at 4 ohms: 320 watts x 1 chan. and the RF P400 puts out 100 watts RMS x 2 at 4 ohms
  5. Yea, just thought i would do that.