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Everything posted by Kawonu

  1. Bought from Jacob at Sundown a couple months ago. Used to power 2 Fi N2 15s. My vehicle threw a rod and the engine is shot. Need to sell. $1000 and I pick up shipping charges. Only 48 US states.
  2. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    $750 shipped for the SAZ4500
  3. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    Still for sale - dropped to $800 shipped on the 4500
  4. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    both BTLs sold. Still have the 4500
  5. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    One BTL sold. One left. 250 plus shipping
  6. Kawonu

    Aero Question

    I had two 6" aeros on a 15 Fi BL and was doing really well. Even hit a 146 at the headrest with it.
  7. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    850 shipped on the 4500 and 325 shipped on either of the BTLs. 100 shipped on the 3/0 and 1/0 cable. Any realistic offers?
  8. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    125.2 sold... Any offers on the 4500 or BTLs?
  9. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    $900 shipped on the 4500. $350 shipped on either BTL. $175 shipped on the 125.2. I will throw in the 3/0 cable with the 4500 if anyone wants it. Need to get this sold.
  10. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    $1500 plus shipping for the SAZ-4500 and both Fi BTLs
  11. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    bump - Any offers? I need to sell this stuff
  12. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    If you have a few group 31 batteries and know what you are doing yeah
  13. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    Birch box with 10" aero flanges. All thread supports bolted through. $150 plus shipping on the box. One sub is the original N2 which were still silver baskets. It has been reconed. $400 plus shipping on that one. The newer one is still all original and the black basket. $450 plus shipping on that one. $800 for both plus shipping. Still have original boxes.
  14. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    I have two FI BTL N2s as well. I will take pictures and post after work today.
  15. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    Sundown 125.2 - $200 plus shipping 3/0 welding cable - main run is 13'2" both ends terminated with T&B terinals. I have extra small runs used with the SAZ4500 that are terminated at one end. I have one run about 6' terminated at both ends for the HO alt. The green is 1/0 cable and is about the same length. $100 shipped for the 3/0 Kenwood KDC 396 head unit - $80 shipped
  16. Kawonu

    F/S SAZ4500D & sax125.2 & welding cable

    Also have a Sundown 125.2 to go with this...If anyone is interested
  17. Kawonu

    Recommended fastners for the 18" N3?

    http://www.amazon.com/Threaded-Threads-Hardness-Tensile-Strength/dp/B002KT43MU/ref=pd_sim_indust_6 I use these and have no problems. I used to use the T-nuts but they were a pain if you took subs in and out changing things up.
  18. Kawonu

    Car Audio PROBLEM!!

    x2 anything that will cause higher resistance. Loose connections are typical for this especially with the fuse not blowing.