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Everything posted by crazyman54783

  1. crazyman54783

    BMW E36 BASS Help!!!

    Hello guys, So I need some help with understanding what is going on with my trunk. I had a bmw sedan E36 style, 2X 12" Qs and a RF T15001d... I open the trunk the subs are not distorting what so ever at 3/4vol on the head unit after DMM the amp to the recommended RMS value, But i close the trunk and it sounds like complete hell in the car. Its like the bass is trapped in the trunk? Do you guys think i should make a new deck out of wood with huge holes in it, and cut the metal one out so that I can get some pressure loss in the trunk, so that the pressure will go into the cab? Also the box is at 4 cuin @ 32.5 hz, "thats all i could fit in the trunk, theres not alot of room in there". I tried to get pic uploaded but the pc is being stupid. Any help in the matter would be great. Thanks guys. BTW I cut a huge hole already cut a huge hole for the box to fit behind the seat, and i dont have a ski hole.
  2. crazyman54783

    Cold weather on New Subs?

    Hello Guys/Gals, I was wondering if cold weather will damage a sub? Do I need to keep it down till warmer weather, or can i just let them wang? I live in northern Indiana and its currently in the teens here, so stuff gets brittle... Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. crazyman54783

    Inside FI Facility

    I have been looking around and I was curious to see some pictures inside the FI facility? Scott or Nick do you have any cool pics of the place? I think it would be cool to see it.
  4. crazyman54783

    BMW E36 BASS Help!!!

    http://tinypic.com/r/241tkwn/7 http://tinypic.com/r/209od37/7 http://tinypic.com/r/20huaur/7
  5. crazyman54783

    From: BMW E36 BASS Help!!!

    I will try to take some pictures tonight and post them so that you can better understand what my trunk looks like.
  6. crazyman54783

    BMW E36 BASS Help!!!

    ///M5, Do you think my box is to big for the trunk? Is this possible?
  7. crazyman54783

    BMW E36 BASS Help!!!

    Ya i have around a 15" tall by 34" opening from the trunk to the back seat.. once i put the back seat in it just seems to trap the pressure inside the trunk. Thats why I was wondering if i should just blow some big holes in the deck and make a new deck out of wood and carpet it with speaker carpet, " the almost see through kind so that sound can freely go through".
  8. crazyman54783

    BMW E36 BASS Help!!!

    Ya i wish it had the fold down seat option but it doesn't. mine is one of the rare ones that doesnt have the ski or fold down seats. I put the subs right about 4-1/2" from the back of the car firing back.
  9. crazyman54783

    BMW E36 BASS Help!!!

    I cant show you the pictures but the rear firewall is pretty much non existent any more I completly cut it out to fit the box in there.
  10. crazyman54783

    Cold weather on New Subs?

    thanks guys, i couldnt make it to the chat last night... i was installing subs ... they are just awesome! Thanks for the input.
  11. crazyman54783

    Sub Damage from UPS!

    I know I cant wait till they come to the americas again... its been to long..
  12. crazyman54783

    Sub Damage from UPS!

    So back on 12/7 i received my two 12" Qs and one of them was damaged from UPS! Called up Fi and Scott answered the phone. He told me to just set the damaged sub outside for next day pick up and he would start making a new one. All I have to say is wow, because Fi has already shipped the new sub to me and its only been two days. Thanks Fi your customer service ROCKS!!
  13. crazyman54783

    Sub Damage from UPS!

    Yeah I put just the one to 2ohms right now in a sealed box. its pretty amazing. The detail is awesome. You can here little things that i couldn't with my last subs. I mainly listen to metal/rock, opeth style bands and ya these subs are just amazing. Cant wait till I have everything put it. I have a build log i will post after completion.
  14. crazyman54783

    Sub Damage from UPS!

    UPS dropped it and the basket broke on two of the legs.
  15. crazyman54783

    Inside FI Facility

    Sorry guys I coundn't contain myself I Just got confirmation that my to Qs are IN TRANSIT WOO HOOO !! man that was fast only 2 days... only a year of waiting... finally the ol lady let me get them. thanks FI.
  16. crazyman54783

    Inside FI Facility

    12000 AMPS !!! wow..
  17. crazyman54783

    Inside FI Facility

    I've allways wanted to know how they charged them and when. Thanks never knew that.
  18. crazyman54783

    Inside FI Facility

    Sweet ill have to do some digging around i would like to see it. Man i would hate to drop a magnet on the floor then it would be a nightmare...
  19. crazyman54783

    Inside FI Facility

    HAHA! would't most of the chips be in the CNC machines? then they spit them out into a hopper don't they?
  20. crazyman54783

    Inside FI Facility

    Yeah with all the 4 axis machines, I wonder if its spotless in there.
  21. crazyman54783

    Black FiDay....

    im so excited i finnally after a year of bugging my wife i got the green light wooo hoooooo!!!
  22. crazyman54783

    Black FiDay....

    hey scott could you either email or call me if you have time. I just put in an order and kinda screwed it up. I need your advise thanks. Oh by the way sorry the email address that i send you was [email protected], i sent it to sales@ficaraudio