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Everything posted by Fonzi

  1. Fonzi


    For HF bx1205d 900@2ohm. Plus you got a 1200 watt amp if you ever want to get a big dual 2 guy. Id personally suggest a Memphis 1000d or 1500d. But thats just me and I love memphis amps.
  2. Fonzi

    An intellectual thread

    Lets pose the question do people act in a just manner due to fear? The laws that we have created have put many innocent people in a place they do not belong. People have died on death row that never committed a crime, Rodney King did not deserve what happened to him. It is unjustice brought down upon us by the people we hold with regard to uphold our justice. A woman was once raped and before the rapist commiteed the sexual act of raping her, the woman asked him to use a condom because of her menstration time arriving. When this was taken to a court of law it was considered consentual because of her asking for the use of the condom. He was unjust, she was trying to make a just action of not having a rapists kids but alas her just deed was not appropriately awarded and his unjust act got him nothing but a insult to his own character.
  3. Fonzi

    An intellectual thread

    In order to define such a wrongful act you must first define what is "right" and what is "wrong". And lets not say the law is right and wrong, because in some eyes law is nothing more than the advantage of the stonger. Or in some cases it is nothing more then pure oddities, lets take the madman example: A madman is weilding a knife and you dont know his intent and you want to remove the knife from him, but you cant because it is his property and if you do you are breaking a law. So are you righting a wrong by taking the knife from a possible killer, or are you doing the wrong for taking his property? How do you think our common justice system of today would look at such a situation? As to seperation of the two powered bodies. Injustice is going to be created whether the two bodies are unified or not. But what if the people that uphold our "law" were not swayed by any form of political tieing, what if they where there to stickly uphold the law, and in their eyes they saw no color or no sex, or even worse no money. A good example I can give here is based loosely on a true story, lets take the movie "Man on Fire". Though this is in a different country if the law was seperate from their political system there may not be such cooperation in such hanus crimes, and unfortunatly that was all driven by money. A purely independant justice system would be able to take care of such powerful political figures that participate in such chaotic behavior upon the citizens of their country. Tell me if you think im going to far off track.
  4. Fonzi

    Memphis 15-MC104D

    Thats good to hear, the kid that got one from me is going to be givng it a 130watts from some real low-end alpine amp. His is in a Q logic box thats around .75 cubes sealed.
  5. Fonzi

    Drawing on the cone

    Yeah ive watched your vid quite a few times along with the other ones that are posted there. Ill probably send one to them tomorrow. The specs for both the RL-p and the IDMAX state 24.6mm of xmax. I just wanna see my Rl-p jump like that, minues the surround ripples those are kind of awkward.
  6. Fonzi

    Drawing on the cone

    haha yeah thats true about the box. But if you get time take a look at the IDMAX vids, those things freakin move! I think tomorrow im gonna finally turn the gains up and set them with the volt meter and ill take a Vid of them bithes jumping. Which will most likly be marginal with my cannon power shot A75.
  7. Fonzi

    Memphis 15-MC104D

    I bought one off of ebay for 80 shipped for the kid who lives across the hall for me. I wasnt able to hear it because i left to return home. BUT im sure it was a vast improve ment over his "Baja"(whatever the hell that is) 10.
  8. Fonzi

    Drawing on the cone

    Id like to think that but watching the video some more im not sure...
  9. Fonzi

    Changing the moving mass

    Yeah that could work but it does it with minimal volume, as soon as hte midbass gets moving it will do it. Squeak that seems like it would work but alas ive never heard of anyone doing that before. Im not sure how hot leads get but I wouldnt want it to melt the adhesive, and get inside the wire strands causing to not recieve any current.
  10. I got the CDT's 62 comps and one of the woofers has some tinsel lead slap. I was going to put some small feltish sort of pads on there to prevent this. Do you think it would affect the woofer to the point where it would change the drivers ability to to play?
  11. Fonzi

    Changing the moving mass

    Im not sure if its hiting the spider or the cone. Im going to suppose its the cone just due t the noise it makes. It sounds like somehting rattling on the inside of the dustcap and its definitly noticeable when its playing. Also when the speaker is sittong on the magnet firing upwards you wont hear it which is another reason why I think it might be the cone its hitting.
  12. Fonzi

    Drawing on the cone

    Yo Jelly, I was wathcing your vids on realofexcursion and it dosnt seem like the rl-p's jump as much as the specs say they do. Rl-p says it has 24.6 which is the same as the IDMAX and when you watch the IDMAX vids they are moving like crazy. Did you not have them turned up that much?
  13. Fonzi

    Drawing on the cone

    I dont know what Im going to have him draw. Ive got these Ideas. I was thinking a huge Soundsplinter logo and 2 guys haveing a gun fight on each side of the X, I just thought of that and it will probably be scrapped. He grew up southern baptist and I was thinking of having him do a gothic picture of Kain and Able He also has an amazing painting of a Ying Yang that is rather large and colorful. Basically its like a 1400's renisance gothic look on the dark side, all black and white with grays and shading. The light side is a colorful orange and blue painting, best way I can describe the light side, is it kind of looks like World Industries logos.
  14. Fonzi

    Drawing on the cone

    How would it do that? By the slight extra weight on the cone?
  15. Fonzi

    new memphis mojo max sub

    Look at the basket the brackets are M's. Its cute. I don't care what color my subs are as long as they perform.
  16. Fonzi

    My Rl-p

    Completely understandable when I had my SUV's I did the same exact thing. But now my hearing is damaged, and as Mitch Hedberg would say "thats not cool" But I do plan on getting a late 80's S-10 Blazer to make a SPL truck with. Just to have not to drive really.
  17. Fonzi

    My Rl-p

    Get it yesterday and its seen about 3 hours of play time and its working great. Very basic looking which I like, BUT I also didnt know you could get chit put on the cone. its in 2.5cubes gross, 2.3ish net. Box sounds good, I like big sealeds, definitly muddy on some songs. Woofer is working great im not pushing it hard right now but ill open it up in another few weeks. So far its a good woofer. I'm anticipating opening it in up a few weeks to justlfy the 300 dollar price tag, also at which time I will have tried it out in a ported box so I can make that comparasion. With that Im off to do some more tuning, and crank Guns N Roses. And im going to eat a Rochester Garbage plate, I know Njcc is jealous.
  18. Fonzi

    kicks sounding hollow

    The only time I've seen ported kicks was in a kicker SQ car. The kicks were ported with a toilet paper roll he said. Said he could change the tuning by adding or removing some of the length of the roll. Makes sense.
  19. Fonzi

    My Rl-p

    98 Camry, Centered firing at hatch, approx ~500 watts. there was definitly an increase in output, I shouldn't have said minimal because it was quite apparent. But I dont go around listening to my stereo that loud all the time either, so the sealed was fine with me
  20. Fonzi

    My Rl-p

    For me the audiable DB difference was minimal, it did get louder but it did sound like crap too. The large sealed is doing everything I like and more.
  21. Fonzi

    My Rl-p

    UPDATE: This is a phenominal woofer hands down, Accurate and low only begin to touch on what this woofer can do. It also has a very unique sound that I really like. Tried a ported box that was way to large for the woofer, 3.5 net @32hz, didnt like it at all. Gave that all of about 2 hours in my car before I switched it out for the large sealed. I am interested to see how this sounds ina a smaller ported tuned lower 2.5 net @~28hz. Slugged the large sealed and woofer became more responsive to note changes and took away some of the "boomieness", it was nice but not what I was looking for. Overall I do like my large sealed the most, Ive been able to tune most of the muddieness out of the system, so Im happy as a pig in chit with it. Amp is now turned up about half way with just a hair of bass boost being used. This is the first metal coned woofer that I've used and I'm not sure if that has something to do with the perticular sound but whatever it is I like it. Chinny: The logitech sub is glued in there, you just have to break the seal.
  22. Fonzi

    Woofer tester?/

    That looks really cool. I wonder how accurate it is though.
  23. Fonzi

    Need a partner in crime

    Just get the big belle and satisify everything in one shot
  24. Fonzi

    Cheap 10

    My buddy called me today and is coming over tomorrow and wants a 10 for under 100 bucks. Its late, 1"20 A.M., and I dont really have alot of time to look around, I was thinking a Kicker CompVR or a RE RE. Anyone else have anything else that fits the bill, cheaper the better. Probably is seeing no more than 150 watts, and has approx. .75cuft sealed box.
  25. Fonzi

    Cheap 10

    He decided to go with a Memphis M Class 10. The wiring was more than what he wanted to deal with and I wont be around to do it for him. Sorry man, but thanks for the offer, Im sure you'll beable to sell it quick. It was the sub that he wanted but didnt want to do the work for it.