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Everything posted by Fonzi

  1. Fonzi

    Pricing a Blown Amp

    I sent it to united radio and they wanted like 200+ , and it was the power supply that went on mine I think.
  2. Fonzi

    Pricing a Blown Amp

    yes he is and hes incredibly annoying
  3. Fonzi

    2 15's or 1 18

    Yeah I hear ya on the battle for space. Why not just tune higher and make a port plugg for lower daily?
  4. Fonzi

    Anyone have some good links for

    onlinecarstereo.com speedsound.com woofersetc.com cbrstereo.com acaraudio.com
  5. Fonzi

    2 15's or 1 18

    Why not 2 18's
  6. Fonzi

    New, lighter system

    If your trying to cut back why dont you try a big 5 channel. Such as the big belle only 115x2 when bridging the front channels. and ~550 watts on the sub channel if you run it at 2ohms. Im not sure if that amp would break the USACi regulations though because I dont know what they are at all.
  7. Fonzi


    What is the RMS and the Xmax on the 15's and are they all d2's? This may have been posted somehwere else but i havent dug through all old posts.
  8. Fonzi

    Memphis 15-MC104D

    I just talked to the kid that got one form me and hes lovin it I guess. Louder, cleaner and more responsive than his last woofer.
  9. Fonzi

    Happy B-day Denim

    Happy Birthday Man!!
  10. Fonzi

    Drawing on the cone

    I just put a video up on realmofexcursion of the 15 in its large sealed box.Check it out
  11. Fonzi

    This thread disturbs me

    http://forums.caraudio.com/vb/showthread.php?t=101468 I know there is alot of older people here. Im not the idiot in this thread I know I'm not. I just hate to think that this hobby that I truely love attracts these kinds of people...and lots of them too!!!
  12. Fonzi

    An intellectual thread

    Ill get to this tomorrow my mind is shot...lol
  13. Fonzi

    An intellectual thread

    Lets pose a common question that was once asked by Socrates to many men. What is Justice? Should there be seperation of state and authoritive bodies because of unified actions to create injustice upon certain individuals? You can take this to any level you want to, if no one else replies, I will at the least. Lets try not to be stupid here either. I can be the orator if need be in this conversation too.
  14. Fonzi

    This thread disturbs me

    Eff amazing post well needed too. It was gettin rugged in there for a while, I was runnin out of ammo
  15. Fonzi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You have definitly seen it all, all my west coast experience comes from Denver lol.
  16. Fonzi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    13's and real wide mang!
  17. Fonzi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A black viper sold on ebay just recently with that setup black paint, black rims, chrome lip on them. Now how about red cars with gold rims!!! lol
  18. Fonzi

    This thread disturbs me

    Thank You!!!
  19. Fonzi

    This thread disturbs me

    I think most of those kids need to look behind them because at this very moment someone is out to get them Very retarded thread, I think its just CA.com, I dont know though. I had to fight with them though, it was gonna be to easy to make them look like fools. Well I guess thats how I saw it, most of them viewed me as the fool.
  20. Fonzi

    An intellectual thread

    Im not that mean BUT here is a supporting argument for that, which I do believe is true "imagine that a just man is given a ring which makes him invisible. Once in possession of this ring, the man can act unjustly with no fear of reprisal. No one can deny, Glaucon claims, that even the most just man would behave unjustly if he had this ring. He would indulge all of his materialistic, power-hungry, and erotically lustful urges. This tale proves that people are only just because they are afraid of punishment for injustice. No one is just because justice is desirable in itself." I believe that people are not always just by nature, but you may hold some moralistic values or one maybe true to themselves. I also agree with people act justly due to fear of the authoritive body, even though at all times they may not want to. I also believe there is a line where people will ignore justice or just causes due to primalistic nature. Such as the case of someone murdering ones wife, ones pain and haterd is so great that they dont care about the concequenes of their unjust actions, because at this point they do what they feel is right or what maybe moral to oneself.
  21. Fonzi

    This thread disturbs me

    I do too, but Id rather spread happieness than hatred. But then again im an avid person of thinking outside the box, and everyone in that thread were huddled together in the center of that box.
  22. Fonzi

    This thread disturbs me

    Well I was hoping that at least a few people that might have ran across the thread were also bothered by the pure hatred that was pouring out of these kids. What can you do, it is CA.com
  23. Fonzi

    An intellectual thread

    "They view justice as a necessary evil, which we allow ourselves to suffer in order to avoid the greater evil that would befall us if we did away with it. Justice stems from human weakness and vulnerability. Since we can all suffer from each other
  24. Fonzi

    This thread disturbs me

    Unfortunatly I just realized most of those people probably come here too. Whatever I'll hold the fukin fort down on 2 forums.
  25. Fonzi

    Kicker Amplifer Dampening Factor Figures

    My 700.5 has a 174 on the sub channel!!