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About kraz3one

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    Sounds, 4x4, dogs, hiking
  1. kraz3one


    I got a reply on the double charge but nothing after that. It was about a few weeks ago. Still no refund most places takes 5-10 business days getting my money back. Just want to know the update on that id be pretty disgruntled if two subs came in the mail. I understand these subs take a while to receive no complaints there. My friend who refer me have quite a few of fi's.
  2. kraz3one


    Do fi ever answer their emails? I never got my refund on a double order. No updates on my sub.
  3. kraz3one

    100.4 blowing fuses

    Alright jst wondering if anyone else exprience this. I have a sundown 100.4 and as soon as you put a fuse in it, it'll blow as I was driving I heard a loud screech guessing that's when it went out. Internals looks clean, all in/out put was d/c and still having this issue ground was checked. Have a 1500d and that amp is fine. Its probably internal just curious if its rare thing.
  4. Yeah only reason I wanted the yellowtop because I could get it local for 209.99 15% mil discount but they charge a 20 fee if I wanted to keep my core. So a few bucks more for a better battery. Just didn't know much about the fella..
  5. Haha im too lazy to get on the computer.. don't know didn't pay much attention to him, but it worries you after a while. It was a shop here in ar think they went under last couple months tho. Haven't seen their cl ads in a good while. Last part of the post I think ill go with the 1400 for under the hood. Ill try to proof read but everytime I click off keyboard there's a big menu bar in my way.
  6. Someone told me it could mess up the battery if ground are in same spot.. I just did anyways.. don't know why I took power out guess ill Installed it back. Im looming. T the 1400..
  7. Aaother question big 3 is it alright that I left the stock connections in? For ground atleast.
  8. Gotta love em batteries.. but its time for something else any suggestions on a good under the hood battery. I've been looking at xs and optima not to impress with yellow tops.
  9. kraz3one

    Looking for a new TV

    Vizio is a top brand in led right now and they build high qaulity units. Their 55 inch out rank samsung, sony, and panasonic, lg on a lot of review websites. I've own lg lcd and my 42" vizio is probably the best to date conssdering its was 600 less. You can scoop up a 40inh vizio for cheap. Led at that. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_SP101A9400S4135991101?sid=IDx20101019x00001a&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=SPM2266716101
  10. kraz3one

    Sealed Fi Qs?

    Mine is in a seal box and I love the way it hits lows and sounds.
  11. kraz3one


    I pay 30+ dollars to get things sent to me faster instead of waiting that 5-7 days just because I get anxious over the little projects around the house or in my car. An extra 12$ to get it 2weeks earlier isn't a big deal, If you got the one on ebay can I see a link? I think I saw it and didn't like it though.
  12. kraz3one

    fi 12" Q

    how much will shippping be? Rough quote is $50. UPS has had rate increases every week for the last month due to the hike in fuel prices so it's hard to say how long that $50 estimate will be good for. Andrew Andrew and I were checking the UPS site for shipping pricing on my enclosure, got one price one minute, and another five minutes later. I know how that is I use to sell a lot of things on ebay.
  13. kraz3one

    fi 12" Q

    I notice your 408 number where in the 408 are you from I moved all over the norcal area, I'll be visiting in august maybe you can ship to 209 or I can pick up. Ill do the 38.75 take your time with the build since it'll be a while just keep me updated.
  14. kraz3one

    fi 12" Q

    how much will shippping be?
  15. kraz3one


    Thanks I like that extra room for other gauges =]