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Lucky 76

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Everything posted by Lucky 76

  1. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Does that mean it was supposed to be shifted over 3/4" or does that mean that I was supposed to just add another strip ontop of the double baffle?
  2. Lucky 76

    I Have a XXXXXXX watt sytem. What battery do I need?

    Where is the guide lol?
  3. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    I think you misunderstood what I wrote. If you look at the pictures I took you can see that the top baffle is actually a double baffle and the bottom baffle is a single baffle. I did not attach the slits yet. Is this fine if the top baffle is double? It should not matter correct? The subs still have adequate room if you look at the pictures.
  4. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    So Josh was looking through the schematic and noticed that we might have screwed up the port. The way we did it was a double baffle on top and single baffle on the bottom. We have not attached the port plug holder yet. Is this correct or was the port itself supposed to be a complete single baffle and the port plug holder considered the second layer? If we are wrong, how much could the double top layer baffle effect the output?
  5. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Sean, I told you they make 1" threaded rod right? mcmaster-carr sells 2" threaded rod That is highly unnecessary lol. I don't even want to know the tinsel strength on that lol.
  6. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Sean, I told you they make 1" threaded rod right?
  7. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Still no sound =(
  8. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    I don't know what your talking about. This is a suspense film
  9. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
  10. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    He finally found out what I was doing. I couldn't deny it when he walked into the garage and saw me putting the subs in right behind the front seat ahahaha. My family is disgusted with me.
  11. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Still haven't gotten them hooked up ahahah. Waiting to finish the box so hopefully this weekend we will have everything installed =)
  12. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Great news. I will wait to buy then =)
  13. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    There will be sound hopefully next week. The bracing was a bitch to do and ended up taking the entire weekend. I will post pics of the bracing by tomorrow. The finished product will not be done until around May when I get my tax refund. It will work but it will not be completely sealed off by then nor will it be hurculined by then. I have no money. That is what happens in college.
  14. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Ya man sounds good! Hopefully it is done by then with school and what not.
  15. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    I love that picture , i'll have to get you up on the rides pages soon... Don't forget about the team page
  16. Lucky 76

    Trunck car + SAE-1200= 148.11db

    Was that 151.4 with the same setup?!?!!?
  17. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    We plan on hooking them up next week
  18. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Alright thanks guys!
  19. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Aaron do you know where that topic is listed? I can't seem to find it.
  20. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    lol dust ftw!!! it is coming along very nicely!! I how the blue looks!! and i was always under the impression that you have to round the sharp corners of your port off to prevent port rattle and make it easier for the air to flow... Which corners? Like the back or every single corner of the port?
  21. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    And ya I figured I would go heavy with the spl dust so I can hit a 200 db
  22. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    What will rounding the port corners do? Or are you just asking for cosmetic purposes only.