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Lucky 76

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Everything posted by Lucky 76

  1. My question has to do with the bypass. If I were to bypass by grounding the parking brake sensor will my rear view camera work? If so which wire am I supposed to splice on to under the dash? I do not need the color wire although that would be helpful but which wire am I supposed to be looking for?
  2. Lucky 76


    If my calculations are correct you want to spend around $250 USD. If you were to buy any of those speakers and run them off the h/u they would sound not only like ass but would most likely blow sooner than later. This would hold true to any speaker you run on your head unit. If you run off the high levels like you are doing the signal clips very early (usually around 3/4 volume and if loudness or equalizers are turned on a lot sooner). This clipped signal causes your speakers to sound like ass and break them. If you were to buy an amp this would eliminate this problem. You do not need those expensive speakers even though they are nice. These setups I am about to list to you not only cost the same but would sound A LOT better than if you were to run any speaker of head unit power. If you wanted to stay within your budget you could do something like this: http://www.woofersetc.com/p3949/ZX1502--Kicker-2-Ch-150-Watt-ZX-Series-Amplifier.htm http://www.woofersetc.com/p6952/RSD65cs--Phoenix-Gold-65"-Component-Speaker-System.htm Or if you wanted to spend a little more money you could do the same setup my friend is doing: http://www.woofersetc.com/p5207/CLS60A--CDT-Audio-Classic-65"-2Way-Component-Speakers.htm With the Sundown SAX120.2 If that amp is too much this one does work and puts out a little more than rated - http://www.woofersetc.com/p2432/16PR2002--Memphis-280-Watt-2-Channel-Power-Reference-Amplifier.htm
  3. Lucky 76

    Which provides more power linking or individual?

    I think I am going to get dual 2 ohm that way I can run each at 1 ohm and they will be easier to sell when I want to get rid of them.
  4. I purchased 4 saz1500 amps. I have not purchased my subs yet. Would it be better to run an amp to each sub individually or link 2 amps together and run them to 2 subs each? I planned on buying a mlx-100 so signal loss will not be a problem.
  5. Lucky 76

    Which provides more power linking or individual?

    4. I havent ordered them yet that is why I am wondering if I should go strapped or unstrapped.
  6. Lucky 76


    Yes and with the orange tip on the arisoft gun photoshopped out lol.
  7. Lucky 76


    If you guys made a regular t-shirt I would buy one right away lol. My beer pong poster is getting old. I need an ssa poster immediately.
  8. Lucky 76


    I'm thinking as of now it is not worth it. I need as much money as I can get so I will just gain match for now. I apologize for my response as far as grammar goes. Last night was a struggle lol.
  9. Has anyone ever used this product? I have 4 saz1500s and wanted to buy this so all the outputs are the same. Would this be a good alternative instead of having to buy 100 y adapters? Is there any other options?
  10. Lucky 76


    it's doubtful lol ... i'll be able to tune them ... then again i am hammered right now so i am probably spakeing out out my ass ... give me till tommorrow to respond to this. .. back at college lol UCONN!!!1
  11. Lucky 76


    So just tune them to the matching voltage and I will be fine. There will be no time delay. It beats spending 90 bucks on something that takes an extra half hour to tune.
  12. Lucky 76


    Well my 3sixty.2 is also a 5 volt line driver. If I use just y adapters will that be fine? Will there be any signal delay among the amps if I run each individually and use y adapters? The 3sixty.2 also have a level control.
  13. Lucky 76


    ok and it will work if I wanted run each of my 4 amps independently at the same output (all saz1500s)
  14. Lucky 76

    Which provides more power linking or individual?

    Also if I were to run individual would the mlx-100 be worth while?
  15. Lucky 76

    Which provides more power linking or individual?

    Which would be more efficient then? I would imagine individual correct?
  16. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    It's only legendary in the Watertown area. Nowhere else.
  17. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    alright thanks!!!!
  18. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    How many yards are we talking here then lol. Like double what you bought?
  19. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    How much fabric should I buy as far as yards go to cover my vehichle. Is there a certain type or just the cheapest I can find.
  20. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    I am not sure what strips I should be looking at then. Should I get the ribbons for the narrow angle and then silicon or the flexible led strips for the dispersed? How much of each would you get?
  21. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    My main concern is the port. What do you suggest to make it shine out a great amount and how many?
  22. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Nvm. I found my answer. I need two in each cupholder.
  23. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Like I want my cupholders to glow like this with a waterbottle in it http://www.oznium.com/prewired-superflux/action
  24. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    I am just wondering if there would be adequate lighting for where they are going. Like will there be enough light glowing out of the cupholders to make a water bottle glow with just one superflux? For the port what do you suggest I do as far as leds go and positioning. I want them to be as bright as possible. Thanks
  25. Lucky 76

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Shawn, what do you think as far as my leds go? Is that good the way I have it setup or should I use other forms of the leds in certain spots?